Boxing is a Business, We Fans Tend To Lose Sight Of That.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by CST80, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. moparfan

    moparfan ESB's glass jawed fraud Full Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    Its all about SUPPLY and DEMAND, and the Promoters honor that per se.

    Weird example, if there is a hot new toy out for the Holiday season, many stores will carry that product. And some company will come along and make or promote a weaker version of that product and sell it for a cheaper price. The consumer sees it as saving money for basically the same product.

    And that's exactly what Promoters do. They advertise the Product (IE: boxer) as something special and the consumer falls victim to the Promoters ruse. When in reality we get the weaker, lesser version of what we expect. Then when that product is broke (IE: Boxer KO'd or loses), the Promoter then advertises the New-And-Improved MUST HAVE Product that's going to rejuventate boxing.

    And sadly, we as consumers once again buy the hype of the weaker Product instead of keeping our money and only buying the Top of the line Product and not the generic one the Promoter is selling.

    Promoters also use the old Bait-and-Switch tactic. They promise us, the consumers, a mega fight then when we get ready for the mega fight, we are given a different fight at a lower price.....but hey, we're saving money, so that's a good thing in the Promoter's eyes. :patsch
  2. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Very good point:good, I was going to do a long thread like this but didn't feel like putting in the effort at the moment. Everything in this country is business minded unfortunately, now even peoples lives are considered "brands" as in you'll commonly hear "how is this going to enhance my brand?" or they want to sell a certain "narrative" as far as the news goes. Its a sad reality that everything the we are is becoming a marketable business model, sadly.
  3. illwill007

    illwill007 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Good thread topic. It sucks as a fan, but capitalism rules everything.

    I think that the fans are tuning out though at least for the ppv fights. Far fewer fans bought the Mayweather fights or the Pacquiao fight in November. As consumers, we can change things collectively, and I think we are. We are demanding better fights.

    Showtime and HBO want to make money, and they can't do that by paying Mayweather and Pacquiao fortunes to fight no hopers. We've proven that we are not going to watch anymore. Even the casual boxing fan's interest is waning, and the All Access and 24/7 shows aren't really helping.
  4. antonio plaisir

    antonio plaisir the detonator Full Member

    Nov 30, 2012
    fast car's card last weekend was all about revenue generation as opposed to providing entertainment. ideally both bases are covered, but make no mistake if the former continues to take such precedence over the latter, both will suffer.
  5. Stovepipe

    Stovepipe Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 1, 2007
    ***** taking weak subliminal shots at Pac......:hi:

    SOUTHERMOST Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    XXI century boxing, how to defend boxers who are hidden behind their promoters in the name of business. They lost my respect when they say "is up to my promoter" we as boxing fans must defend our right and boycott lousy PPV events as the one last week in Macau.
  7. bandeedo

    bandeedo VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    the whole thing is super simple to understand. promoters sell ****ty fights because you buy ****ty fights. what do you think would happen if floyd and pac decided not to fight each other and their next ppv's sold 50k?
  8. bandeedo

    bandeedo VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    who gives a fvck you frickin tapeworm. get out of floyds rectum already.

    SOUTHERMOST Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    My two cents also Floyd controls his destiny nobody is above him keeping most of the money very smart for people who criticize
  10. Manfred

    Manfred Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    May 22, 2011
    You wrote a disclaimer but all your statements reek with your personal opinions.
  11. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    I wrote a disclaimer because I don't necessarily like it that Boxing is a business, I'm not defending it but attempting to explain it and put myself into the mindset of the fighters and promoters.
    I'd love see Cotto be beaten by GGG, GGG fight Froch, Manny fight Floyd, etc.
  12. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    3 years and a thousand threads later, not bad for my first attempt at an article right?
    Beouche, Serge and pablinov like this.
  13. slender4

    slender4 Boxing Junkie banned Full Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    LOL, the post is, well, just a bit biased there, Cistatey, but I get the underlying point, and it is accurate.
    CST80 likes this.
  14. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Hey, I knew this thread wouldn't be well received by many posters, so I had to compensate for my logical common sense approach with my typical biased bashing of fighters I don't like. It gets the point through to many that wouldn't listen, and keeps me from looking like a sellout in the process.:deal::D
  15. Ukansodoff

    Ukansodoff Deontay plz stop ducking Joshua. Thank you. Full Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    I never saw this the 1st time around. CST you are spot on. Boxing is a business as much as it is a sport and the business men are the promoters and the WB,s and IB,s, the fighters are just the product they are selling. We dont care about all that we just want the best fights to be made all the time but we have to accept the business men are going to be working out what is worth what to them in the short term and long term.
    CST80 likes this.