Fury vs Usyk was a 1 point fight either way

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by THE BLADE 2, May 20, 2024.

  1. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    I'm not reading this as well. You have your answer on the above post. I already say i will take a rest from the forum.
    Quote someone else. I know who won the fight i know what the boxing criteria is, and i know who good scorer on this forums are, and they had it exactly like me. 9-3. And on top of that, the most accurate system, that Turki paid for it to be on that fight, scored it almost as i do. They had it 10-2, i had it 9-3. So i was generous for your boy.
    I'm done with it, quote me after a week or so.

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  2. shroomlite

    shroomlite New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    Not a shadow alt, no. Just someone that signed up because I saw something posted that I didn't agree with, and that I still don't agree with. And if you think I said nothing in my reply, then I don't know what to tell you, I feel like you must lack reading comprehension, or the ability to understand basic reason and logic. It's pretty simple, boxing, at least beyond a fighter being knocked down/out, is a subjective sport, and using a computer to analyze fight data, and all the complexities of it, is never going to work beyond a basic-level. A computer may be able to track gloves and tell you if a glove makes contact with a part of someone's body or not, but it can't use actual intellect and critical thinking to determine if the punch was an effective punch or not, or worthwhile in telling you who is actually winning the fight. Those things are simply impossible, unless you can create an AI with actual intellect and the ability to actually comprehend what it's seeing, but even then, it will have obvious biases, just like people do, in their likes and dislikes. So all of this data, although maybe interesting in some regard, is still pretty much useless, and fights are open to interpretation and subjective opinion, and if the OP preferred the way Tyson was fighting in rounds 1-3 and thinks he deserved those rounds, then he's completely entitled to believe that, and linking some AI nonsense, shows nothing.
    Ben Dover likes this.
  3. Drago

    Drago Member Full Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    After watching it again, I even came to the conclusion giving Fury the 12th round is wrong. Usyk landed more. Warren, Hearn, Davies and even Froch are imo wrong to say it was close.

    Fury / Usyk
    1) 9-10
    2) 9-10 (18-20)
    3) 9-10 (27-30)
    4) 10-9 (37-39)
    5) 10-9 (47-48)
    6) 10-9 (57-57)
    7) 9-10 (66-67)
    8) 9-10 (75-77)
    9) 8-10 (83-87)
    10) 9-10 (92-97)
    11) 9-10 (101-107)
    12) 9-10 (110-117) If you want to score the 12th maybe 10-9 Fury or 10-10, it would be either 111-116 or 111-117.

    Sorry but Fury only won for sure rounds 4, 5 and 6. People say he won some rounds of the first three, but he didnt really. The showboating fooled too many people even me. And imo Usyk won the 12th too, but you can give it to Fury.
    tragedy, CST80 and lordlosh like this.
  4. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    Originally...at the arena....I had Fury winning the 12th. After rewatching the fight, Usyk clearly won the 12th. Certainly Fury landed some very good shots, but Usyk landed more than Fury and carried the fight as well.

    116-111 Usyk.
    BubblesUK, CST80 and lordlosh like this.
  5. The Long Count

    The Long Count Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    I had it 7-5 Usyk with knockdown. But yes it was close and competitive bout imo
    BubblesUK and PhillyPhan69 like this.
  6. shroomlite

    shroomlite New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    Listen, if you find a paragraph a lot of words, then I don't know what to tell you. You're on a forum, and you know the whole idea of a forum is to discuss topics right, and to engage in civil discourse? So I have to wonder why you're here, if you find reading a problem and other peoples posts offensive to the point that you have to be passive aggressive and merely reply with childish responses, and accuse them of shadow-alting. My initial post wasn't even aimed at you, but at someone else, who was also childish and replied to tell me how they weren't reading my post. So yeah, my initial impression of this forum, is that it seems to definitely have people with fragile-egos for sure.

    Maybe you're an Usyk fan or something, and think I'm a Tyson Fury fan, that's trying to say he won or something, I don't know, but that isn't the case, and I'm not even giving my opinion on who won the fight, merely expressing and explaining why I think someone simply replying to someone's post, laughing at them, and linking to some AI statistics, and stating how it proves them correct, instead of actually giving their own well thought out argument, opinion and thoughts, is both lazy and just plain wrong. I'm not even anti-AI either in general, despite what you assume, I've just explained to you twice now, why it doesn't work in a highly subjective sport like boxing. But hey, if you think I'm saying nothing, and want to believe in AI boxing analysis, then you do that, why even have discussions on boxing at all, why have commentators, presenters or judges, we should just have an algorithm based on artificial, restricted and constrained rules, tell us who wins every fight, that sounds like a great and fun idea... :buenrollo:
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    Ben Dover likes this.
  7. PhillyPhan69

    PhillyPhan69 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 20, 2006
    I had Fury winning 3/7 as well, but a clear 115-112 for Usyk and found it to be one of the easier fights to score. I’m not a fan of either guy (or any heavyweight), but came away impressed with both of them. But it’s pretty clear Usyk won this
  8. Kid Bacon

    Kid Bacon All-Time-Fat Full Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    "It was a close fight"...

    Is that the new narrative coming from Fury's fanboys???
    Did they truly watched the fight?
    A lot of cognitive dissonance going on...
    lordlosh likes this.
  9. Rilz

    Rilz Ball don't lie! Full Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    I haven't rewatched it yet, but while having a nice buzz at the casino and only scoring in my head without a proper scoring sheet I thought it was very close. I remember thinking it could have been a draw, or Usyk by one point.

    I did bet either fighter by SD as my only play for the night, so perhaps subconscious bias was in play.

    I was rooting for Usyk.
  10. BubblesUK

    BubblesUK Doesn't buy hypejobs Full Member

    May 6, 2021
    That and Fury throwing lots in those rounds - a lot of it hit glove or nothing at all, and Usyk outlanded Fury fullstop AND in power punches.

    At the time, I thought Fury was doing better than he was...
    Including round 4 - which you "for sure" give to Fury, yet he was comfortably outlanded in that round (with power punches pretty much equal)... I'm happy enough letting Fury have that one, but it's closer than a "for sure" type round.

    To be clear, I think Fury did well and was competitive even in rounds he should've lost - including some I thought were closer than I think now... But he was still clearly beaten.

    The only absolutely cut and dried rounds for Fury were 5 & 6...
    A few still close on top of that - but it takes mega bias to get to the 6-6 card required for Fury to only lose by one point.

    And for Fury to win on the cards? Sorry, I don't think that's justifiable AT ALL.
    Drago, splatter69, lordlosh and 3 others like this.
  11. BubblesUK

    BubblesUK Doesn't buy hypejobs Full Member

    May 6, 2021
    I think this is what some people don't get.

    It can be close and competitive within a number of rounds, but with the same person shading the majority of those.

    A wide-ish decision doesn't automatically mean a fight wasn't competitive - what it means is that one fighter was consistently doing the better work... And that sums up this fight perfectly.
  12. tragedy

    tragedy Member Full Member

    Mar 18, 2024
    9-3 or 8-4 Usyk are the only scores I can see as being realistic after a few rewatches WITH THE SOUND TURNED OFF. I struggled to give Fury rounds even trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
    splatter69, lordlosh, CST80 and 3 others like this.
  13. drenlou

    drenlou Tres Delinquentes Full Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    I thought Usyk won by a point, but I still need to rewatch it. Fury imo was competitive, alot of rounds were very close.
  14. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    If you can't handle a flat earth topic, just admit it. No need to beat around the bush. We know how obsessed you are with that topic, and constantly make the argument that I think the earth is flat. I find this rather humorous. So, according to you, because I made a topic about it, and challenged globies about what they believe, that equates to me being a flat earther?

    Don't get me wrong, I find flat earth very interesting, it challenges peoples paradigms and over the last decade or so, it's gotten very popular on the internet. That's why I made that topic, that's what the lounge is for, to let your hair down and talk about whatever you want to talk about. Poking globies in that topic was some of the most fun I've had on this site, but it's clear by now that you have been very triggered by that topic and it seems that you hold some kind of a grudge. The question is, why would you hold a grudge against me for an innocent flat earth topic? Did you have your paradigm shifted? Did that topic have a lasting impression on you? It seems that it did.

    I don't consider being a called a flat earther a diss. Like AJ Styles said when Daniel Bryan called him a flat earther, I don't think you can handle it and this is why you're so obsessed with it. What is more moronic, holding the traditional religious view of the earth, meaning level ground, firmament above, or believing that the earth is curving around you, something that's not observable believing that we went to the moon or all NASA's other jazz.

    I hate to break it to you, but the globe and everything else that goes along with it is under heavy scrutiny. It's a lot easier and more logical to believe that the earth is flat, but at the same time it's also a much more simplistic view that doesn't seem to mesh with what we are told about space and the "universe". So that's why I don't subscibe to either belief. You can call me a flat earther all you want for challenging the globe, but anyone can read through that topic and see how effective I was in that topic. At the same time, if you paid attention, there were some issues towards the end that seemed to steer me away from the earth being flat. I took a very fair, balanced and open-minded approach to flat earth and the globe.

    In the end, there's nothing wrong with holding the traditional view of the earth outlined in the bible and being open minded to the possibility that there may be a deception going on. Take the idea of the firmament, for example. Lets say rockets, satelites or space craft can in fact burst through the firmament and get into space, which is what you believe. There's still an argument that none of that should be happening. That it's actually disrespectful to the creator to penetrate the firmament and go beyond it. Think of all the consequences of that, the amount of space junk that is now orbiting earth as a result of the space program. And for what? What's the purpose of launching rockets into space? How does that benefit us in any way. Oh right "satellites". All our connectivity, GPS, internet, etc can be handled through ground based technology. Whether earth is flat or curved, I'm still bothered by the fact that they are constantly trying to burst through the firmament to get into space for some reason. Despite the fact that humanity has done nothing of any value in space once we get there.

    I'm sorry, but in my view, the space program is a huge waste of money, tax dollars and serves no practical purpose, benefits humanity in no way. All it does is pollute our environment and puts an exponential amount of space junk orbitting around us if you believe all that jazz. Bursting through the firmament should be banned, it's disrespectful to the Creator and the design of the place. If you've ever seen the film
    "2010: The Year We Make Contact" the lesson is that there's areas that humanity should stay away from, that should be off limits. The question is where should we draw the line. If you think it's cool to send rockets into space due to your indoctrinated globie beliefs, then I hold you and other globies responsible for all the space junk up there, for all the wasted tax dollars lost on your pointless space nerd projects.

    The firmament should be respected, it shouldn't be breached. It's a barrier between us and the heavens for a reason. You and other globies don't respect that. I respect the Creator and the design of Earth outlined in the bible. If that makes me a flat earth in the minds of delusional indoctrinated globies, so be it. Your faithless blasphemous beliefs are harmful to life on earth and the future of mankind. I stand with the Creator and his wonderful creation, my feet firmly planted on God's green (observably flat) earth. If you wanna subscribe to a bunch of tax robbing, space junk creating nerds who think they are explosing the universe by sending rockets to nowhere, have fun with that. But don't for a second think you being a certified space cadet have some kind of a moral high ground against flat earthers or globie challengers like myself. I do not consider being called a flat earther a "diss", it's just that you can't handle it conceptually. But I've clearly done my job with that topic and left and impression on you and other globies and that's what I set out to do. So mission accomplished.
  15. Decker

    Decker Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 7, 2007
    In the old days they'd say his needle was stuck in the record. Has 100s of posts that say the same thing over & over - something negative about Fury.
    He hates Fury, somebody he doesn't know and will never meet. I reckon Fury stole his gf or lunch money in a prior life.
    AdamT likes this.