Compilation video of Mayweather criticizing Ali

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Jonas Lindberg, May 23, 2024.

  1. Jonas Lindberg

    Jonas Lindberg New Member banned Full Member

    May 10, 2024
    This content is protected
    USFBulls727 and cross_trainer like this.
  2. Ioakeim Tzortzakis

    Ioakeim Tzortzakis Active Member Full Member

    Aug 27, 2020
    Floyd's full of crap. He did not watch the Norton fights. He probably heard they were controversial from somewhere and just used that information as a crutch. There's no way he can barely remember Norton's name and then say that we should look at all 3 fights, as if he watched them and scored them himself.

    Claiming that nobody brings up Ali and especially Tyson anymore is also incredibly dishonest. There's not a day that goes by where people do not mention Mike Tyson in someway, and he knows it. I just wish people had the balls to actually call him out on such obvious BS.
    Bokaj and slash like this.
  3. Jonas Lindberg

    Jonas Lindberg New Member banned Full Member

    May 10, 2024
    Floyd's whole family lives and breathes boxing, so I bet he did watch the fights.

    In any case, I think Ali definitely lost at least 2 of those fights with Norton. I forget which ones.
  4. Ney

    Ney Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 13, 2024
    He’s downright coherent next to the stuff Larry Holmes comes out with. But really, isn’t this kind of game obvious? He’s saying this stuff for attention. He knows Ali is a big name still in the public conscience, & this will get attention. It’s no coincidence he’s picking apart Ali & not Louis or Dempsey or Marciano.
    Smoochie and Kid Bacon like this.
  5. Ioakeim Tzortzakis

    Ioakeim Tzortzakis Active Member Full Member

    Aug 27, 2020
    Many people I know live and breath Boxing, but only when it comes to the actual training and participation part of it. I know a guy in his mid 20's that has had several amateur fights and he hasn't even heard of Archie Moore's name. It would not surprise me in the slightest if Floyd has only heard about the fights, but did not actually sit down to watch them in their entirety.
    Bokaj and slash like this.
  6. Jonas Lindberg

    Jonas Lindberg New Member banned Full Member

    May 10, 2024
    Mayweather seems to believe that by being the champion who took the least punishment, he has secured his spot as the greatest. That's his criteria for greatness.

    Mayweather brings up Ali losing to Spinks, although Ali was 36. I think Mayweather's point is that Ali took a lot of punishment over his career, and as a result, he was in poor shape by the time his mid 30s came around. Whereas when Mayweather was 36, he was still in great shape and he toyed with an all-time great that year.
  7. MoneyMay1

    MoneyMay1 Member Full Member

    Jun 9, 2021
    Why would you be surprised that Mayweather watched Ali's fights considering he was born on the year Ali fought Norton. Floyd's dad was a boxer too so it wouldn't be a shock that a young Mayweather watched a fight from the most popular boxer ever that happened not that long ago.

    Why would you expect a Mid 20's person to know Archie Moore? No one talks about Archie Moore. He is irrelevant today. Not to mention he fought a long time ago. Floyd was born the year Ali fought Norton. That Mid 20s fighter was born nearly 50 years after Moore fought Marciano. It's obvious why Floyd could have watched Ali's fights while your young amateur fighter hasn't heard of Archie Moore.
    Smoochie and Romero like this.
  8. quintonjacksonfan

    quintonjacksonfan Active Member Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    Floyd has to bash Ali because boxing experts all have him higher P4P so he feels threatened and insecure about his all-time standing
    Bokaj, slash and Smoochie like this.
  9. Ioakeim Tzortzakis

    Ioakeim Tzortzakis Active Member Full Member

    Aug 27, 2020
    You're not wrong, per say, but he barely remembers Norton's name, so it seems probable to me that he did not actually sit down to watch the fights. That's the gist of it. Maybe he did and and pretends not to know Norton's name merely just to mess with people who noticed, but I'm leaning towards the former case being true. It's as simple as that.
    Bokaj likes this.
  10. Flash24

    Flash24 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Floyd Mayweather Jr. Maybe the greatest Jr.lightweight in history.
    But as he went up in weight he became much more selective of who he faced.
    He specialized in fighting opponents that had a name, but was little to no real threat to himself.
    It's a whose who of fighters that had name recognition, but were past prime, some significantly. Think about it , Deloyhoya and Mosely two of his biggest names were almost 10 yrs past their best. Cotto and Judah were past their best yrs.
    Alvarez and Hatton were and are nothing special, and he waited until , and made every excuse before he finally faced Pac , after he was damaged goods from a brutal ko loss.
    The rest of his opposition were tailor made to lose to him since his career at Jr.lightweight.
    Always had a stylistic advantages over the opposition he choose to face ...... a career of smoke and mirrors.
    So yes he will disparage the truly great fighters in history, because that's what fighters like him do.
    They disparage fighters they know in their hearts they truly can't match up against when considering they never faced a truly great fighter at their very best.
    That fact haunts him..... And it should.
    Man_Machine likes this.
  11. themaster458

    themaster458 Member Full Member

    May 17, 2022
    He still beat a lot of really good opponents and even those so were part their best slightly were still very good when he fought them, to discredit them because you don't like Floyd is a disservice to the sport.
  12. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    He suggested Mike Tyson is irrelevant but Tyson is getting paid twenty million dollars to fights a YouTuber when he's sixty years old.
    Bokaj, Smoochie and cross_trainer like this.
  13. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    To be fair Pacquiao was a shell of himself and De La Hoya's next fight ended in disaster.
    Kid Bacon likes this.
  14. themaster458

    themaster458 Member Full Member

    May 17, 2022
    The same Pacquiao was on 3 fight win streak and would go on another good run afterwards only losing to Horn in a fight he should have won and Ugas in a completive fight while Oscar gave Floyd a tough fight and was still clearly a good fighter when they fought.
    Smoochie likes this.
  15. Flash24

    Flash24 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Nothing personal. And for you to think that I don't like him is more about your love of May Jr. Than my dislike . Everything I wrote were simple facts.
    Mayweather Jr's career has been about smoke and mirrors above Lightweight.
    Personally, I'd have a lot more respect for him if he had at the least chose to fight a Shawn Porter, Tim Bradley. Errol Spence. Keith Thurman, Terrance Crawford, Devin Alexander or Paul Williams, all readily available and lost, than his pre determined wins over Berto ( at the very tail end of his career) and especially Conor McGregor
    Give me Ray Robinson 90 plus wins with 1 loss , against the best available.
    Or Ray Leonard's 30 plus wins with 1 loss which includes 4 wins vs prime or close to it ATG's any day.
    And many other Atg's between lightweight and Jr. Middleweight that I rank higher than Mayweather Jr. Especially since he's so determined to claim he's the greatest simply because he never loss. If Leonard or Robinson and a quite a few others faced the opponents Mayweather Jr. CHOOSE to fight they've would've been undefeated too..
    And more spectacularly along the way.

    Nothing personal just facts the way I see them.
    BoB Box likes this.