Why do you think Canelo isn't better liked?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by newby johnson, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    OK OK, you're right, not all. I wouldn't want to label all GGG fans with a broad brush, but excuse-making is a very contagious thing. Many GGG fans who would otherwise not make excuses or accuse Canelo of crazy stuff become convinced of conspiracies when it's repeated ad nauseum around here as a means to rationalize what happened to GGG due to the echo chamber created by "some" GGG fans. Suffice to say, many rational GGG fans feel a need to side with other conspiratorial-minded GGG fans even if they don't fully agree with it, the normal ones get lumped into the BS by the crying weak-minded types who are so prevalent around here.
  2. Forza

    Forza Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    it makes them sick that he's already better than floyd (legacy wise). When he goes up to LHW and takes out beterbeiv he will go down in history in anyones top 3 ATG fighters. Not bad for a 5'7 ginger from a poor family in mexico.
    shadow111 likes this.
  3. bandeedo

    bandeedo VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    yes, people jump at the chance to cooperate if something is being pushed that makes them feel good, whether its true or not. for example, is there any other boxing site anywhere on the net where brit or ee fighters are more hyped than here? i havent seen one, maybe there is. and i dont think its coincidence, i think its what i mentioned above.
    shadow111 likes this.
  4. UniversalPart

    UniversalPart Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    If Beterbiev agrees to these conditions and loses, he will be murdered by the Chechen mafia.

    These guys value honour over everything.
  5. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Canelo's story from rags to riches is a modern day success story. His haters must be miserable people with no desire to dream of a better life for themselves. I pity anyone who wants to tear down such an incredible athlete who is an inspiration to so many aspiring young boxers and entrepreneurs who has dedicated his life to entertaining the masses and putting boxing on his back and taking it to the next level. Canelo has said many times that he wants his story to be a source of inspiration to others to do great things in life.
    Forza and chacal like this.
  6. Jacob Hall

    Jacob Hall Member Full Member

    Feb 5, 2018
    what you say is laughable for all of us tbh. Its all good fun keep it up.
    iii, BCS8 and Wizbit1013 like this.
  7. From.Russia

    From.Russia Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    Well, Charr who was representing Chechnya and was wearing "president Khadyrov" trunks got KTFOed by Briedis, nothing happened and he was sent back to Germany. Artur has nothing to worry about, hahaah
  8. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    One thing about Canelo that I respect is how despite the wealth he has generated through prize fighting, he still remains humble. A lot of people like to compare Canelo to Mayweather. After all, it makes sense, they were both the best of their respective eras. But the difference is that Mayweather became greedy and flaunted his money. This is very insulting to the less fortunate. Imagine you are a poor person who is looking for a sports icon to identify with. You see Mayweather flaunting his $$ and bragging about how much $$ he is. You see Mayweather throwing dollar bills at strippers in videos. Then you have Canelo who just goes out there and fights the best and never makes excuses, always stays humble, is truly a man of the people, never talks about or brags about how much $$ he is. Canelo remembers where he came from and knows that it's important to maintain an image of a fighter who truly loves to fight and isn't in it just to make as much money as he can, but is in it for the glory.

    And nothing proves this more than the fact that Canelo is figthing on an APP rather than doing PPVs. You know Canelo could make a ton more $$ charging $70 or more for every fight of his on PPV but instead you can see him fight on DAZN for a fraction of the cost. Mayweather on the other hand just wants to rip you off and squeeze every last cent out of the fans then puts on stinkers like the Pacquiao dud or the Logan Paul circus. Canelo isn't worried about making the most $$ possible, he's focused on his craft and being the best fighter he can be. It's very easy for a fighter to become obsessed with making the most $$ possible and losing yourself in the process. That's what happened to Mayweather and GGG also to an extent. They became divas who only care about $$ whereas Canelo remains a true fighter for the common man.
  9. From.Russia

    From.Russia Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    The only PPV that i would buy is Quina74 vs Shadow111
  10. UniversalPart

    UniversalPart Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Charr is Syrian. Does he look like he is from the Caucuses at all? :lol:
    From.Russia likes this.
  11. chacal

    chacal F*** the new normal Full Member

    Jun 21, 2015
    You are noone until you are hated. That's what happens in massive sports. Superstars create emotions in people, create fan-atic-s. Superstars have haters. Supertars have lovers. You are not a superstar if you have not one of those, you need BOTH to be one. If you dont have both, then people are not enough fan-natic-s of you and, hence, you are not a superstar.

    There's nothing to worry about, tbh. Couldnt be less important.
  12. chacal

    chacal F*** the new normal Full Member

    Jun 21, 2015
    tbh, canelo's story, starting as a very young amateur, not finding oponents and turning pro at 16, being defeated by a living legend when he was 21 and being able to recover and achieve everything he has achieved, all that with the same trainer since he was a kid.... it is worth a film.

    He deserves respect, even if you can argue about beef this, beef that. Look at pascal, he ate 1000 cows and he's not worth for ****. Cows (if so) are not enough, at least his story deserves a bit of respect, at least.
  13. From.Russia

    From.Russia Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    Yeah, I know that he is Syrian. He was representing Khadyrov, cuz apparently he has some connections with chechen mafia in Germany. And all this stuff about exotic "honorable warriors from North Caucasus" that fascinates western males is bs. They are exactly like everywhere else, if not worse, fights in Chechnya are famous for being **** shows, hehe
  14. Quina74

    Quina74 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 25, 2019
    Chechen Mafia Vs Mexican Cartels. .it'll be an international showdown

    Can't wait :hang
    From.Russia likes this.
  15. Oddone

    Oddone Bermane Stiverne's life coach. Full Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    I could list all the things already listed in a million Canelo threads but instead I’ll add he only wanted to fight Beterbiev after COVID hit Beterbiev. After recovering Beterbiev looked entirely less powerful and destructive in his outing against Deines.
    BCS8 likes this.