Fury vs Usyk was a 1 point fight either way

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by THE BLADE 2, May 20, 2024.

  1. KO KIDD

    KO KIDD Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    I don’t see a great case for fury

    I had it 115-112 and gave Usyk 7 based on his strong finish. I could foresee Fury winning that round to make it 114-113

    I mean if you were being very charitable maybe the 11th. I find it very difficult giving Fury 1 or 2
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  2. DoubleG95Fanatic

    DoubleG95Fanatic Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 25, 2021
    116-111 Usyk seems like a crazy scorecard to me, then again giving the win to Fury would've felt like a robbery too.

    Only watched it once but 1-2 rounds in favour of Usyk felt right once that final bell sounded....may need to watch it back a few more times, which tbf I don't usually do......do people who do find they come to different conclusions?
  3. shroomlite

    shroomlite New Member Full Member

    May 22, 2024
    I'm not an alt of anyone, I'm just a boxing fan in general, who watched the Fury vs Usyk fight, which was only recently, and was interested to read other peoples opinions on it, and happened to see your reply to the original poster of this thread, and I just didn't agree with your reply. Not the part where you thought Usyk won, but the way in which you just dismissed someone else's opinion because of some AI analysis. It's as simple as that.

    As far as the other things you say, I completely understand how boxing is scored and what the judges look for, I've said that already, but do you not understand that it's largely subjective? Meaning it's open to interpretation and personal opinion, that's my only point. I'm not saying Fury won the fight, or Usyk won the fight, just that the use of AI, in again, a largely subjective sport, is misleading and not an accurate way to judge boxing. I've tried already to give you numerous examples as to why, but you've simply dismissed them, so it's pointless to state them again, we'll just have to agree to disagree about the use of AI, and if you think computer code can judge whether a fighter is being effective in their aggression, or controlling the action and pace of a fight, and all the other nuances of boxing, then so be it, you're entitled to your opinion. I just don't agree with you.
  4. northpaw

    northpaw Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    I gave Fury 3 rounds. There was a specific round I gave to Usyk that I noted was close and could've gone to Fury.......that makes a possible 4. There was a specific round I gave to Fury that I noted could've gone to Usyk.

    I see no scenario where Fury won more than 4 rounds.................definitely not 5 and most assuredly not 6 etc.............

    This wasn't a 1 or 2 point fight.
    CST80, gollumsluvslave and kriszhao like this.
  5. Guerra

    Guerra Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 23, 2020
    I guess it depends if you feel 4-6 are Fury rounds.
    Then 2,3,7,12 are rounds where you could argue a fury round. My feeling was not that it was all Usyk or all Fury rounds.
    I think anything from 116-111 to 114-113 so 8-4 till 6-6 would be fair but Usyk is the right winner regardless.
    northpaw likes this.
  6. miniq

    miniq Oleksandr Usyk Undisputed HW Champion Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    1. Usyk
    2. Usyk
    3. Fury
    4. Fury
    5. Fury
    6. Fury
    7. Fury
    8. Usyk
    9. Usyk 10-8
    10. Usyk
    11. Usyk
    12. Fury

    Close fight.

    I'm surprised the pace got to Fury...I was actually expecting to see him ramp things up in them later middle rounds and Usyk to crack even further but instead he tired and Usyk found his opening
    AdamT and gollumsluvslave like this.
  7. northpaw

    northpaw Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    1 Usyk
    2 Usyk
    3 Usyk
    4 Fury (close)
    5 Fury
    6 Fury
    7 Usyk (close)
    8 Usyk
    9 Usyk 10-8
    10 Usyk
    11 Usyk
    12 Usyk

    117-110 Usyk

    My exact rbr. I think that Fury began adjusting in round 3 (not enough that I gave that to him but definitely showed an uptick in tactics) and he looked solid/it continued until Usyk in turn adjusted in round 7.
    CST80, lordlosh and gollumsluvslave like this.
  8. Vince Voltage

    Vince Voltage Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    I had it for Usyk by one point.
  9. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Rewatching it again on slow motion with all the scoring in mind, Fury won just Round 5 and 6.
    Round 4 was the only close round, but for me Usyk won that round, as he landed a barrage of punches on few occasions, and he just land the cleaner punches and his work was just better all around. Controlling the fight, forcing Fury to fight his fight. And his gameplan at the end was the right one.

    So i had it like this:
    Round 1 - Usyk
    Round 2 - Usyk
    Round 3 - Usyk
    Round 4 - Usyk, but a close round, won it by Ring Generalship, effective aggression, pressure and landing more and more impactful punches
    Round 5 - Fury
    Round 6 - Fury
    Round 7 - Usyk, and this is a clear Usyk round, you can't even make a case for Fury. Usyk lands more power shots, land more and better
    Round 8 - Usyk
    Round 9 - Usyk + KD
    Round 10 - Usyk
    Round 11 - Usyk
    Round 12 - Usyk, again some people had it close, watch it again, no it wasn't close at all

    And to finish this up, people were giving rounds for Fury for showboating, and if he connect good just 1 time, and completely ignore all of the Usyk's body work on Fury. And most of Usyk body work was straight left power punches.

    This wasn't a close fight at all. Clear shout-out.
    Outside of the 2 uppercuts in the 6th. round, tell me what Fury best punches to the head of Usyk are? I don't remember a single straight Right hand landing on Usyk for the whole fight.
    There was 1 weak right hook, that was arm punch, and nothing else.
    Usyk on the other hand, outside of the body work, landing his left hand to the head of Fury in almost every single round.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  10. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Which is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. I reckon some folks here just have a bias towards Usyk.
  11. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Reasonable card in my opinion.
  12. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    I watched it twice and had it close. I am not going watch it a third time. It was a good fight but not a great fight in my opinion.

    I disagree with rounds 3, 4 and 12 of your card which I gave to Fury, quit clearly. Rounds 7 and 11 which I gave to Usyk were still close in my opinion. Overall, I am happy Usyk won because he was the aggressor throughout the fight and had that big 9th round.
  13. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Yeah, from the very first of your post i get it that you are biased, we are in a 5 page already, and you still haven't explained why you gave this rounds for Fury.
    And sorry this ain't disrespect to you, but unless you say for what exactly reason you are giving this rounds to Fury, i can't take you seriously.

    Here are the following areas in which boxing judges are encouraged to determine who 'won' or 'lost' a round:
    • Effective Aggression: Being aggressive gives the impression of dominance, but unless the boxer is landing shots and not constantly getting countered, it isn't really 'effective'. Judges look for effective aggression, where the aggressor consistently lands punches and avoids those from his opponent.
    • Ring Generalship: The fighter who controls the action and enforces their will and style.
    • Defense: How well is a boxer slipping, parrying, and blocking punches? Good defense is important.
    • Hard and Clean Punches: To the untrained eye, it can appear as if a boxer is landing a lot of shots, when, in fact, most are being blocked or aren’t landing flush. A judge needs to look for hard shots that land clean.

    Go on and explain on which one of this indicators Fury won Round 3 and 12 for that particular manner.
    Round 4 was close i would give it that, but still Usyk outland him, and scored the most impactful punches. He still has better defense, he still has the Ring Generalship, as he put Fury on the back foot and makes him fight Usyk fight. Usyk controlled the fight, with the exception for Round 5 and 6.

    As far as Round 7, it wasn't close at all. Clear Usyk round by a lot. Round 11 was a close one i would admit, until the last 10 seconds, where Usyk landed the best shot of the round, a huge overhand left, which seals the deal.

    Again the UK commentators of Sky Sports, all UK, they had it 116-112 for Usyk.

    You claim the scorecards were fine and fair, and this was 1 round fight.

    Now you changed your opinion, but still gives credit and rounds for Fury, where he just doesn't have a case for winning it.

    This like me coming and saying Usyk won Round 5 and 6, cause he took bombs from Fury and didn't go down.
    Showboating ain't winning you points. It does nothing.

    Still wanna hear on what criteria exactly you are giving Fury Round 3 and 12 specifically.
  14. THE BLADE 2

    THE BLADE 2 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    I did not change my opinion. Rounds 3 and 12 I would have to rewatch to give you notes. Generally, if I gave a round to Fury, it is because I felt that Fury controlled him with his jab and boxing. The rounds were still competitive though.
  15. DoctorJones

    DoctorJones New Member Full Member

    Mar 9, 2024
    I haven't scored the fight but I think that people diminish how much Fury has been hurt in the fight. It added mileage on the clock