Is weight bullying real? How should it affect a boxer's reputation?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Ricdog, May 22, 2024.

  1. MidniteProwler

    MidniteProwler Fab 4. Mayor of Aussie Boxing Full Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    Yes I agree in principal but it makes me lose respect for them. Boxing is supposed to be the ultimate fair fight that is why weight classes have existed since The Marquess of Queensberry Rules. There is no honor in beating a man much smaller than you in any kind of fight. There is not much honor left in boxing anymore so I see your point but I also see why it triggers anger and frustration in the hardcore fans myself included.
    Smoochie and Fogger like this.
  2. Fogger

    Fogger Father, grandfather and big sports fan. Full Member

    Aug 9, 2021
    Fair enough. I can appreciate your point of view.
    MidniteProwler likes this.
  3. Fisty_Cuffs_21

    Fisty_Cuffs_21 New Member Full Member

    Dec 2, 2021
    All it would take imo is to just reduce the number of weight classes. It's too much! E.g., 147-154-160 ; just remove 154. You remove these closed up, narrow bands, then boxers can make weight safer and the concept of weight draining/bullying would hopefully reduce.
    Fogger likes this.
  4. Kiwi Casual

    Kiwi Casual Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    That's an amazing idea.
  5. Braindamage

    Braindamage Baby Face Beast Full Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    That would work, but I would hate for a fight I've been looking forward to to be cancelled. Plus, fans tend to think that the other guy will come in over, not the guy we like.
    BubblesUK likes this.
  6. Braindamage

    Braindamage Baby Face Beast Full Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Think about it. Could get some good fights. A guy knows he's 4-5 down from the jump. Dude is gonna fight his ass off.
    Kiwi Casual likes this.
  7. Ricdog

    Ricdog Active Member Full Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    Good responses. I wish to highlight a few things.

    As others have said, weight bullying is not technically cheating. No rules are being broken. So the saying “if they make the weight, they make the weight” is accurate.

    The problem is whether this is really a loophole that allows “unfair” (vague term I know) size advantages to one fighter. When a fighter from a higher weight class beats a lower weight class fighter, his win can be somewhat tainted because some view it as a potential mismatch. For example, Canelo beat the undefeated undisputed champion Jermell Charlo…but because Canelo was officially the bigger fighter this not seen as a great victory for Canelo.

    So can weight bullying be seen as a similar scenario, like a sort of “unofficial mismatch”?
  8. HolDat

    HolDat Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 25, 2020
    It's definitely real. Fighters like David Lemieux, Gerald McClellan, Jeison Rosario, etc.

    Weight bullies force (hurt) themselves to make weight, despite outgrowing a division, for the advantages.
    Smoochie likes this.
  9. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    They do it for the advantages it is real but legal. I don't care too much tho, it's when you have guys like Haney or Ramirez who maximizes his size advantage that I get annoyed, but at least Ramirez moved up

    Haney should be at welterweight minimum. He should be fighting Chukhadzhian or Stanionis. He knows he's too chinny and featherfisted to be fighting in his proper weight class, and he's not good enough to make up for it
    Smoochie likes this.
  10. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Momento mori Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    One fc has a good system in place
    This content is protected

    Also it's legal so it shouldn't change the rules
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  11. FastSmith7

    FastSmith7 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 16, 2017
    I just dont get why weight cutting is still a thing,

    You should weigh in 1-2 hrs before the fight, if you miss weight you get banned from the sport for 3 years, let's say there should be 1-2 lbs leniency

    Simple and effective. Fight at your natural weight so weight cutting isn't an option
    Smoochie and Sugar 88 like this.
  12. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    Agree with this.
    There's no weight bully's just guys who should probably be fighting a division below but do t know how to make the weight or feel they are good enough at the agreed weight
  13. Ricdog

    Ricdog Active Member Full Member

    Apr 10, 2015
    True, but don't you feel this is somewhat of mismatch in that despite being equal on paper...its a fight between two different weight classes?
  14. peter_uk

    peter_uk Active Member Full Member

    Sep 11, 2022
    It's definitely a real thing; ultimately the solution in my eyes are same day weigh-ins with rehydration limits, and bioelectrical impedance analysis prior to the fight to ensure fighters are not entering the ring dehydrated.
    Smoochie likes this.