Oleksandr Usyk is not 6'3

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by tragedy, May 22, 2024.

  1. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    Also fought Shawn Porter in Dec 2006 as 165 pounder.. both were 19 yrs old. And Porter beat him
  2. Man_Machine

    Man_Machine Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Weight doesn't equate to size, either.
  3. cuchulain

    cuchulain VIP Member Full Member

    Jan 6, 2007

    It pretty much does.

    Boxing has weight categories.

    Are there any other measurements that are used for size ?
  4. tragedy

    tragedy Member Full Member

    Mar 18, 2024
    No one at celebheights has Usyk marked down as 6'3. Many have him at 6'2 to 6'2 and a half as height fluctuates through the day. Michael Moorer was 6'2 and weighed in the 220's as a heavyweight. Does that also make Moorer "George Foreman sized" to you? We know thats not true just by seeing them next to each other, yet Moorer is the same height (and weight) as Usyk.
  5. Man_Machine

    Man_Machine Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    In which case, Eric 'Butterbean' Esch is bigger than Nikola Valuev.

    Categories that represent ranges in weight and do not accommodate body type at all... ...think Thomas Hearns (Leonard I) vs Manny Pacquiao (Mayweather Jr).

    Also, consider the day-before weigh-ins and how they have impacted the sport of Boxing. To my mind, there's no clearer example of 'weight not equating to size' than through the abuse of the day-before weigh-ins - because weight is a variable, subject to muscle, water and fat content.

    The temporary and fluctuating nature of weight allows people to 'make' the weight limit and then increase their weight, over the next 24 to 36 hours. Did they 'get bigger' in 24 to 36 hours?

    Some might say 'Yes'. I say 'No'. They just got heavier by putting weight on their already fixed-sized frame.

    A person's skeletal frame is more or less immutable and, at the same time, the foundation for muscle attachment and leverage, and the enabler for efficient movement and the production of force.

    When we look at Heavyweight as a division, there is no banding, but the same principle applies, in that one Heavyweight might look to gain weight (and that division allows them to do so), while another Heavyweight might see fit to train down to a weight more suited to performing at their optimum. But, neither case relates to the actual size of the Heavyweights. These two might come in at the same weight but each be of different size.

    It's why we see a lot of fat Heavyweights. They're not particularly big or athletic - just fat and quite probably clinically obese in a lot of cases.

    I'm sure you remember the days when the 'Tale of the Tape' covered a plethora of measurements, from Neck to Ankle, including Chest, Waist, Bicep, Thigh, etc, etc.
    x6x6x likes this.
  6. tinman

    tinman VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2015
    Usyk's natural fighting weight is 212. He looks a tad pudgy in the 220s. He clearly added unnatural bulk to his frame to better compete at HW. He's not a real HW and 221 is not his natural fighting weight. He has a Cruiserweight frame which is why he was making Cruiserweight with ease into his 30s.
  7. tinman

    tinman VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2015
    Anybody who can make Cruiserweight into their 30s is not a natural HW.
    Perkin Warbeck likes this.
  8. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    That’s quite a growth spurt Swag but no so uncommon as you obviously know and your own example supports.

    I agree. I think Ali was still growing. Not sure that he did between the two Liston fights though it’s not impossible.

    It was funny when Dundee exaggerated and tried to tout Ali as still growing and near 6’4” prior to the Terrell fight to mitigate the height difference.

    I’ve never really been 100% sold that Terrell was a full 6’6” himself, but again, not impossible.
    swagdelfadeel likes this.
  9. Perkin Warbeck

    Perkin Warbeck Boxing aficionado Full Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Oleksandr Usyk is just 6'2" not 6'3" and Tyson Fury is 6'8" not 6'9".
  10. Babality

    Babality KTFO!!!!!!! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    Yeah, it is. Because those people analyze it to an extreme. Others don't care enough and probably go with what they aee somewhere or shoe height.
    x6x6x likes this.
  11. Kiwi Casual

    Kiwi Casual Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 31, 2021
    My sentiments exactly.
    GoldenHulk likes this.
  12. Babality

    Babality KTFO!!!!!!! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    George Foreman was 6'3 and Usyk 6'2 1/2. How is that not comparable? Literally half an inch apart.
  13. lobk

    lobk Original ESB Member Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    what is point of thread ??
    Hotep Kemba and The Cryptkeeper like this.
  14. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    Usyk is considerably smaller than both AJ and Fury. And he beat the living suitcase out of both guys.

    That is all that matters.
    Hotep Kemba and Pugguy like this.
  15. HellSpawn86

    HellSpawn86 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 6, 2007
    After meeting several boxers I find heights in boxing to be inflated.
    The Cryptkeeper, Pugguy and Jackomano like this.