Oleksandr Usyk is not 6'3

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by tragedy, May 22, 2024.

  1. Arch Stanton

    Arch Stanton When you have to shoot, shoot!, don't talk...... Full Member

    Dec 24, 2022
    Pugguy likes this.
  2. tragedy

    tragedy Member Full Member

    Mar 18, 2024
    In the classic section where this was originally posted some posters were running around claiming Usyk is "Geore Foreman sized" when in reality he is closer to Michael Moorer sized. Basically they were implying that Usyk is really a huge heavyweight so we shouldn't try to think smaller heavyweights can beat superheavyweights now! Even though we just saw it happen. In truth a Michael Moorer sized heavyweight just moved up and beat up the two top poster boys for all superheavyweights. That drastically changes all talking points going forward. And they hate that.
    lobk and The Cryptkeeper like this.
  3. MixedMartialLaw

    MixedMartialLaw combat sports enthusiast Full Member

    Jun 30, 2021
    Ali was literally listed at 6'2.5" in his early career. Usyk and Ali are very similar proportion wise.

    Also, I'm not sure if there's one 6'2.5" guy on the planet who doesn't round himself up to 6'3"?
    rusev, The Cryptkeeper and Aydamn like this.
  4. Aydamn

    Aydamn Dillian Da Dissappointment Full Member

    Jul 31, 2018
    Do you think if you line up a bunch of guys that are 6'3 they all gonna be the exact same height?

    When you measure in CM then you will get different results.

    But then you are splitting hairs. Like who gives a damn about a CM here or there?

    Foreman sized and being 6'3 are conpletely different things. Something called "frame size" hence why there arr small 6'3 guys and big 6'3 guys.

    Mike Tyson was a large framed 5'10-11 guy with 8 inch wrists. Roy Jones was a medium framed guy at same height, breidis prescott small framed 5'11 and so on and so forth!!!!
  5. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021

    Note Dubois trying to push Joyce away, Dubois possibly thinking ..”Not too close Joe, people might be able to make a reasonable height comparison!”

    Dubois looked about 1” taller than Usyk at best, maybe even just 1/2”???

    His trunks however were a good 3” + higher than Usyk’s.

    I think we need a CelebTrunks site -

    And, by “trunks”, I’m talking literally, not figuratively.....:lol::lol:
    Arch Stanton likes this.
  6. Arch Stanton

    Arch Stanton When you have to shoot, shoot!, don't talk...... Full Member

    Dec 24, 2022
    Bugger me, Pugs. Damn right, trunk size, we've GOTTA be talking literally...

    The over exaggeration on what can be clearly seen on a fighters height can be clearly untrue.

    Start talking figuratively on some things and the exaggerations in size would go off the scale...

    Depending on ambient temperature and mood.....

    Pugguy likes this.
  7. hobby rider

    hobby rider Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 4, 2020
  8. Manu Vatuvei

    Manu Vatuvei Active Member Full Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    The whole premise of this thread is false because it assumes Moorer is the one guy whose height was accurate.

    In reality Foreman was about 6’3”, Usyk 6’ 2.5” and Moorer 6’1”. The irony is OP wants us to believe that Foreman was obviously much bigger than Moorer, but at the same time wants us to accept they were only 1” apart in height when the difference was clearly bigger.

    Usyk is slightly shorter than Foreman was and closer in height to Foreman than Moorer.
  9. tragedy

    tragedy Member Full Member

    Mar 18, 2024
    You don't need to use to Moorer if you don't want to. He was just a heavyweight thats usually listed as 6'2. Any 6'2 heavyweight could be used here. You could swap out Michael Moorer for Michael Spinks and the anaology would still be the same because the analogy isn't wrong.
  10. Manu Vatuvei

    Manu Vatuvei Active Member Full Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    If we’re being totally fair and realistic, a young lean and prime Usyk at CW weighed about 210. He’s probably 1cm shorter and 10lb lighter than a young, lean and prime Foreman.

    Moorer is much more difficult to compare because he was probably no more than 190lb up until age 23 (I’m being generous by giving him 15lb, I don’t know how much weight they used to cut and rehydrate in the 80s and early 90s). His weight gain was quite drastic and immediate as soon as he went to HW and I would say he was visibly carrying excess weight the whole time. It’s really hard to say that Moorer was genuinely in shape anywhere north of 200 imo.
  11. Manu Vatuvei

    Manu Vatuvei Active Member Full Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    But the analogy fundamentally is wrong because Usyk is going to be closer in height to Foreman than almost all boxers listed at 6’2” or less.
  12. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Cliched, but disagreements over size often boil down to semantics and interpretations - including narrow application of same.

    Generally interpreted and applied, Size = both dimensions (skeletal frame, lengths, widths and circumferences therein AND bulk (being actual total weight, fat/muscle and, to a rightful degree, the “bulk”or density of the skeletal frame).

    To differentiate Size in boxing (officially), weight is the ONLY reference point BUT, with other Size features duly identified and properly qualified , greater weight isn’t always the whole story.

    Full tales of the tape (which I miss though not always accurate, anyway) were the unofficial, further qualifications for “size”.

    Galento clearly outweighed Max Baer but to say Galento was the bigger man would not be completely accurate, of course.

    In terms of weight, yes, bigger, but in every other criterion for size, Galento fell well short of Baer.

    Suffice to say, with those ridiculous shoulders, I would guess that Max Baer’s jacket “size” would’ve been notably bigger than that of 5’9”?, Two Ton”Tony. :D

    Imo, Foreman was clearly naturally bigger (skeletal frame and best weight associated with that frame) than Usyk.

    Foreman was a weight drained 220 lb or so, for the most part, since moving to HW, Olek has been a bulked up 221 lbs - most recently, an even more bulked 223 1/2 lbs.

    At CW, hitting his true natural weight by fight time, available “event” weights showed Olek to be in the range of 210 lbs to 215 lbs (IIRC).

    By the end of his first career, in his mid to late 20s, without deliberate weight draining, Foreman was hitting or very close to the 230 lb mark.

    Dayum! That means mid to later 70s George was still, at the least, 3 1/2 lbs “smaller” than the Galento who fought Louis. :)
  13. Manu Vatuvei

    Manu Vatuvei Active Member Full Member

    Apr 21, 2011
    Foreman’s inexplicable supposed weight draining is definitely a variable here. He says himself that his real weight was more like 225-230? This would actually make a lot more sense because he certainly looked that big.

    I still think that second career Foreman’s weights tend to reveal that he simply wasn’t as big as he is made out to be by some though. Foreman at around 245lbs was visibly overweight. If he was as enormous as he is made out to be, plus carrying visible excess weight, he would have weighed more than that.
    Pugguy likes this.
  14. Gog97675

    Gog97675 Member banned Full Member

    Apr 13, 2024
    Lol every legit boxing fan already knew Usyk wasn't as big as Foreman in heigh or weight. Usyk weighed 200 pounds until he was in his early 30's. Foreman weighed 230 when he was a amateur and lost weight because that is what fighters did doing this time frame. Doing Foreman's comeback he weighed 250. He could of weighed 250 doing his prime but he could of been called out for it.
  15. Gog97675

    Gog97675 Member banned Full Member

    Apr 13, 2024
    If you think Foreman was overweight when he was 245 then you must not watch boxing.