Usyk beat 3 heavyweights and now he is GOAT?, he needs to clear the division to be GOAT

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by darkostazic1, May 23, 2024.

  1. ikrasevic

    ikrasevic Allah Vs. satan Full Member

    Nov 3, 2021
    Dragansimic22 ?
    Oddone likes this.
  2. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    And who decided that Amateur career doesn't factor it ?
    You don't need to have 50 fights against bums, like Wilder has to be considered to be great, by people who actually knows a thing.

    Usyk skills alone and the adversity he is facing is proving it he is not just great, but the GOAT !!! Facts.
  3. Smoochie

    Smoochie Usyk and Inoue tha goats Full Member

    May 16, 2024
    gollumsluvslave likes this.
  4. Cojimar 1946

    Cojimar 1946 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    Resume depth obviously matters though. If Usyk moved to heavyweight earlier and in addition to Fury and Joshua also beat Bakole, Hrgovic, Parker, Wilder, Kabayel that obviously helps his resume and makes him greater. Obviously beating additional top 10 fighters always helps your legacy.

    Fighters lose to guys they are supposed to beat all the time so we can't assume Usyk would beat everybody and thus fighting them is irrelevant.
  5. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    It doesn't help at all, as he wouldn't have been Undisputed at CW, and this was the most Goated CW division ever was. You either have this or that. With him spending a lot of his years in Amateurs, then at WSB, you can't have it both ways.
    I'm not claiming he is the HW GOAT. He is the GOAT of Boxing.
    He completed Boxing. European, World, Olympic, Strandzha Cup(which is old and huge amateur tournament) Champion, won the WSB, then won everything in CW and become Undisputed in a record time, and has done it in his opponents backyard, and had to fight for every single title, and not took all of them from 1 man.
    Then he moves to the HW and become Undisputed in record matches.
    And he is the first Undisputed in the 4 belt era.

    For me he is the GOAT. I'm not claiming he is the HW Goat, i'm claiming he is the GOAT of Boxing. Completed Boxing and retiring now is perfect.
    And again all of this rankings are to interpretation. Most people won't admit it, as he is not from UK or USA.
  6. Grachan

    Grachan New Member Full Member

    May 24, 2024
    History says that Usyk is not yet an all time great. To be considered that he needs to fight Fury again. Don't forget this was a split decision. It's not beyond possibility that Fury could beat him next time.

    Look at the past and the defining fights. Dempsey and Tunney fought twice. Louis and Schmelling fought twice. Mariano fought Ezzard Charles twice. Ali fought Frazier 3 times. Tyson and Holyfield fought twice. Holyfield and Lewis fought twice.

    Nothing can be determined until they fight again.