Why check hooks are dope

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by BitPlayerVesti, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. robert ungurean

    robert ungurean Богдан Philadelphia Full Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Yep hook is a hook ..stupid stupid
    The Morlocks likes this.
  2. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    In most these examples, it just seems to be throwing and landing a short left hook on an opponent who's throwing a wider hook.
    It's a counter in that sense.
    If people want to say 'check hook', that's fine, but also, yes, it is just a hook.

    Personally, I'd never heard it or read it before 2007.
    But I'm from London, England. Not Michigan.
    The Morlocks likes this.
  3. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Does anybody know when the phrase "check hook" became prevalent?
    Colonel Sanders likes this.
  4. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Well people will teach it is different things. If there are different understandings there are different teachings, by definition. I mean even the way people teach the just left hook is different.
    Colonel Sanders likes this.
  5. Man_Machine

    Man_Machine Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    I believe it was first used by Roy Jones Junior, in an interview taken during the Seoul Olympics in 1988. Whether or not it became prevalent from that point on, I can't recall.

    In any event, the term made a revival when Floyd Mayweather claimed to have used one against Hatton, in 2007. It's likely it took a hold from there on.
  6. Shrollleftupper

    Shrollleftupper Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 21, 2016
    I believe the palm down left hook is an inferior technique to the palm up (well, palm facing you) left hook because the palm is not supposed to be brought up manually, i.e., by flexing the wrist, but rather by flexing the left lower lat; flexing the lower left lat forces the supination of the left hand, and it is not actually the palm being up that gives extra power into the left hook, but rather the flexing of the left lower lat. So the palm down technique is the result of not flexing the left lower lat, and thus the palm down hook has less power than (and is no faster than) the palm up hook when the palm up hook is thrown properly (i.e., by flexing the left lower lat). Boxers should hire me. Especially former Soviet circuit ones. I'd change their life.
  7. CharlesBurley

    CharlesBurley Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Essentially Mayweather-Hatton where Hatton headbutting the turnstyle became a meme. Steward who's also from Michigan was calling Mayweather's checkhook in the commentary before Mayweather labelled it. Perhaps it's a regional definition of the technique. I don't get why people are getting angry and implying Emmanual Steward is a hipster because of it.
    mrkoolkevin and greynotsoold like this.
  8. BitPlayerVesti

    BitPlayerVesti Boxing Drunkie Full Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    Maybe not the earliest, but I found this.

    The Charlotte Observer- 29 Sep 1988 (page 42)
    It's a punch my father taught me," Roy Jones Jr. said, "We call it a 'check hook.' You step back one step as the other guy is coming at you and throw the hook. Nine times out of 10, you're going to hit something."
    A check hook? The father was asked about the punch.
    "Your son says you taught it to him," a reporter said. "Where'd you learn it?"
    "Eating leather," the father replied, not even thinking twice.
  9. BitPlayerVesti

    BitPlayerVesti Boxing Drunkie Full Member

    Oct 28, 2017
    This content is protected

    The discussion was in reference to this fight, if you want to see what they were talking about
  10. robert ungurean

    robert ungurean Богдан Philadelphia Full Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    You constantly think your funny year in and year out with your stupid sarcasm that doesn't bring anything to any post. You come off like a self centered ###hole which I'm sure you are through and through. Go stick your made up check hook up your ### or better yet glove up and see how it works for you pompous self righteous funny man.
    The Morlocks likes this.
  11. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005

    A hook thrown off the back foot then.
  12. salsanchezfan

    salsanchezfan Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 22, 2004
    When I was boxing amateur, the palm-down technique was what they tried to hammer into my head, and I thought then and think now basically what you do, that the palm facing you is really the better way to throw the punch, and far more natural.

    I was a terrible boxer of course, and that probably should be noted at some point in my argument.
    Shrollleftupper likes this.
  13. Flash24

    Flash24 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Wrong guy?
  14. Flash24

    Flash24 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    1st time I heard it mentioned was that fight (Mayweather vs Hatton). But as you mentioned he NEVER used that term before. And as many gyms that I've trained in locally or been in locally, including Varricks, Johnny O'Brian, Steve Shepherds , Al Cooks, the legendary 5th street gym ( The original one, the one that was actually on 5th st) not one trainer or boxer ever mentioned a "check hook". I've heard "counter hook" a million times... Or the term counter with the hook". A check hook is nothing more than a counter hook, made into something more than it actually is by Mayweather Jr fans.
    robert ungurean likes this.
  15. mrkoolkevin

    mrkoolkevin Never wrestle with pigs or argue with fools Full Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    You called me "John" in your message and spoke highly of me, so I inferred that you probably had mistaken me for the estimable @JohnThomas1 , for some reason. No biggie.