Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Usyk vs. Tyson Luke Fury II

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by IntentionalButt, May 19, 2024.

The Cat or Gypsy King?

This poll will close on Dec 21, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
  1. Usyk on points

  2. Usyk by stoppage

  3. Draw

  4. Fury on points

  5. Fury by stoppage

  1. LD Boxer-Puncher

    LD Boxer-Puncher Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 10, 2017
    I'm surprised at all the certainty in this from people saying Usyk would definitely win a rematch.

    Usyk clearly won the first fight, mostly because he won the last 3 rounds. But from round 3 to round 7 was probably (apart from the one round, 9) the most dominant period either fighter had in the fight. These were all clear Fury rounds and he buzzed Usyk within that period. He didn't really capitalise on it enough and he messed around too much and then what followed was a fantastic turnaround from Usyk.

    It went from looking really pretty good for Fury after round 7 and difficult to turnaround for Usyk.....to a clear Usyk win by the end of 12. Huge credit for that.

    But the cut I feel has a big affect on Fury in this. The amount of messing around he did, I think was unhelpful to him and he can only blame himself.
    But really, it only would have taken a couple of things to go differently and we'd be talking about a draw or Fury win. It's not like it was a hammering into oblivion.

    Opposite to many here, I'd be equally excited for this rematch and see it as just as much a 50/50. These are 2 great fighters who I believe could have the beating of each other on a given day. It might be that Usyk would win 6 or 7 times out of ten, some might see it the other way around. But I don't at all doubt that Fury can have the beating of him if at his very best

    I can't wait for the rematch (if it comes about)
  2. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    You mean the last 5 rds? Because 8 and 9 were of course his.

    And the thing with him is that he will always win those, or at least four of them. Never seen anyone like him down the stretch, actually.

    So to beat Usyk, you either have to be very dominant in the first 6-7 rds or stop him. He's not stopping him and I don't see him completely running away with the first 7.

    Of course if every round that's even remotely close is given to Fury, as they were by the WBC judge, then he's always in with a shout.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  3. oldcanvasback

    oldcanvasback Active Member Full Member

    Jan 26, 2018
    ....and the few clinch's there were Usyk held his own. I noticed Usyk pushing on Fury's bicep when the old Gypsy tried to tie him up
    Power_tek and Bokaj like this.
  4. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Go rewatch the fight again. Round 3 and Round 7 are clearly Usyk rounds. You are being fed by the narrative of the biased commentaroy.

    Or you can actually explain how exactly Fury was dominant in this rounds? By what criteria exactly?
    As he was outlanded in Round 3, Round 4, Round 7. Usyk was the aggressor in this rounds as well, landed the better shots, more eye catching one + also landed more Impactful punches through this rounds.
    And this ain't just my view on the Rounds, this is what the Numbers are telling us.

    Again this narrative that Fury dominates from Round through 3 to 7 is beyond delusional.
    Fury landed 2 big uppercuts in Round 6, and dominates absolutely nothing.

    He was outlanded in both total punches and impactful punches in 10 out of 12 rounds, except for Round 5 and 6.
    And people should stop lying all over the place with the narrative that Fury was dominating the middle of the fight, when he had 2 good rounds, and that was it.
    This content is protected

    Ah, and well cut was not a factor at all, as it didn't open in the whole fight, so don't see how the cut could be a factor.
  5. BigStan

    BigStan New Member Full Member

    Nov 17, 2023
    Yeah like I say I think if he tries to box on the front foot there’s a greater chance he gets knocked out.
    Just can’t see him motivating himself to fight another way (if at all)
    oldcanvasback and lordlosh like this.
  6. LD Boxer-Puncher

    LD Boxer-Puncher Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 10, 2017
    You seem to have misinterpreted what I was saying. Yes I had Usyk in 8 and 9 too. But those levelled the fight up. Then the winning of the last 3 is what took the fight for him.

    If you went by what some are saying here then you'd think it was all Usyk from start to finish. When in fact after 7 rounds it was looking like a big task for him to turn it around. Then he obviously did, in some fashion.

    You can say he's not stopping him and that nobody can win the last 4 rounds against Usyk but what meaning does that have really? None. It's your opinion. Of course either of those things can happen and as shown by the fight, Fury can get on top of him for clusters of rounds. As happened in the middle of the fight. It's not the foregone conclusion you think it is by any stretch.

    Favour Usyk, by all means. I get that. But to suggest a motivated Tyson Fury trying to avenge a defeat can't in any way go and do so, is just a bit silly. Based on what we saw and have seen before.

    Commentary has no effect on me. I've watched the fight twice and I know what I'm watching and how to score fights. It's not my first rodeo buddy.
    If you think round 7 was a Usyk round then I'd suggest it's you who needs to clue yourself up and perhaps it's me who should take such a condescending method of communicating with you, as opposed to how you've directed your waffle at me in this post.

    Round 3 was close enough and more forgivable going either way. But I'd say more people had Fury and I think rightly so.

    I don't have time to explain why the guy landing the vast majority of the clean shots between rounds 3-7 won the rounds. That's basics really. I'm not here to teach you something that you don't want to see. I think even some more stringent Fury haters wouldn't take such a deluded stance.

    You're clearly very angry and don't know what you're talking about. So there isn't much point in us engaging in this conversation.

    115-112 Usyk is as fair and balanced a view as one could really take on that fight and that's the score I had twice. Anything any wider or much closer is what would be delusional. I can only assume you fall into one of those brackets.

    Of course there was a cut and it coincided with all that came after it, where Usyk turned the tide again. I'm not saying it was a key factor or the reason it happened or anything like that. But it did seem to have an effect on Fury
    KO KIDD and Bart Allen like this.
  7. pugilista

    pugilista Member Full Member

    Feb 18, 2024
    I believe he would. He talked about not only getting the undisputed title but defending it at least once as his goal. That's why he waited for Bellew to come back down from heavyweight and defended his undisputed cruiserweight title against him. Whatever happens, I believe that Usyk will have at least one more fight before retiring.
  8. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Ah, I understand. I had Usyk ahead by a point at that stage, but I see where you're coming from.

    I was waiting for that surge, so I wasn't surprised. But when Fury hit him with that big uppercut in the 5th or 6th. I thought for a moment that Usyk might be in real trouble. Once Usyk rode those rounds out and had a better round in the 7th (which I still gave to Fury) I felt pretty sure Usyk would pull away. I had Fury ahead by 1 point after 7 rds.

    This seems to have a hit a tender spot with you, some drama attached to just a prediction, but all in line with the snowflake character of Fury fans I suppose.

    Anything is of course possible, literally and concerning everything, but Usyk has always won down the stretch and have never been stopped, even when taking some heavy leather from Joshua. And what seemed like Fury's best shots.

    So he is very proven in these regards. And I think it's a strong possibility that he will show us what he's already shown us. That's all.
  9. bjl12

    bjl12 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Fury will come in very heavy and walk Usyk down, laying on him, jabbing and holding. It will be an ugly but clear win for Fury
  10. gneall

    gneall Active Member Full Member

    Jul 22, 2022
    Usyk figured it out in the 7th and then it was a stomp..

    Fury is going to need to change drastically or put more pop on those uppercuts and work on his cardio but I think he's just too old and worn now. He essentially just suffered what should have been a stoppage and then a few more rounds of punishment.
  11. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    3-7 were not clear Fury rounds, at all. 4-6 were. The third? iMO you can't really make that compelling an argument for Fury. The seventh was close, sure, but Usyk had already begun his turnaround. It wasn't like a switch magically flipped between the 7th and 8th. Fury's three rounds that he won (4-6) were dominant for him and disastrous for Usyk, but the labor of gradually digging out of that hole began in the 7th. By the start of the following round he was free of it altogether and hit a confident stride until the final bell.
    Bokaj likes this.
  12. PhillyPhan69

    PhillyPhan69 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 20, 2006
    I’m not a fan of either guy, but I do appreciate the skill of both of them.

    I scored it 115-112 Usyk with fury winning 3-7 and up 5-2 at that point. I was beginning to think Fury would run away with it when the fight shifted in round 8. If Fury can avoid being careless, and I do think he was careless, then I think we have another potentially good fight. I’m hoping we get to see a return fight. I’m not rooting for either guy and particularly don't care who wins. I think I would give an edge to Usyk based upon the first fight, but I think Fury has a real chance to even it up too.
    LD Boxer-Puncher and KO KIDD like this.
  13. Finkel

    Finkel Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 10, 2020
    There was also an amusing sequence of unsportsmanlike behaviour in the 3rd, which I didn't realise when watching it live.

    Fury hit Usyk behind the head. Usyk indicates this to Fury. Fury lifts his lead left to acknowledge the foul. Then when Usyk moves to touch gloves with Fury in acceptance, Fury taps down Usyk's lead hand, and surprises him with a quick double jab and straight right. The commentators go wild about what a good combination it was from Fury. lol

    For me, Round 3 was a swing round to the point where if the above didn't happen, it would swing to Usyk.
  14. Elvizzz

    Elvizzz Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    First fight was a great fight. Probably the best heavyweight fight I have seen since Lewis vs V.K. I fail to understand why anyone wouldn’t want to see a rematch (if you are a fan of boxing that is…)
    KO KIDD and Arch Stanton like this.
  15. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member Full Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    I'd say that this all depends on Fury. If he's genuinely up for the rematch and comes in as good or better than the first fight he has a chance of the win. He was really doing pretty well for a while there. But if he comes with the mindset "ah, 50 million quid for a beating, I'll take it" then obviously it will be dire. Usyk will do what Usyk does, the man is metronomically consistent, the true mark of a champion.