Klitschko Was Awful - See Fury Usyk

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by bowerboy, May 22, 2024.

  1. mirkofilipovic

    mirkofilipovic ESB Management Full Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Both Usyk and boring Wlad were dominant, Jesus British fans are awful. You guys complain about a sport, yet allow the cultural Marxists to destroy your civilization :risas3:
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    lordlosh and catchwtboxing like this.
  2. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    Sometimes I agree with both sides.

    Wlad has his place in history with the 17 defenses....23 if you count his WBO tenure. And his size, two-fisted power, and footwork were admirable.

    But his reputation is deservedly marred by the is early knockout losses, his octopus tactics, and his inability to find physically formidable opposition.

    I always say that after Ali and Louis it gets complicated, and few are more complicated than Wladdy.
    bowerboy and dmt like this.
  3. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Your boy is the worst clincher and grappler in the game. He is also the dirtiest cheater in the game, being caught with Peds, and was 100% on the Sweet Juice Saturday night.
    Holding the whole division for 2 years ducking Usyk in the process to try to age him out, just to get his *** whooped all over the place.
    Klitschko never ever need to pay to the referee and the judges.
    To use his elbows, forearms to win fights, and he never get saved multiple time by the referees.

    Was Klitschko excessive clinching ? Yeah for certain. But he unlike your hero start doing it a lot less and only against small fighters that charge in, like Povetkin. That fight was as much as Klitschko fault, as much as Povetking, as he was doing exactly what Mike Tyson was doing against Lewis, cause their movement is terrible. They know forward only, and doesn't have the footwork to lure their opponent, move back and counter, which what Usyk has done against Fury.
    You don't have much choice to do anything than clinch, when your opponent jump straight on you.

    And also Klitschko start clinching a lot more in his really later years, cause he was very old and had a hard time pacing himself.

    In Haye match for example, there was what a good 10 clinches for the whole fight? Not much in the AJ fight as well, even though Klitschko was old as s**** in that fight.

    Also Klitschko at least had a powerful jab, one of the best in the history. And he wasn't just grab and clinch, totally wrong. He was using his powerful right hand, not slapping around with open gloves like Fury is doing.

    And lastly if Fury was able to stink the building out of it, with the corrupt referee they had, he would have done it, but the 40lbs. smaller "midget, rabbit, middleweight" showed him who the boss is, and that he is stronger, even though he is 40lbs lighter. And showed him what a good footwork actually is, even being 2 years old, and almost 38 years old.

    Bring any younger version of Usyk, like him being less than 36 years old, and Fury won't be able to lay a glove on him.
    kriszhao likes this.
  4. Braindamage

    Braindamage Baby Face Beast Full Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    So, the great Fury's best wins are a midget pusher and a one armed windmill. This is the man you've been slobbing on for a decade? LOL
    kriszhao and Jobo1878 like this.
  5. William Reader

    William Reader Member banned Full Member

    May 16, 2024
    Wladimir Klitschko was terrible, while Vitali Klitschko was a real fighter. Wladimir Klitschko's championship reign over dross has overrated him to hell. He was a control freak who paid his opponents peanuts, got them in at short notice, dodgy contracts, dodgy rings... terrible. The ultimate fake nice guy.
    bowerboy likes this.
  6. FastSmith7

    FastSmith7 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 16, 2017
    I love Wlad but he should have been DQed Vs Povetkin, it was insane, and if I remember right, 2 of the KDs were pushes
  7. GGGunbeatable

    GGGunbeatable Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 14, 2014
    We will never know how good the Klitschko brothers really were. Wlad was exposed several times against the likes of Ross Puritty or Sanders. Later he found his style, using the advantage of his physical superiority over boxers of a weak era.

    Vitali fought against guys like Albert Sosnowski or Manuel Charr, come on man. We can only speculate at this point. How would Vitali look like against a prime Wilder?

    When AJ, Joshua and Wilder had their first bigger appereances we all talked about how they are going to dethrown Wladimir, and two of them actually did. Today we do not have any of these fighters. Some people mention Kabayel and Hrgovic but deep down we all know they won't replace the current heavyweight elite.

    Usyk was always underrated, also by me. I was one of the people who believed too much in the size difference. I still think Fury can win the rematch, it wasn't a one sided fight like against AJ. Usyk definetly is leagues above Wladimir, he has proven much more in such a short time than Wlad did in his entire career. But we can't blame Wlad for that, it was a weak era with guys like Leapai, Wach, Pianeta :lol:, Mormeck, Haye, Chagaev etc. Just too many of these names, no one talks about these guys in a historical context except some delusiuional Haye fan boys. They are forgotten, they were never on that level that Usyk's opponents were.
  8. Goran_

    Goran_ Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 27, 2018
    He was good some nights and embarrassing other nights .. the pre-steward Vladimir was actually a more exciting fighter to watch than the more dominant one that just coasted while waiting to deronate the right hand ... he had some great attributes like his footwork and his jab and that big right hand.. but man he could stink the joint out sometimes.. I think after Steward passed he got even worse too .. some of his performances were terrible.. weirdly though his last ever fight sort of redeemed him a little bit and showed that he did have a bit of dog in him.. too little too late tho.. he probably is still a top 15 heavyweight though simply on the amount of defenses & the fact that he was the dominant heavyweight of his era.. I know Fury is a bellend but the guy gave us some absolute classics and unlike Klitschko has plenty of dog in him.. the three Wilder fights alone will go down in heavyweight folklore .. & he just gave us another classic last Saturday as well, I mean that one was one of the most skillful heavyweight fights I've seen in years.. as for Usyk, hes just boxing perfection.. everything you could want representing this sport and HW boxing.. but ye, Klitschko was a stinker on many occasion, & since he retired I can't stand him , the whole NATO Ukraine **** makes me vomit
  9. Goran_

    Goran_ Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 27, 2018
    What did you want him to do.. stand there and get hugged for 12 rounds :lol: