Jiu Jitsu Is The WORST Base For MMA? Kron Gracie Proved It? THEY ARE NATURALLY SOY?

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by mark ant, May 9, 2023.

  1. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    Kron Gracie vs Charles Jourdain took place at UFC 288 and it really exposed the fact that Jiu Jitsu in it's nature is pathetic and the worst base for MMA out of the big 3 top base styles, BJJ is better situationally and wrestling is better as a base, this is MMA GURU`s reaction, let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below.
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  2. Nosferatu

    Nosferatu Corbett's thong is my proudest fap banned Full Member

    Apr 29, 2023
    Can we stop hating on other martial arts? BJJ has already proven how dominant it could be, just watch UFC 1.
    BCS8 likes this.

    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    BJJ proved dominant only in UFC because of the rules, founded by a BJJ practitioner. Go see how "dominant" was in PRIDE. It's just overrated, but it's not bad.
  4. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    UFC was garbage back then, MMA ha evolved since the early 90`s.
  5. TMLT87

    TMLT87 Active Member Full Member

    Feb 21, 2021
    No-gi grappling has pretty much evolved to be just grappling now rather than "pure" BJJ. It tends to be much quicker and more athletic and transferable to MMA too. But yeah just being great at BJJ (especially gi focused BJJ) does not hold anywhere near the same value in MMA that it once did. Just getting someone on the ground in the first place is much harder than it used to be.

    As far as wrestling vs BJJ. Obviously wrestling is much more top control focused which is of course preferable in MMA considering you can get punched in the ****ing face on the ground. Also wrestlers are generally much better athletes, you dont get the scrawny hipster and stoner types like in BJJ.
    mark ant and MAD_PIGE0N like this.
  6. outtieDrake

    outtieDrake Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    That guy is the last person to talk about mma. looks like a couch potato. Jourdain is well rounded, he has a purple belt or higher in bjj. If he didn't practice bjj, he would have gotten triangled. The awareness of submissions is not something you get from striking or wrestling. Bjj is all about passing the guard, subs and sub escapes. A fighter that doesn't implement bjj into their training will never make it past a certain level.

    Unless they fight in the heavyweight division where basic wrestling can get you there. But everything lhw under , you're getting tapped.
  7. outtieDrake

    outtieDrake Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    A wrestler that trains no bjj will still lose a grappling match and get choked from the top.

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    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    A wrestler is not likely to lose in a grappling contest.
  9. outtieDrake

    outtieDrake Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    yes they have. stats show pure wrestling losses to pure bjj/judo most of the time.
  10. MAD_PIGE0N

    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    No, they're not. I know your "stats" and "ten examples to every one of mine" - empty words.
  11. outtieDrake

    outtieDrake Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    you train like ever?

    All wrestlers who go to bjj schools get tapped. Even the good ones. If you're watching a wrestler in an mma fight, they have spent lots of time learning sub defense. No pure wrestler is coming to mma and not getting put in a choke hold at the ufc level.
    BCS8 likes this.
  12. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Vale Tudo Japan 1 and 2 were the Japanese equivalents to the first UFC. Rickson Gracie won both.
  13. MAD_PIGE0N

    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    Oh, some more bla-bla, you're boring. The type of "all wrestlers" statistics is enough for the quality of your knowledge and practice.

    Yeah, so? How about how many of the MMA legends are mainly BJJ masters?
  14. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    You were responding to a guy who cited UFC 1. You pointed out that the UFC was founded by a BJJ practitioner. You also claimed that the UFC's rules help BJJ people.

    For starters, the early UFC barely had any rules. So I don't know which rules were designed to help the Gracies.

    That aside, the Japanese forerunners of PRIDE FC wrote up their own rules. They lost to the Gracies, too.

    That wasn't the issue I was responding to. I've never surveyed how many "MMA legends" have been BJJ masters, and it isn't really a question that interests me.
  15. MAD_PIGE0N

    MAD_PIGE0N ... banned Full Member

    Sep 3, 2022
    The questions that interest you seem to be those that can be answered with limited examples, as you do, which is the reason you don't know the UFC rules, the limitations that were put on all fighters in UFC 1, aside from Royce.

    Many Gracies lost to Sakuraba who's a wrestler, but this is a limited example. Looking at the legends of the MMA and their backgrounds says more about the styles.