Anyone Else Seen The footage Of What GGG Did After Storming Out of The ring??

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Sephiroth Rising 7, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. Sephiroth Rising 7

    Sephiroth Rising 7 'No tears please!' banned Full Member

    Sep 27, 2016
    There is video of him pacing up and down in his changing room, brewing with rage, shaking his head in utter disbelief in getting robbed once again.

    He sits back down on his chair with his blue and gold robe on with his hood overshadowing his face looking towards the floor before he notices up on his monitor to see Canelo still in the ring with Max Kellerman being interviewed with Canelo smugly smiling about his false victory.

    GGG arises up off his chair stand up and storms down the hallway to find where Canelo's changing room. As GGG passes through bystanders and Security who all leave a passing '' unlucky ggg'' comment as he walks past, which only infuriates him even further. Eventually he finds Canelo's dressing room and bangs the door down wide open with his shoulder.

    Canelo's father approaches the entrance to which ggg then asks to no one in particular 'where the hell is canelo?

    His daddy says ''Easy esse, my son gone home, you should too, you lost amigo''

    GGG flies into a Kazakstan rage and levels the dad to the floor with a headbutt since he didn't want to get his hands dirty and out of no where appears Canelo's Mother, wailing and terrified before falling to her knees to clutch her husband's chest before screaming out some unintelligible nonsense in Spanish at GGG.

    Gennady then tells them they're all sons and daughters of the cartel before turning to make his way to leave only to see Rigoberto Álvarez in the corridor, who asks what the hell is going on as he can hear the frantic screams echoing out of his brother's changing room. GGG without a word in response, delivers a swift 1-2 which instantly decks and bounces Rigoberto's head off the floor with GGG stepping over him to continue to make his way out of the arena.

    Unbelievable but I say they all had it coming!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2018
  2. ElCyclon

    ElCyclon Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Nothing but sore loser. Very disappointed in GGG, As a fan I thought he'd show more class in losing. Even his biggest fan admitted Canelo won the fight.
    Kush and Pimp C like this.
  3. Ukansodoff

    Ukansodoff Deontay plz stop ducking Joshua. Thank you. Full Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    That would deserve a PPV of its own, and yes i would pay for it.
  4. Odins beard

    Odins beard Fentanyl is one hell of a drug.... Full Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Like Canelo did after their first fight you mean :rolleyes:
    lighteningjab likes this.
  5. Cecil

    Cecil Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    A wind up surely?
    BCS8 likes this.
  6. ElCyclon

    ElCyclon Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 2, 2012

    Both fighters are winners and refuse to accept the other guy won but in this case even Sanchez admitted Canelo won. Canelo's corner always maintained that Canelo got the best of GGG in the first fight.
  7. deyell

    deyell MOLECULE FROM HELL. Full Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Yeah you are disappointed in Golovkin, but not in your hero Clenelo who is a confirmed PED cheat, how ironic.
    Sephiroth Rising 7 and kk17 like this.
  8. sponge

    sponge Active Member Full Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    I have not seen any live footage, all was Canelo focused on an interview.

    But damn, GGG not a good boy anymore.
  9. Odins beard

    Odins beard Fentanyl is one hell of a drug.... Full Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    But Golovkin is the sore loser and Canelo was just refusing to accept?

    Canelo lost their first fight, I had him losing this one too but I've no argument in the final score as it was a great fight.

    If I was Golovkin I'd be pissed, got robbed in the first fight, Canelo got busted twice for PEDS and now arguably should have got the decision again.
  10. ElCyclon

    ElCyclon Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 2, 2012

    PEDs aside(they both got tested before the fight) Canelo clearly won the second fight. Gennady can be all bitter about the results but has no one to blame but himself. He wanted Canelo to stand in front of him so he could knock him out. Canelo "Mexican styled" GGG for 12 rounds and all he could do was backtrack and hold for the laST 2 rounds.

    Canelo won this fight easily.
    mono likes this.
  11. Odins beard

    Odins beard Fentanyl is one hell of a drug.... Full Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    He didn't win it easily at all and you can find this in the abundance of differing opinions on this forum itself.

    I had it 116-112 and am about to watch it again to see if I've differed watching it with a fresh head on.

    Amazing how Golovkin changed his style and you claim he backtracked....I bet Canelo boxed off the back foot in their first fight eh?
  12. ElCyclon

    ElCyclon Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    Yes Canelo fought off the back foot in the first fight, and lost IMO, GGG fought off the back foot , in worst fashion in the rematch, and lost IMO. Canelo won based on ring generalship, effective aggression, damage caused, body shots, etc. Not a hard fight to call unless you are a groupie.
  13. Pretty Boy Floyd

    Pretty Boy Floyd Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 10, 2016
  14. Sephiroth Rising 7

    Sephiroth Rising 7 'No tears please!' banned Full Member

    Sep 27, 2016
    It's been taken down now. Too violent.

    Canelo's old man was convulsing on the floor and his brother was left in a pool of his own blood.

    GGG done a number on them all and it's Canelo only has himself to blame.
    Mynydd likes this.
  15. Jacob Hall

    Jacob Hall Member Full Member

    Feb 5, 2018
    seriously just shut your mouth your completely delusional or you get bjs off canelo
    Sephiroth Rising 7 likes this.