Why is there so much controversy over Canelo?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by LobsterAndCrack, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. LobsterAndCrack

    LobsterAndCrack New Member Full Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    Hi Guys,

    I am rather new to the forum , and a bit of a casual watcher of combat sports got heavily into it end of 2019, watched a couple of the mainstream mma fights (mcgregor khabib) but was really sucked into boxing by the Inoue Donaire fight of 2019 and have since been on a monster binge. Have since gone on to watch a couple of other mainstream fights such as lopez loma , joshua usyk etc.

    I have seen Canelo and a couple of clips of him and he seems like a very solid boxer but there seems to be a fair bit of controversy on him (especially in this forum). I am trying to understand why he is hated , I do know that he has been confirmed to be taking PEDs but what is it that other people are saying about him? (I dont watch pressers or subscribe to boxing news so unfortunately my knowledge is very limited here).

    And also if possible please do recommend good fighters/fights that are worth a watch, I heard great things about Rigo being a great boxer but really could not get into his style of fighting (casimero vs rigo) was my 1st rigo match and probably my last. Cheers guys!
    roughdiamond, Rakesh, GeoZe and 2 others like this.
  2. Rakesh

    Rakesh Active Member Full Member

    Jul 6, 2021
    Hey, here's the majority forum views, just so you're warned.

    Anthony Joshua is a bum bodybuilder who takes steroids.

    Canelo is a PED cheat, lost to Lara ,GGG twice, and someone else (there's a lot) also the whole Reynoso camp are all on PEDS

    Fury is a h2h monster (I don't recommend disagreeing with them publicly)

    Usyk is a ATG champion with the skills to give any heavyweight ever a challenge.

    Welcome! We also have Tim Witherspoon on forum who's pretty active, its cool ;).
  3. WhataRock

    WhataRock VIP Member Full Member

    Jul 29, 2004
    Welcome mate.

    Might I say your user name is two of my favourite things. Though I've never combined them.
  4. LobsterAndCrack

    LobsterAndCrack New Member Full Member

    Oct 11, 2021

    Thanks for the quick recap!

    Yeah i managed to watch the Canelo v GGG series, I am not gonna pretend to be able to tell who took it convincingly but man what a fight! If i really had to I'd lean towards GGG in the 2nd the 1st was a draw at least to my casual eyes.

    Noted on all the points, I'll make sure to watch my step ;)
    Rakesh likes this.
  5. LobsterAndCrack

    LobsterAndCrack New Member Full Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    Well no better time than the present ;) . Yeah the username was inspired by a particular trip to Red Lobster hence the odd but opulent combination.
  6. covetousjuice

    covetousjuice Putin did nothing wrong Full Member

    Apr 21, 2015
    Just going to repeat what I've said before:

    People don't hate Canelo because they think he's a bad boxer, people hate Canelo because, every single fight, he always gets the judges' favor. Everyone benefits from gift decisions sometimes, but in Canelo's case, it's every fight. At some point, you have to start asking why Canelo is always so "lucky."

    Also: most people on this forum appear to dislike Rigo, particularly his fighting style.
  7. Ricdog

    Ricdog Active Member Full Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Because people try to bring up old fights they think he lost and so try to discredit him now. The problem is that people have confirmation bias and don't report the evidence that doesn't support their view that Canelo sucks.

    For example, people bring up Lara as a fight Canelo should have lost. But they hide the fact that Lara himself got whooped by Carlos Molina (an ESPN fighter) and was gifted a draw. Or that Trout was a one hit wonder against a recently beaten Cotto and NEVER won another major fight again. They claim robbery against GGG, but GGG himself had arguably an even greater gift against Derevenchenko.
    sdot_thadon and HellSpawn86 like this.
  8. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    You're acting like how Canelo fought didn't have anything to do with the decisions he got. There's no luck about it. The reason why he wins every fight is because he consistently performs better than his opponents. This is a result of his natural gifts and his work ethic with how hard he works in the gym. You don't have to land more punches than your opponent to win rounds and win fights. Lara and GGG lost because their punches didn't connect as well as the punches that Canelo landed did. There was no gifts in any of this, there are reasons why he won every fight he did and those reasons have to do with how much better he performed than his opponent in the ring.
    pacas likes this.
  9. Mighty

    Mighty The Gypsy King banned Full Member

    Sep 17, 2021
    Boxing is a dirty sport like all other combat sports and Canelo makes the best of that.
  10. bandeedo

    bandeedo VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    Lots of insecure kids, and old dudes that never grew out of that, in here. and when you allow those types to dominate the conversation, like they do here, youre gonna get these types of fanboy narratives. one incel will support the next incel, and soon you got a website full of incels making up their own reality that is more painless to their insecurities.
    just wait a few months and maybe a new group with more men will take over. there is a constant turnaround of posters every few months as one group gets tired of the current incel population and moves on, to be replaced by a new bunch.
    been happening like that for many years, so i expect it to continue. a lot of the good posters show up only for fight nights where they can avoid the day to day toxicity. but who knows, you may be one of those who loves that environment. if you are, then enjoy your stay.
  11. drenlou

    drenlou Tres Delinquentes Full Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    2nd poster with the line "Im rather new to this site"... hmmmm
  12. JOKER

    JOKER Froat rike butterfry, sting rike MFER! banned Full Member

    Dec 18, 2019
    Clenelo has...
    • Been caught doping
    • Murdered a sparring partner
    • Beaten up a FLYWEIGHT
    • Imposed short training camps and crippling rehydration clauses on opponents
    If you're a fan Clenelo, you probably hate your mother as well as humanity.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2021
  13. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Momento mori Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Watch Lopez vs Salido 1-2
    Jmm vs katsidis
    Provodnikov vs Bradly
    Gonzalez vs Estrada
    Glad to meet you
  14. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    I think Lobster will see for himself the way shadow 111 posts such glowing drivel about Canelo's supposed brilliance that its been suggested Shadow might just be Canelo's Mum lol
  15. LobsterAndCrack

    LobsterAndCrack New Member Full Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    THAT explains a lot. Thanks! will look into it