Does Ray Mercer have the greatest chin in Heavyweight history?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by BoxingDialogue, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Glass City Cobra

    Glass City Cobra H2H Burger King Full Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    Could simply be motivation. I mean Buster Douglas went life and death with jesse ferguson and had to settle for an MD against randall freaking Cobb but he splattered Tyson!
  2. Wass1985

    Wass1985 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    Tbh it was a delayed reaction and looked like he purposely took the knee to clear his head.
  3. Sting like a bean

    Sting like a bean Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Apr 9, 2017
    Holy ****, I never knew Douglas fought Cobb. And it's not like he was green, it was his twentieth fight.
  4. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    Yes, which means Holyfield should get even more credit !
    Wass1985 likes this.
  5. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    I see what you're saying (Tyson was solid) but .... Maybe Tyson should have taken a knee on the first one too, or sometime before the 11th preferably.
    I mean, the 11th round against Holyfield (all 30 seconds of it), was hardly a great display of resistance.
    young griffo likes this.
  6. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    Yeah, he was durable as hell.
    Just a blown up 168 pounder too.

    Marion Wilson was similar, and never stopped.
    Sangria likes this.
  7. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    Holyfield wasn't peak, he was clearly past his best and coming off a retirement after his dreadful performace against Moorer. He did fight well against Mercer, and Mercer gave him a decent fight.

    Morrison only last into the 5th round, so being ahead doesn't mean much.
    Damiani was a decent fighter.
  8. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    Styles make fights too.
    Mercer would always have real trouble with Jesse Ferguson, for example.
    But maybe always gives Lennox Lewis trouble.
  9. Wass1985

    Wass1985 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    Sangria doesn't realise Tyson was even more out of it as he didn't have the sense to take a knee, if he did after the first shot that hurt him he may well have seen the final bell.
  10. Fergy

    Fergy Walking Dead Full Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    I meant Lewis rather than Holy near peak .EH s prime probably ended after beating Douglas !!But it didn't slow him down .He was just an amazing fighter full stop .
  11. Greb & Papke 707

    Greb & Papke 707 Active Member Full Member

    Apr 9, 2019
    Na I don’t think so, top spot is either chuvalo or Cobb
  12. The Morlocks

    The Morlocks Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    So was Cobb
  13. he grant

    he grant Historian/Film Maker Full Member

    Jul 15, 2008
    I disagree .. Mercer took dozens of straight bombs from Lennox Lewis, one of the biggest heavyweight punchers ever .. he took the best of the best Morrison before he crushed Tommy .. he took the best cracks from Bert Cooper .. at the age of 41 he took blasts from the monster punching Wlad before he went down .. I think it was far better than Bowe or Lewis and better than Tysons and even Holyfield who was a beast .. the best chins I have seen are Mercer, Chuvalo, McCall and possibly Tua ... Cobb was terrific too .. Ike was a monster who took bombs from Tua but has an incomplete ..
    Sangria likes this.
  14. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    I vote for McCall. Here is a thread I created about it on another website, most of my arguments are in the comment section: : [url] [/url]

    Here is in part my argument, other boxer candidates discussed. I really welcome specific comments and ideas. One guy mentioned I did not list was Valuev. His competition was not the best, and his immense dimensions prevented him taking much punishment, at least upstairs. Who could take more than this man, who will soon fight again, May Tenth, at 54:

    Chuvalo's style was an advantage, but I still think almost nobody could take the same punishment & stay aloft. My link below wryly said he was "not blessed with the ability to move his head". Most everyone with an even very good chin does some things to mitigate the blows. Chuvalo said essentially that he would be a vegetable if he took all the punishment he was said to have.

    He had 93 fights, & once he was down via a ruled "slip" vs. Patterson that I believe was a KD, even if in part due to his balance. His fights with Foreman & Frazier were stopped before he could take too many clean blows, the former due to a gruesome broken orbital bone.
    Most of those he fought were smaller than the opposition of "The Atomic Bull".

    So far I have McCall as the most impregnable chin ever.
    Considering length of career, punishment absorbed, especially by prime fighters, & the effect (never even knocked down). Unless in one of his last 5 fights, of which he lost 4. But I do not think so.

    Never off his feet, Amateurs or in the Pros, 74 fights until he was 49.
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    300 + rounds sparring with Tyson.
    Fought some big hitters, & about exactly 1/2 his fights went the distance, meaning absorbing punishment.
    Also Shaq could not make a dent, while Lewis teed off on a completely defenseless Oliver who looked to be having some sort of nervous breakdown, to no visible effect.

    Here is a thread about his chin started when he was near the end of his career.
    Though you will see a couple guys who allegedly tagged him good-but has ANYONE with numerous fights never been at all rocked or briefly stunned? Which is especially difficult to do at HW.

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    George Crowcroft, juppity and Sangria like this.
  15. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    THAT's who I was thinking of...Marion Wilson. Had him confused with Sherman "Tank" Williams. Thanks for the reply!!