What if Fury comes in lighter..

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by MrPook, May 23, 2024.

  1. MrPook

    MrPook Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    What if Fury comes in lighter for the rematch?

    Prior to this first fight one of the narratives was Fury’s legs are gone. So it would be good for him to not come in too heavy. Then there were other people saying he should not come in too light either.

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    Dave Allen does think Fury’s legs were gone after round six. Seems to make sense to me. Fury kind of stopped fighting after round 6.

    What if Fury comes in another 15lb lighter for the rematch? He was outboxing Usyk pretty bad for like 4 rounds. If he gets going from the opening bell and keeps that up for like 8 rounds at least he has a shot at winning the rematch.

    He might punch a little less hard but I am not sure if it will make that much of a difference.
  2. Arnie 101

    Arnie 101 New Member Full Member

    Nov 6, 2023
    It is your opinion that Fury was outboxing Usyk the first 4 Rounds but it's not reality. Usyk won the first 3 Rounds he dictated the pace and got several clean the showboating doesn't fool me. I will give Fury 4-7 but than on it was all Usyk and ill give Fury 12 so 4 Rounds top. I don't think he can lose more weight that would make things worse. I think he will come heavy rematch cause he knows he can't outbox Usyk. Than he will make it a fight and try to knock him out before 8 Rounds if he fails he will lose the fight cause he would be gassed and Usyk would pick him off.
  3. BubblesUK

    BubblesUK Doesn't buy hypejobs Full Member

    May 6, 2021
    If Fury loses much more weight he'd be underweight... Which would affect his punch resistance negatively - and he already suffered from sustained work to the body and was a referee away from being knocked out.

    More stamina would help, but at the cost of decreased punch resistance? Not sure it'd make a net positive, really.

    Besides - he was only really outboxing Usyk for 2 rounds, that's how many he actually outlanded Usyk and scored more power punches in... Some more rounds were close, but Usyk was up on most, if not all, scorable metrics in those rounds.
    lordlosh and dmt like this.
  4. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    His optimal weight in the past when he fought Wlad for example was around 245-250lbs, that's his best weight. But what's most important will be his conditioning, he can't fade like he did in the rematch, because we all know Usyk in those final 4-5 rounds will step on the gas and take it to another level when most fighters start to fade.

    I recall having debates on here about Fury's conditioning and now my point has been proven with the fight against Usyk. Stamina and endurance are not the same thing. Fury has endurance which is the ability to maximise time while performing an activity, in this case boxing, which means he can easily go 12 rounds, hell probably even 15 rounds, if it's at a pace he can control. But stamina is different it's the capacity to maximise effort over a prolonged period of time and in that area his conditioning is lacking and always has been. Which is why you see many obese people complete marathons but how many of them did it in under 4 hours? He needs that ability to be in the red zone and stay there and not fade.

    That's where modern training methods can help. Understanding your VO2 Max and using lactate threshold training to increase his lactate threshold and sustain a pace he can maintain for 12 rounds and not fade. Did Fury even bother doing an altitude training camp for this fight. I know he trained in Morecambe and some secret camp in Saudi Arabia but Morecambe is at sea level and I'm unaware of any noted high altitude training facilities in Saudi Arabia. I know Fury in the past has trained in Tenerife, the canary islands does have high altitude training camps for athletes for many sports. He needs to go back there for the rematch.
  5. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    It's all about gameplan.

    I think Usyk will get a lot older after this fight and his motivation will not be as high.
    Bart Allen and James Hudson like this.
  6. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I agree game plan will be crucial but he also needs the conditioning to be able to execute that game plan. Hard to think straight when you are fighting at the limits of your physical capacity. That's when mistakes are made and you get caught with shots like that one in the ninth that had him out on his feet.
    gollumsluvslave and Bart Allen like this.
  7. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    He can be around same weight, but the gameplan will change everything.

    He does not look bad at all, it's just he needs to stay in shape until the next fight.
  8. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    Only if the game plan allows him to control the pace of the fight for the whole fight and I doubt this fight will be that one sided. If it was against anyone else I'd say game plan would be enough but Usyk adapts, changes things up and that's when game plan goes out the window and you need to be able to adapt in the ring and you can't do that if your in the red zone and just trying to not gas out completely.

    Mayweather, a noted gym rat of the last era was the best at adapting during a fight and part of that was he was always mentally sharp in the ring and not having his mind clouded by the fog of near exhaustion. When you're operating at the limit of your physical capacity you simply can't think straight you operate on instinct at that point which is probably why Fury didn't take the smart choice and take a knee in the 9th. Had his mind been clearer he may have accepted the knee and not taken all that extra damage. But Usyk had stepped on the gas in the 8th and Fury simply couldn't keep up with him and so got caught with a shot he normally would not take. That pitter pat combo he threw at Usyk which saw him take that counter in the 9th was dumb, Usyk put him in that redzone, forced a mistake and capitalised. That mistake probably would not have happened had Fury not been forced to fight at a pace which was above his threshold, he wasn't thinking straight when he threw that stupid combo.

    A better game plan is a must, but better conditioning is also a must, because that game plan will go out the window at some point and when both men are taken to their limits again and need to raise their level, that's when conditioning will be key, not just in terms of work rate but the capacity to think straight in the ring and adapt to what their opponent does.
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  9. MorvidusStyle

    MorvidusStyle Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 11, 2017
    Fury was still fat in this fight, you can see it in the stills when his body is rippling with blub after Usyk's punch sends shockwaves through him.

    He could definitely lose weight, he shouldn't weight more than Wlad K, who was about 110 kg or 245lbs, and more muscular. Of course we know he won't get that low, but that definitely isn't unhealthy for him, it's just a myth he is somehow compromised by it. He's only compromised because he binge diets in camps.

    Fury would have more speed and endurance without the fat, he just doesn't have the discipline to get rid of it and he's got away with this all his career because he still has good speed and endurance.

    It's unfair to hammer him for not being able to keep up with a 6'2 cruiserweight-size fighter though, no SHW can. It's physically impossible if the smaller fighter is fight and top level. Fury can do it better than any SHW but it's just laws of physics, he's huge and won't have the stamina of a smaller athlete, especially an endurance one like Usyk.

    So for Fury to outbox him you would assume he has to keep him at bay with reach or hurt him to back off the activity and land more, which could be possible, but he didn't manage to do it. But more likely he has to make it a bit more of a brawl too.

    Don't worry though, he's just gonna KO Usyk, Sugar Hill promised this. If John Fury hadn't got in the way, Hill would have given the necessary advice, like 'be da big dog!' What could Usyk do in the face of that?
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  10. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I see a lot of people laying blame on John Fury and maybe that's the case. But he was brought in for a reason after the terrible camp for Ngannou. I assume he was kicked out originally because being his dad he won't sugar coat things and made him work which was what was needed to push Tyson to get back in decent shape.

    I'm concerned that without John in the camp, we'll see a return to the lack of discipline and hard work required in the camp that is required to get Tyson in shape. Sugar Hill in the end is an employee of Fury's and may lack the brutal honesty required to whip Fury into shape, which is what happened in the Ngannou fight. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not certain all the blame for this can be laid at the feet of John Fury.
    MrPook likes this.
  11. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    While this is true, but you were saying the same thing before the first fight. How Usyk is too old now, lost all his speed, etc, etc, etc. How everyone was against him, etc, etc. His lucks ends here, how his trainer is a terrible one, and how du** Usyk is for not sticking with Loma's father, etc, etc.

    I told you Usyk ain't Loma, didn't I? And while almost everything you say was almost 100% correct about Usyk being old, in decline, etc, etc.
    You still managed to underestimate how good Usyk really is.

    Fury can do whatever he wanna do, and will still lose the rematch, cause Usyk is the better fighter, always was, always will be. Even when he is not fighting in his natural division, natural weight, is 19 months older, giving 40+ lbs, 19cm. reach and 16 cm. height.

    Yeah is this the most embarrassing lost in the history of this sport?
    Losing to a rabbit middleweight ?

    Is there a legit Champion, that had all of this advantages and lose to a lot smaller and older guy through the history?
  12. miniq

    miniq Oleksandr Usyk Undisputed HW Champion Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    This fight is how both manage thier energy reserves to win rounds

    Fury bieng out of condition for years hurt him. After chisora bout he should have stayed in shape.
  13. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    I though that was an easy win for Fury ? Wasn't a big KO incoming to the small rabbit, middleweight, etc, etc?
    What happen buddy ?
    You are so quiet after your boy got school 10-2. Where are the thousands threads you were making before the fight, explaining how Fury is the GOAT, etc, etc, etc. How AJ is a stiff robot and can't use his size.
    What happen, why your boy didn't use his size against Usyk ? Why he try to box him and took his head cleans off and only the paid off referee saved him stay in the fight ? And for him not to cry, they made it closer than it was. Hell this was 9-3 fight all over the place.

    Oh, and lastly, wasn't that the best Fury we would have ever seen? Wasn't that the narrative by everyone around him, by his own fans as well ?
    This was confirmed by Spencer Brown, Warren, his own team, his father, his trainer, his sparring partners, everyone around says he KO Usyk, and that would have been one of his easier fights, and this is the best Fury ever.

    What happen?

    You just know nothing about Boxing buddy. From calling Kettlebells Dumbbells, to saying Wallin will beat AJ, then Ngannou will KO him, and AJ can't hurt him, to totally got it wrong with Fury, this just prove you just have one big mouth, like your boy, and nothing else.

    What happen to your boy Ring IQ? To his Size? To his adaptability you were talking about ? To his power ?

    I mean he surely got 40+lbs weight advantage, 19cm. reach and 16cm. height, what happen?

    How about you tell us about that?
  14. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Can anyone confirm if Usyk is a natural right hander? Usyk landed a huge right hook at the end of round 8 that stunned Fury. I wonder if Usyk can utilize that right hook more in the rematch.
  15. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    I was not saying that Usyk was old before the fight. I said father time might catch up with him. But he had plenty left for Fury.

    Usyk really needs to relax for the next 4-5 weeks.

    I hope we can see a very good second fight. Both guys deserve my respect as a boxer, I still don't like them as a person.