Is Ben Davison annoying you?

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by impacted, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Wizbit1013

    Wizbit1013 Drama go, and don't come back Full Member

    Mar 17, 2018
    Indicated he pulled Saunders out of the Canelo fight

    He did not have that authority and Tibbs seem a bit annoyed
    N17 and SnoopyboyM like this.
  2. Felix Sanchez

    Felix Sanchez Active Member Full Member

    Mar 5, 2006
  3. N17

    N17 VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    Yeah he is getting on my nerves and he is annoying a lot of people inside boxing.

    He is getting way too big for his boots, there's one thing looking out for a "friend" but it's another taking a leak over other trainers in the process.

    It won't end well for Benny Boy long term, he will burn bridges and upset a lot of people.
  4. DavidJames

    DavidJames Active Member Full Member

    Mar 15, 2016
  5. LeavemealoneKoooogs

    LeavemealoneKoooogs All hail his excellency Full Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    While he seems a nice enough guy, I'm not sure where the evidence of him being highly knowledgeable on boxing comes from. A lot of what he says during interviews where he's discussing a fight never strikes me as being particularly profound, as in he says things you would expect a trainer to say. You'd expect other trainers to say more or less the same thing, or the same idea from a different angle.
    Anyway, he's obviously a good fitness coach and padman so isn't completely useless, I think as a head trainer though, he often comes across more like their mate than a professional coach. Always thought he seemed in awe of Tyson and would likely agree with anything he said.
    N17, Oneirokritis and im sparticus like this.
  6. Skyver

    Skyver Well-Known Member Full Member

    Apr 29, 2015
    He really is unproven but seems a decent bloke.we will find out Sunday morning if he knows his onions.
    N17 likes this.
  7. impacted

    impacted Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    He's had the nerve to call Mark Tibbs unprofessional in an interview where he sat with chewing gum in his gob and generally behaved like an arrogant tit. He reminds me of Richard Poxon, another opportunist who managed to attach himself to some respected people in Yorkshire for a while until he was found out. One of the biggest assets in any walk of life is the acceptance that you don't know it all. Davison's ego is completely out of control. Being handed world class fighters developed by other people doesn't make you a genius, it makes you lucky. John Fury looks wiser by the day the more you see of Ben Davison.
  8. DJN16

    DJN16 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 15, 2013
    What I will say is Davison is definitely doing something right.

    Tread carefully though Ben
    Heisenberg likes this.
  9. Jamal Perkins

    Jamal Perkins Well-Known Member Full Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    My respect for him with how he dealt with that sttention hungry barbaric security guard in his face at fury,-wilder 1 means he's ok by me.

    But he's in a difficult position having to gaslight for quitty Joe...bit still shows he'll do anything for his fighter
  10. ryanm8655

    ryanm8655 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    I don’t think he’s a boxing oracle but the fact he says what you’d expect any other trainer to say isn’t necessarily a bad thing. He speaks well and is confident in front of the camera is probably something that sets him apart.

    I do think Roach was right to criticise the tactics in the first Wilder fight, as it proved in the second.
    Brixton Bomber and boxberry92 like this.
  11. N17

    N17 VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    Have a look at his latest Boxing Social interview.

    The man is a problem.
    impacted and DirtyOldTown like this.
  12. DON1

    DON1 ICEMAN Full Member

    Apr 6, 2006
    YES, he is a twat. Getting above his station.
    Oneirokritis, Arnie, impacted and 2 others like this.
  13. DirtyOldTown

    DirtyOldTown Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 24, 2016
    The man cannot stop giving interviews. His ego is out of control.
    Oneirokritis and N17 like this.
  14. DirtyOldTown

    DirtyOldTown Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 24, 2016
    That was nearly 3 years ago. He was ok then but now it’s all gone to his head, he is one of the most arrogant people in boxing.
    Oneirokritis, DON1 and N17 like this.
  15. DON1

    DON1 ICEMAN Full Member

    Apr 6, 2006
    Steward had a right to be, one of the greatest trainers in history.
    Oneirokritis, Furey and Potwash like this.