And just another proof how underrated wilder is...

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by ertwin, May 1, 2021.

  1. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    If Fury was actually ever addicted to alcohol then why does he still drink it? Recovering addicts always go off their addictive substance completely but not Fury. It’s because he exaggerated his issues to get fans back on his side.
  2. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    I never said AJ didn’t. Fury doesn’t put his combo’s together well, he’s a low volume weak puncher with awful finishing ability. I hope he’s aggressive against AJ because then I know he’ll be put on his arse.
  3. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    You shouldn’t be struggling with guys like Wallin to be honest.
  4. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    ..and the wins keep on coming. When you're so far ahead of the opposition drinking can't hurt...they might even have half a chance of some success. Fury could go on an all night bender and still school the big stiff weightlifter the following morning.
  5. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    You shouldn't be getting starched by guys like Ruiz either but such is life.
  6. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Fury will batter AJ, AJ can't box, is lacking in all physical areas, inferior boxing brain, chin, powers of recovery....shall I go on?
  7. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    “AJ can’t box.” Wins an Olympics gold medal and becomes a 2 time unified world champion beating the most top 10 heavyweights than anyone else in the division. Definitely has a decent chin as well, better than Fury’s although Fury has much better recovery he gets put on his arse so easily.
    Mitch87 and moydjayweather like this.
  8. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    He still can't box mate, not at Fury's level. He got schooled by Cammarelle and had to rely on a hometown decision. Ever since then he has been knocking over stiff idiots and almost got sparked by journeyman Whyte and old man Wlad. Even Povetkin and Takam had him wobbling, Fury will bang that china chin so hard and often, he won't know what planet he's on.
    Safin likes this.
  9. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    People think Fury’s boxing ability is much better than it actually is because he does some feints and moves his head a bit.
  10. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    That's what boxing ability is, by the way, you left out his footwork, timing, speed, co-ordination, tactical brain...loads of other stuff. Joshua has nothing, just a big stiff one-two. Sorry, it is not enough to beat Fury. Even Joshua's so-called power is irrelevant as it is probably not even half of Wilder's, and won't come remotely close to landing anyway. Fury will make AJ look like a big stiff idiot, probably stop him in two rounds.
    Safin likes this.
  11. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    You really don’t actually know what you’re talking about if you think AJ just has a one two considering his punch selection is far greater than Fury’s who’s most shots consist of a one two and a hook.
  12. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    Nah I think you must be confused, Fury has every punch in the book. Joshua relies on stiff one-twos against hand picked opponents and still gets knocked out. Honestly, let's just wait and see, come back to this thread after the fight. The only way Joshua can win is if Fury has a heart attack or stroke in the ring. It's like saying an invalid in a wheelchair can beat Neo from The Matrix.
  13. RB1702

    RB1702 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 7, 2020
    I think it’s a 50/50 fight. If AJ even gives Fury a tough fight but still loses you better give him his dues because you and a lot of others seem to think it’ll be a walk in the park for Fury. AJ is so underrated and Fury is the biggest hypejob in boxing at the moment.
  14. Mitch87

    Mitch87 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    Could apply the same logic to Wilders other fights.

    Wilder was getting out boxed by Spzilka over numerous rounds untill Wilder was able to land. Chisora beat and koed Spzilka quicker without breaking a sweat.

    Washington was causing Wilder all sorts of problems just by having a average jab and was out boxing him. Charles Martin never lost a round to Washington before he KOed Washinton.

    Duhaupas was causing problems just by being punch bag moving forward and putting Wilder on back foot (Duhaupas actully busted up Wilders face). Povetkin didn't even break a sweat brutually koing Duhaupas.

    Molina rocked and wobbled Wilder. AJ dispossed of Molina a with ease.
  15. G Man

    G Man Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    To be honest it will be one of the easiest fights Fury has ever had. A lot of his opponents were tricky and came to win, AJ will be standing in the corner doing the old stiff one-two and getting banged with shots he never even knew existed. Mark my words he will be on his back within two rounds. He CAN'T WIN. Literally. There is no route to victory whatsoever.
    Eastern Iron likes this.