Wilder retires if...

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by Boxing2019, Jan 18, 2020.

  1. Boxing2019

    Boxing2019 If you want peace, prepare war. Full Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    ...Fury knocks him out within the 2nd round. Wilder has said this in a recent interview.

    Sincerely I dont think Fury will be able to knock Wilder out within the second...for sure he has a plan to beat Wilder as Joshua had one to defuse Ruiz..plan that worked very well.

    What kind of strategy will the british adopt in your opinion to dethrone Wilder?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  2. Potwash

    Potwash The Real Untouchables Full Member

    Dec 13, 2017
    Similar to the first fight, just a lot more cautious.

    No way does he knock him out in 2 rounds.
  3. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    It’ll be easier said than done but I’ve got a weird feeling Fury will avoid Wilder’s bombs this time and take him out late. Using similar tactics to the first fight of course. It’s hard to see anyone avoiding such freaky power for 36 minutes but if anyone can at that weight it’s Fury. He’ll certainly need a bit of fortune but I think he can do it. Wilder is very hittable and hurtable.
    Pompey Junglist, Twentyman and pow like this.
  4. Hattonmad

    Hattonmad Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    I know Fury talks a lot of nonsense but every now and again, he's brutally honest. I think he's deadly serious about coming in heavier, hiring Sugar Hill to improve his power and attempting to hurt and stop Wilder on this occasion. The round 2 stuff is mind games but I'm convinced Fury is coming to really put it on Wilder and see can he get him out of there at some stage. Not saying it will happen, but I see Wilder in real trouble at one point.
    Here's Johnny, velagod and Inglis_1 like this.
  5. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    Identifying when to commit more to punches and when to sit back on them and keep boxing is going to be the difference I'm expecting to see now he's changed trainers. I'm also expecting wilder to be a bit sharper from the off as he stated in the last fight that he was too patient in their first
    Twentyman likes this.
  6. TonyHayers

    TonyHayers Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Nov 1, 2018
    I am absolutely one hundred percent convinced he will be as cautious as he was last time and try to repeat the trick.

    Fury says he can’t win on the cards in America. Yet had he not been knocked down twice in the first fight he wins quite clearly. (Indeed, if both rounds where Fury went down were given to him, the cards are unanimous: 117-111, 118-110 and 115-113.) So why would a guy who was so close to doing the above decide he can’t possibly try it again and instead change tack completely, in complete contrast to every big step up he’s ever made?

    Simple answer: he won’t.
  7. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    Good point
    TonyHayers likes this.
  8. TonyHayers

    TonyHayers Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Nov 1, 2018
    A further point relating to the above; had Fury lost both rounds where he was knocked down, (but obviously had not hit the deck), he still wins the fight on a split with two cards being 116-112 and 115-113 in his favour.

    Which just makes his whole 'there's no way I can win on points' line seem even more ridiculous.
    DimitarB likes this.
  9. Citizen Smith

    Citizen Smith Active Member Full Member

    Jul 12, 2019
    Old and maybe tired saying, but it applies to just about everything, with very few exceptions*.

    The leopard does not change its spots.

    * Joshua Ruiz 2
  10. GTFUP

    GTFUP Active Member Full Member

    Dec 12, 2015
    Love Fury to bits but I just can’t see him knocking Wilder out no way. So only way he has a chance is to box exactly as he did before and just hope this time round the judges take it. However something just tells me Wilder knows Fury can’t hurt him so I can see Wilder taking more chances and closing the distance more and getting a KO big style. I sincerely want Fury to win but just being honest.
  11. UKboxingfan

    UKboxingfan Boxing Addict Full Member

    Nov 28, 2018
    From someone who really wants fury to win, Fury isn’t knocking wilder out.
  12. Mitch87

    Mitch87 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    I know Wilder is very limited and has a very padded record but Fury has never knocked out a top 15 fighter before.
  13. Smudge_

    Smudge_ Teak tough Full Member

    Jan 23, 2018
    The only thing Fury is knocking out is 7 wanks a day
    N17, Camaris, Clarence Gianni and 3 others like this.
  14. I Shot JR

    I Shot JR Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    It would be a bold strategy from Fury to try and take Wilder out early. Much more likely is him trying to grind Wilder down and get the KO late on.

    I hope I’m wrong but I think this could be a stinker.
  15. Mod-Mania

    Mod-Mania Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    If Fury goes in trying to knock Wilder out that will be a terrible stupid mistkae because the only person that will get knocked out is him. Punchers are born not made and Fury didn't trouble Wilder in the slightest with his punches in the first fight and they won't this time and Deontay knows that full well this and knows he can afford to take chances.

    Fury's only chance is to do what he did last time but cut out the showboating which i fear he's incapable of doing that's why i can only see Wilder getting the KO at some point this time, i know i said that before the first fight and i was wrong and i really do hope i am again.