GOAT == Usyk

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by lordlosh, May 18, 2024.

Who won after rewatching the fight

  1. Usyk

  2. Fury

  1. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    :thumbsup: Appreciate the passion man, and keep at it, but maybe try to confine all of your new thoughts/posts to this thread.... which is pretty much your very own Usyk GOAT master thread. See how big you can get it!
    lordlosh likes this.
  2. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    It's not.:sisi1 It should be 116-111. You forgot to score the knockdown. You had it one round off of IB and I's 117-110 cards.
    FrankinDallas and lordlosh like this.
  3. ConfusedGuy

    ConfusedGuy Member Full Member

    Oct 29, 2020
    I'm not an AJ hater? I don't get super into stanning fighters (or dick riding them, in your case) as most do.

    I have favourite fighters, for example, inoue. But I don't post about him endlessly because I have a life.

    You say about Fury fanboys always bringing uo AJ, and you are right, they do. But you are so stupid that you can't see yourself doing the exact same thing? You will go into a thread that has nothing to do with AJ and bring him up lol

    There are some really pathetic fanboys on this site , that much we agree on. The thing that you need to realise is that you're one of them.
  4. Sugar 88

    Sugar 88 The Empire Struck Back Full Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Bellew is tiny compared to Joshua and Fury.

    Joshua couldn't fight the fight he should have because he was still fighting cagily. At no point did he try to sit on Uysk and impose himself. Shopworn Derek Chisora managed to push him to the edge but put simply Joshua didn't have the heart to commit to that kind of strategy.

    Fury came in light and tried to be clever in the early going believing himself the superior boxer. He isn't. Certainly not now and reasonably arguably not ever. He took the middle in the middle rounds and looked good. Gave up the centre and then got slapped all over the ring again. Neither of them are ever beating Uysk by being slick. Take chances and you have one, fight his fight and you might as well not bother showing up.

    It was the same when Haye fought Wlad - not style wise for either but having to take a chance if you wanted to actually win. If Haye wanted to actually win that fight not just lose a UD then he needed to commit to his offensive output and win it as a gunslinger. Yes, they might have lead to a KO loss but there was at least a potential winning strategy there.
  5. ArseBandit

    ArseBandit Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    I don't disagree with you, but I also don't think their capable of pulling that off. Usyk is just too skilled.
    Sugar 88 likes this.
  6. boxingexpert733

    boxingexpert733 Member Full Member

    May 18, 2023
    judges dont have AI at their disposal. most ppl agreed fury sweeped the middle rounds and you could give him 1 out of the first 3 rounds and the 12th. Anyone with eyes can see it was a close fight apart from the 9th round when he got caught.
  7. Clinton

    Clinton Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Nothing else needs to be said
    Serge likes this.
  8. Olu G. Rotimi

    Olu G. Rotimi The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    I think that may be going too far to say he is the GOAT. He is not but he is outstanding. Like Ali he has a formidable will.
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  9. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    This content is protected
    tragedy likes this.
  10. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    This content is protected

    I think he will just retire straight away from Boxing. Nothing else to prove or gain. He will get his money from Movies now.
    Fury can rematch Klitschko now, he owes him anyway.
    Serge likes this.
  11. Sugar 88

    Sugar 88 The Empire Struck Back Full Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    It'd be funny to see people who slated Fury for ducking the Wlad rematch that he 100% should have given him then celebrate Uysk riding off into the sunset without giving Fury a chance to run it back.

    I'd be disappointed myself as that's not been Uysk's MO. He's fought everyone pretty much anywhere and was happy enough to give Joshua a second crack at him after a far less competitive fight. I'd like to see it again purely because it was a good fight to watch.
  12. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    And it's a funny how Fury fans "suddenly" are not his fans, but Usyk instead, and saying they want to see the rematch, cause it was good fight.
    Plenty fights was good, but we didn't see a rematch.

    AJ - Usyk rematch is not comparable at all.
    Firstly cause AJ hasn't ducked a single person in Boxing. Second AJ was respectful all the way towards Usyk and his team, and didn't threat them like tr***. His father didn't goes on headbutting people, and than blatantly lies it was their fault.

    AJ didn't need to age Usyk out for a good 2 years, by doing nothing in the meanwhile, and lying to anyone and trying to put the blame into Usyk team.

    Oh, and to say the least, AJ was ready for the Klitschko rematch, and didn't waste him 12 months of his last days in Boxing.

    Usyk already served a Karma to Fury, by beating the living s**** out of him. Now he needs to serve him a karma of Life, by straight up retiring, so Fury can drink his own ****.

    And lastly, this is Fury own's word, the loser will go back home with d*** in his hands.
    If he was to win that fight against Usyk, even with the worst robbery in the history, he would have straight up retire and never gave Usyk rematch.

    And i'm sure Usyk would lose his sleep that you will be disappointed in him.
  13. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Exactly. It's set in stone. Undeniable. Irrefutable. It's God's truth :deal:
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  14. Sugar 88

    Sugar 88 The Empire Struck Back Full Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    "John Fury's a POS so there shouldn't be a rematch."

    What an absolute baby you are. Thankfully Team Uysk are a lot more rational than you. A rematch clause is in place, there's a lot of money to be earned and it'd be good for boxing. You want to give all that up because the Furys are big meanies :qmeparto:.

    And yes I think Uysk would lose sleep at being thought of less by boxing fans. His entire resume screams that he wants an immaculate resume for his era. Not to mention the tens of millions he'd be leaving on the table.

    As for Fury fans suddenly turning on him, I've been a massive critic of his for years on here as evidenced by my posting history so if that's aimed at me it's yet something else you're entirely wrong about.

    It seems to me that you're worried Fury might win a rematch despite how confident you're claiming to be and the thought of him winning is more than you can bear. Rest easy, Uysk will be a big favourite with most going into the rematch.
  15. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    This is what i love in some people, they don't have an argument for something, so they start selective picking few words and ignore the context as a whole.
    John Fury criminal act was just the cherry of the cake. Fury, starting by him, and his own team disrespected Usyk and his team and put so much s**** on them, that it's unreal.
    The thread and media is full with mockery of Tyson Fury and his pre-fight antics, if you are not up to date, and not followed what has happen.

    Still just the whole ducking situation with Klitschko is enough, for Usyk to return the favor, and it won't be the same, as Fury essentially waste a year+ of Klitschko career which was his last couple of years, which by itself that was terrible.
    He was lying and faking injury as the POS he is.

    Now if Fury was a man, and not a f**** coward, both the fight and the rematch with Usyk, and even 2x fight with AJ could have already been made.
    Instead he was scared little chicken and decided to duck Usyk for 2 years in order to age him out. As Usyk is 37.5 years old. And he is a natural CW, who doesn't rely on his power or size, but all the attributes that start declining in your early 30s, as speed, reflexes, reaction time, footwork, etc. He is literally a 50% version of his prime, if not even lower.

    Also Fury and his team was messing with Usyk and put so much s**** and try to blame them for the falls in negotiation, so if i'm team Usyk i will never ever give him rematch.

    Should i even mention that Fury would have never ever gave Usyk rematch, has Fury was given the win? Hell even before the fight they say Fury - AJ is next, and they will dumb Usyk. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows this.

    As far as Usyk losing sleep, no he won't. Also if he decide to retire, people would be happy, as more than plenty of people are beginning him to do so. The only sore crybabies going to be Fury fanboys. And yeah Usyk is exactly the type of guy that doesn't give a hot f*** what anyone thing of him, especially Fury fanboys.
    This will be another good Karma for Fury.
    As far as the money goes, he beat Fury, and get a role in the movie. Him retiring Undefeated will bring him way more money and fame in the future and opportunity as well.
    And his motivation was never the money, and he earned more than enough.

    As far as the last part, oh saved it.
    I predicted how the whole saga will develop and i was right literally on almost every single thing and detail. I predicted Fury - Chisora 3. I predicted Fury trying to age Usyk out, till he is 37+ years old, and i predicted he will pull multiple time of the fight, which he did.
    And i predicted a KO, that the paid referee saved him from. Just like i predicted the judges will try to rob Usyk if the fight goes to the distance, and they did so, but so wide, they couldn't. Just like they couldn't rob Bivol against Canelo. Was way too wide.

    And again saved it, as Fury fanboys were making a thread before the fight, how Fury will school Usyk, and how Usyk fanboys will be in tears and this forum will be in tears for months.

    And one last thing i know Fury extremely well. Win or lose against Usyk in the rematch(which i think and hope won't happen), he will retire. He will never ever fight AJ.
    The only chance, and it's still as slim one is if Usyk decide to retire, than we will get Fury - AJ.