Mauricio Lara should be heavily fined and suspended for missing weight that drastically

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by ellerbe, May 26, 2023.

  1. ellerbe

    ellerbe Usyk is the GOAT Full Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    Besides getting Lara stripped not sure how this gives Wood a leg up. Maybe mentally? Lara not having to cut more definitely benefits him physically..
  2. destruction

    destruction Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Beat me to it.

    This is an absolute scandal and I cannot believe they have even tried to pull a stunt like this, let alone get away with it.

    Lara post fight needs to get his legal team on this ASAP after the fight.
  3. destruction

    destruction Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    It means he can’t win the title, and probably then Wood can fight a cherry pick for the vacant belt. They will freeze Lara out.

    That’s the clear power play here.

    If Lara brutally knocks Wood out again that’s about the best justice he can obtain.
  4. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    That was my understanding, and it is certainly strange all around. But I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened, or why he would be told such following what I assume was some preliminary weigh in he must have missed.

    But the whole thing is bizarre.
    Toney F*** U and ellerbe like this.
  5. MetalLicker

    MetalLicker I’m Full Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Here is the full story:

    He was told by the BBBofC on Wednesday that he can't weight less than 128.5 lbs. This is ridiculous overreach by the commission. Lara could have very well made the weight, but he was prevented from doing so.
  6. Flo_Raiden

    Flo_Raiden Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    More so just trying to sabotage Lara by not having a title anymore. The way things are playing out is favoring more so on Wood with the way they are treating Lara.

    Don't be surprised if Lara comes out even more angry and wanting to give Wood another beating.
    Toney F*** U likes this.
  7. MetalLicker

    MetalLicker I’m Full Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    If you guys remember, the BBBofC pulled a similar stunt against Casimero with his fight against Butler.

    Leading up to the fight, Casimero used a sauna to cut some weight and the BBBofC mafia said he can't use a ****ing sauna. This doesn't happen anywhere in the world except for the UK.

    Casimero vs Butler was cancelled and the WBO title was stripped from Casimero and was handed to Butler.
    KO KIDD, Toney F*** U and destruction like this.
  8. Sheikh

    Sheikh Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    Why would they prevent him
  9. Drew101

    Drew101 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    Happened to Casimero too, when he was set to face Butler. Apparently, the BBBoC doesn't allow for suanas to be used to dry out the remaining weight. When Truax went to the UK to face and defeat DeGale he said he was advised of this the night before.
    KO KIDD, Toney F*** U and ellerbe like this.
  10. MetalLicker

    MetalLicker I’m Full Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I feel like this rule was designed to help high profile British fighters. High profile Brits can hire nutritionists to keep them on weight, while many foreign fighters don't have that luxury. They're also traveling, so it makes it even harder for them to be on weight at a certain time. Brit fighters have a home field advantages since they don't have to travel.

    Lara doesn't have a history of being overweight, and he knows his body. He's probably done this many times before. I believe that he has a good faith belief that he can make weight.

    The BBBofC is playing dirty with foreign fighters. The probably don't care if a low profile fighter is not perfectly on weight or if they use a sauna. It seems like they designed this rule to **** with foreign fighters with titles or fighter with a good chance to upset the apple cart.
    Cobra33, RJJFan and JunlongXiFan like this.
  11. Lesion of Doom

    Lesion of Doom Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 21, 2015
    These rules are designed to prevent dangerous weight cuts. It very well may be overreach, but it's hardly dodgy because the fighters know these rules in advance.

    Blame Lara for being way off-target a week out. His behavior is a disgrace.
    StreetTriple, sasto and Koli55 like this.
  12. Koli55

    Koli55 Active Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2021
    That's extremely unprofessional by Lara as he has done this BBBoC preliminary weigh in many times. He knew exactly what weight he was supposed to be on Wednesday. Hope he gets knocked out.
    KO KIDD likes this.
  13. Wizbit1013

    Wizbit1013 Drama go, and don't come back Full Member

    Mar 17, 2018
    This better than any tactic currently available
    FrankinDallas likes this.
  14. Wizbit1013

    Wizbit1013 Drama go, and don't come back Full Member

    Mar 17, 2018
    I'm far from an expert on cutting weight, but is that not genuine concern?
  15. Wizbit1013

    Wizbit1013 Drama go, and don't come back Full Member

    Mar 17, 2018
    Gives him no advantage at all

    To win the belt he has to beat a heavier Lara...