Fights you can’t watch (for all the right reasons — please read OP before posting)

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Saintpat, May 25, 2023.

  1. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Benitez vs Duran. I found it a bit snoozy and haven’t watched it since. Maybe I should rewatch to confirm that it wasn’t just my distorted perception at the time.

    Otherwise, any fights involving clearly deteriorated ATGs who fight on too long only to cop a beating that they never would’ve suffered in their hey day.

    And that includes ATGs that I wasn’t necessarily enamoured with. Not a huge fan of Roy Jones but his later career losses are sad and very difficult to watch.
    Freddy Benson., Jel and swagdelfadeel like this.
  2. Stevie G

    Stevie G Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Holmes-Ali: Pretty obvious really. Even after all these years I still can't bring myself to watch that one in it's entirety. Only seen the snippets on Champions Forever which is enough. And seeing Muhammad's fights with Jimmy Young and Trevor Berbick just the once were enough. In fact I rarely watch any of Ali's bouts that took place after 1975.

    Tyson-Holmes: Almost as bad as Larry's one with Muhammad.

    Camacho-Leonard: Only seen one round of it which was enough.
  3. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Martin-Liston would be one of them for me, if Martin didn't have a masterful game plan.
    Pugguy likes this.
  4. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    Tyson-Holmes wasn't nearly as bad as Holmes-Ali.
  5. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    Really hard to score and even harder to watch!
    Bronze Tiger likes this.
  6. Noel857

    Noel857 I Am Duran Full Member

    Mar 24, 2019
    Can not watch Tommy Hearns v Roberto Duran,far to painful
    Pugguy likes this.
  7. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Sad to see Sonny go out like that but he took it like a man.
    swagdelfadeel likes this.
  8. Vic The Gambler

    Vic The Gambler Active Member Full Member

    Jun 14, 2022
    Tyson v Smith
    Watching that boring hugathon once was more than enough.

    Tyson v Douglas
    Nah, just nah. I mean seriously, no, not watching that again. I still remember all the Bruno fans round my area…who I’d mocked and laughed at the previous year, when Tyson demolished their hero…returning my laughter in bucketloads. The truth is I didn’t particularly like seeing Frank beaten like that, but as a Tyson fan, I was just playing the oneupmanship game.
    But boy, did they let me have it back with both barrels after Mike got destroyed by Buster. Karma’s a …well you know.

    Mayweather v Pac
    I was underwhelmed. FM did what he had to though.

    RJJ v Griffin l
    Ok I watched it recently but only that once because I scored it for this forum last year. It was actually a very good fight until the DQ. And that’s why I’ll never bother with it again. DQs are always an anticlimax, but especially in a fight like this which was so close, so intriguing. Seeing Jones finally face someone who appeared to have figured him out was as surprising as it was exciting. But a very Crappy ending.

  9. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    I watched that fight with my Dad. Dad said even for all Duran’s own previously displayed viciousness and ferocity in other fights, he didn’t like seeing Duran KO’d like that - Dad added that it wasn’t nice to see anyone flattened so violently.
    Noel857 likes this.
  10. Rope-a-Dope

    Rope-a-Dope Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 20, 2015
    Leonard vs. Duran III - totally unnecessary fight between two guys way past their prime.
  11. My dinner with Conteh

    My dinner with Conteh Tending Bepi Ros' grave again Full Member

    Dec 18, 2004
    One of the great KO's and one of my most watched fights probably.
    Stevie G likes this.
  12. My dinner with Conteh

    My dinner with Conteh Tending Bepi Ros' grave again Full Member

    Dec 18, 2004
    Any BS Don King decision fights

    Most of Eubank's mind-numbingly boring title defences at super-middle (more BS decisions)

    Ali's title defences in his 2nd reign (except Frazier) full of BS judges- when only one judge thinks Jimmy Young won Round 1 you know there's an aroma in the area- sample commentary "Ali doing no fighting at all, absolutely nothing". Tom Kelley's 'Moretti-esque' card read 50-41 to Fat Ali after 10 rounds. Hooray!!
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
    cross_trainer likes this.
  13. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    ODLH/Trinidad = One of the biggest disappointments ever for a super fight.

    RJJ/Calzaghe = I hated seeing one of my favourite fighters getting taunted while past his prime.

    Muhammad/Qawi 1 & 2 = I like both fighters but I hated seeing a warrior like Muhammad get pummeled brutally twice sad sight to see.
    Terror, Saintpat and Noel857 like this.
  14. Flo_Raiden

    Flo_Raiden Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao - Many of us believed it was 5 years past its due date and the fight itself was as underwhelming as you can get.

    Donald Curry vs Lloyd Honeyghan - As a Curry fan I hated seeing him being ragdolled around.

    Roy Jones Jr vs Antonio Tarver 2 - The start of RJJ's downfall and I don't like seeing a once near unbeatable fighter being reduced to a KO victim.

    Bernard Hopkins vs Jermain Taylor 1 and 2, Winky Wright, and Joe Calzaghe - Hopkins is a great fighter but those fights are just absolute stinkers. Boring, messy, too much holding, and just unsatisfying to watch.
    Man_Machine likes this.
  15. Stevie G

    Stevie G Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    I agree but what I meant was that Holmes was yet another former great turned old man who should n't have been anywhere near a ring on that particular night against the likes of Tyson.
    swagdelfadeel likes this.