Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Usyk vs. Tyson Luke Fury II

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by IntentionalButt, May 19, 2024.

The Cat or Gypsy King?

This poll will close on Dec 21, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
  1. Usyk on points

  2. Usyk by stoppage

  3. Draw

  4. Fury on points

  5. Fury by stoppage

  1. OldSchoolBoxing

    OldSchoolBoxing Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 30, 2021
    What controversy are you talking about? Dubois is a 4th grade journeyman.
  2. OldSchoolBoxing

    OldSchoolBoxing Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 30, 2021
    With stronger ref and judges, this time Fury will win.
  3. destruction

    destruction Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    I severely doubt that Fury turns up for the rematch, but if he does then he loses another decision. Wider than last time too.
  4. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Exactly. And there is rumours that Usyk is struggling with the weight and even think of going down to CW. Going down to CW is from Chisora btw.
    Usyk just ain't a natural HW and he is 38 almost. He should retire. Nothing left to prove and not see how, and from where he will get motivation for more. Already 2x Undisputed and beat them all.
  5. Sugar 88

    Sugar 88 The Empire Struck Back Full Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    For me it depends on whether or not Fury comes in heavier and looks to be an ugly mauling destroyer - if he's actually capable of that at this point in his career.

    He can't box like he did against Wlad anymore and there's no guarantee that'd be a winning strategy even if he could. I think he can shock everyone like he did in Wilder 2 if he comes in with that balls to the wall mindset. If he tries to be slick again he'll lose again much how Joshua did.

    So with the caveat that Fury needs to be 270+ and willing to make it ugly AF, I think he can do it. Failing that it'll be an even easier Uysk win.
    Bart Allen and oldcanvasback like this.
  6. LaidOut

    LaidOut Whaaaaat? Full Member

    Mar 2, 2009
    People talking about how Fury chose not to clinch, as if it was only his choice to not do so. WTF?? Usyk fought and moved in such a manner that Fury wasn't able to effectively clinch like he was used to. Give Usyk some credit, he just knew how to negate anything Fury was doing, including his sneaky uppercut. Usyk is a master at adjusting, and the rematch will be a KO. Fury will regret this.
  7. Arch Stanton

    Arch Stanton When you have to shoot, shoot!, don't talk...... Full Member

    Dec 24, 2022
    Although this re-match has been initially agreed, I think we've got some twists and turns, and very possible U-turns and even 360°'s to overcome first.

    This is defo nowhere near in the bag for me.
  8. BigStan

    BigStan New Member Full Member

    Nov 17, 2023
    Gonna need Fury to show me some kind of Rocky montage before I believe this is happening.

    He either needs to come in chasing a stoppage (and more likely get stopped himself), or massively improve his fitness between now and the rematch.

    I think the first option is more likely.
  9. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    At that level, one of the hardest thing to do is to improve your cardi/energy level/fitness(as you call it).
    Even if he comes lighter, i don't think that's going to give him any benefits at all.
    oldcanvasback likes this.
  10. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    If he does Fury will furiously claim that he's ducking the rematch, and get extremely indignant if anyone reminds him that he did the same to Wlad. Without a single doubt.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  11. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    A part of me wants Usyk to have a farewell fight vs another top contender and call it a day. I don't think Fury can recover this year. Fury needs probably 10-12 months just to prepare for this rematch.
    Arch Stanton, oldcanvasback and Bokaj like this.
  12. BigStan

    BigStan New Member Full Member

    Nov 17, 2023
    Agreed, I think even more so for Fury given his age and the toll his lifestyle will have taken on him.
    Which is why I think he goes with the first option IF he can get motivated for a rematch (a big IF for me despite what Frank says)
    Arch Stanton likes this.
  13. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Yeah. I certainly wouldn't bank on the rematch happening, not this year at least. Fury will of course take some much needed time off now and if he's gained 20-30 lbs by the time he comes back to camp, and still feels the effect of that 9th round, he might very well have some second thoughts about a rematch in October.
    dmt and lordlosh like this.
  14. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Let's be real it's the mental part as well. As he needs to rewatch the fight plenty of time. And if he isn't delusional, he will see that he won only 2 rounds for real, and was soundly get outlanded and outboxed, and he would known that the referee saved him in there.
    He couldn't really bring it to Usyk, and while he manage to hurt him once in the 6th, Usyk was not really in a big danger of even being down, and Fury eat straight left hands all night.

    He confidence will be all over the place, and he can only hope that Usyk decline even more in the next few months. Nothing he can really do.

    Going in weight again won't be a good choice for me. Firstly Usyk ain't Wilder, and secondly when you are on the front foot, the counter punches hurt even more, as you are coming forward and eating punches have a way more effect.
    Also being heavier will f**** up his cardio and speed big time.

    I just don't see it.
  15. ikrasevic

    ikrasevic Allah Vs. satan Full Member

    Nov 3, 2021
    Now we will see how much and if Tyson Fury is a great boxer and a great man.
    He JUST NOW has something to prove to himself and the boxing world.
    Arch Stanton likes this.