Fury vs Usyk was a 1 point fight either way

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by THE BLADE 2, May 20, 2024.

  1. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Exactly. And even the close rounds you are mentioning, they were still Usyk all of them simply based on Boxing Criteria, not on bias.
    As stats shows Usyk landed more in this rounds + he landed the most impactful punches. And not just the stats, but if you use your eyes without listening to the commentators as well.
    I also think people full stop ignore all of the Usyk body work. Usyk was straight left handing Fury body all night, which is a power punch to the body. You can't say Fury landed good body shots, and yet ignore Usyk body work, which clearly open Fury up top.

    And again for the close rounds. Usyk won the Ring Generalship, and never lost it(except Round 5 and 6), from the very Round 1.
    Fury tried to come and bully Usyk and be on the front foot and to take the center, but straight away he eat a big left to the body in the first second, and he was pushed off the center ring and on to the ropes.
    Effective aggression - Usyk, Clean punches - Usyk, More punches landed - Usyk, Impactful punches - Usyk, Pressure - Usyk all night, Ring Generalship - Usyk, more power punches - Usyk, combinations - Usyk, better defense - Usyk, who impose his style and gameplan ? - Usyk !!!

    So unless you are heavily biased and by the boxing rules, Fury doesn't have the case for somehow i won't even call them close, as close is when fighters land equal or close to equal punches, which was not the case. I call them competitive rounds where there was one winner based on the upper criteria, which is the Boxing scoring criteria.

    And no, 6-6 is not a stretch, is blatantly corrupt. Giving the fight for Usyk, is essentially the biggest corruption anyone could imagine, and a clearly paid off judge. And in my book all of the refs were told if the rounds were close, give it to Fury.
    As he doesn't have a case under Boxing rules to win this so call "close" rounds.

    Whole Boxing Industry was against Usyk, and everyone knows this.
    And btw, Round 2,3,11 and 12 was not close rounds at all. Clear Usyk rounds.

    Even round 4 for me Usyk just outland him and was better than him. And if you look at Round 7 closely, Usyk still outdone him in every single category.
    Round 5 and 6 are the only Fury clear rounds.
    TKO9 likes this.
  2. TKO9

    TKO9 New Member banned Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    Usyk out-landed Fury in 7 rounds out of 12 and round 9 was 10-8 .
    Usyk landed 18 punches to fury’s 10 in round 12 .
    It was clear 115-112 . Not one point.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    lordlosh likes this.
  3. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Wrong. Usyk outlanded him in 10 out of the 12 rounds.
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    The only 2 rounds Fury landed more was 5 and 6.
  4. TKO9

    TKO9 New Member banned Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    well I was using compubox stats .
    lordlosh likes this.
  5. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Once again. Compubox is 2 people sitting next to each other and clicking a button. It's highly inaccurate, and no one should take it seriously.
    AI essentially has 99,7% accuracy.
    It's million time more accurate than the Compubox.
    kriszhao and TKO9 like this.
  6. TKO9

    TKO9 New Member banned Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    So Fury’s fans are out of arguments . Fury lost 10-2 :D:D:D:D
    lordlosh likes this.
  7. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Yep, and even worst than that.
    Fury own cheerleader, who said he is the best in the world - Turki Alashikh paid for the AI to do a live scoring with all of the with DeepStrike:
    This content is protected

    I think they mention that they want this to be integrated into Boxing, which is good, as this can prevent a lot of robberies, as referee won't be able to explain themself, and lies about this or that fighter has better defense, Ring Generalship, pressure or aggression, when the AI measure that as well.

    If you look at the stats, Usyk owns Fury in every single category.
    That's why Fury fans now try to discredit the AI. :D

    But they essentially use cameras all over the ring, and can't get things wrong.
    It's like saying HawkEye in tennis is biased to help one or another player. :D
  8. shroomlite

    shroomlite New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    It's not like HawkEye at all though, because scoring Boxing isn't as simple as scoring Tennis is. Tennis scoring is completely objective, with a clearly defined scoring system and rules. I tried to explain that in my other posts, but of course you refused to read them.

    Boxing scoring is largely subjective, meaning it's open to individual interpretation and understanding, it's not simply about which fighter lands more punches, because all punches are not equal. For instance imagine a round where Boxer A landed 6 very clean basic but light punches to various parts of his opponents body, that didn't hurt him at all, only to then be countered by his opponent, Boxer B, with a solid right hook, that busts his nose up and sends him flying across the ring and leaves him completely dazed and having to be saved by the bell. Would you really think the first, Boxer A, won that round, when the second, Boxer B, clearly did the most damage? It would be completely based on personal opinion.

    And that's just a very simple and clear example, but boxing is infinitely more complex than that, and all the things you mention, like defense, ring generalship, pressure and aggression, are completely open to subjective thoughts and ideas as well.
    Ben Dover likes this.
  9. Grinder

    Grinder Dude, don't call me Dude Full Member

    Mar 24, 2005
    3 rounds to Fury is fairer than 5. 4 is probably fairest. 6 rounds to Fury requires dishonesty or a complete misunderstanding of boxing.
    kriszhao and TKO9 like this.
  10. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Again I'm not reading any of that crap on Fury fan alt account.
    Only a delusional person will argue that he is more accurate and not biased than AI.
    Especially when AI stats represent exactly what happened in the fight.
    TKO9 likes this.
  11. shroomlite

    shroomlite New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    I didn't even mention Fury at all, I'm merely talking about AI-analysis, but clearly your ego is far too fragile and sensitive for a debate, without thinking such childish things. Again, I have to wonder what you're doing on a forum, when you clearly can't take other peoples thoughts and opinions. You should just write messages to yourself to save yourself from the trauma.
    Ben Dover and AdamT like this.
  12. Olu G. Rotimi

    Olu G. Rotimi The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    8-4 to Usyk in Rounds with round 9 being a 10-8 round to Usyk so my scorecards were 117-111as a result whilst some individuals rounds were close Usyk was winning more rounds.
    lordlosh likes this.
  13. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Firstly - if you are new user fine, welcome to this forum.

    Secondly - i'm 100% sure you are not, and you are alt account of one of the Fury fanatics. Or one that has his account banned and make a new one.

    Thirdly - in your very first post, where i just took a glance off, as i told you i'm not going to read that wall of text, you comes straight after me without even knows the fact or see that no one is saying that AI should be the one scoring Boxing fights, and no one use it for that.
    Next thing you have make a bunch of nonsenses claims, as you had no f**** idea how the AI works, yet you start saying absolutely nonsenses.

    5 people already told you and even gave you a link to see how the AI work, and that accuracy is without a doubt almost perfect. Well nothing is perfect.

    Fourthly - in your very first post you prove yourself to be a Fury fanboy, claiming the fight could go either way. Fury biggest cheerleader Gareth A.Davies have Usyk winning. The Sky Sports Media and all of them were Fury cheerleaders and says he was going to win, and their own viewers have it 116-111. So you have to have some kind of mental illness to try a make a case for Fury winning this fight. Even Frank Warren his own promoter, who is the most delusional guy, now change his version that the fight could have been a draw, and that he sees it as a draw.
    After all week explained how he has it for Fury, yet on his own scoring he had Usyk winning 6 rounds. That old ***** can't even do a basic math, as Usyk scored a KD, and this is still a Usyk win.

    Fifthly - I used the AI, and if you have read the post you would have known that, instead of blabling nonsenses that someone use AI to score a figh for backing what i saw in the fight, and how i scored.

    The AI shows Usyk landed more punches, this is a fact. AI showed Usyk was the aggressor, this is a fact. The AI shows Usyk landed the cleaner, harder, impactful punches, this is a fact.
    AI also have a very well detailed stats where and with what type of power X or Y shot landed.

    And finally there isn't a single, and i mean single ROUND except for 5 or 6, where Fury outland Usyk, and where Fury had landed more Power punches than Usyk, or where he landed more clean punches than Usyk.

    And lastly i'm all for discussion, but in the very first post i told you that i don't answer to alt accounts, neither to deluded Fury fanboys, who just repeat the same thing over, and are living in their own dream. Plus i add that the mods asked me to tone down my posts, and to not quote me.
    Yet you quote me 5 more time.
    The problem is in you, not me in, now leave me alone.
    If you want to share how you see the fight - fine do it, but don't try to debunk and dismiss a clear system that shows us exactly what people who dismiss the biases commentators from the fight, and not follow for Fury showboating.

    And from what i see from here, media, etc, more and more people on rewatch are coming to mine conclusion, which i made in just 1 watching, that this wasn't a close fight at all.
    Again huge props for CST80, as he was one of the very few, who didn't buy the biased DAZN commentators and Fury showboating, and score the fight exactly as i see it, and exactly how the fight played out.
  14. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    And this is absolutely the last from me on this topic, and i think there is no need for anyone to even mention it, as this is boxing forum, but people obviously don't know how to score a fight:

    What do boxing judges look for?

    Here are the following areas in which boxing judges are encouraged to determine who 'won' or 'lost' a round:

    • Effective Aggression: Being aggressive gives the impression of dominance, but unless the boxer is landing shots and not constantly getting countered, it isn't really 'effective'. Judges look for effective aggression, where the aggressor consistently lands punches and avoids those from his opponent.
    • Ring Generalship: The fighter who controls the action and enforces their will and style.
    • Defense: How well is a boxer slipping, parrying, and blocking punches? Good defense is important.
    • Hard and Clean Punches: To the untrained eye, it can appear as if a boxer is landing a lot of shots, when, in fact, most are being blocked or aren’t landing flush. A judge needs to look for hard shots that land clean.
    Every single one of this criteria was Usyk all over the place. Every single one, and the AI backs this up, and that's why i used it to show exactly what i see.

    So the close rounds that the fight had, which are just 4 in my mind, and that is 4, by the very boxing rules, Usyk won it by being better in every single aspect from the above.

    kriszhao likes this.
  15. AdamT

    AdamT Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 18, 2019
    I bet anything this won't be the last lol
    shroomlite and BubblesUK like this.