Why did Joshua never throw this right hand bomb against Usyk

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Mister Pugilist, May 23, 2024.

  1. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 30, 2017
    This is why I laugh when I hear Wilder would beat Usyk
  2. FastSmith7

    FastSmith7 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 16, 2017
    He threw plenty, its just that none of them landed
  3. MetalLicker

    MetalLicker I’m Full Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Watch this video.

    AJ threw a lot of right hands, but rarely landed. Usyk's head is usually off the center line or out of range. And because of his constant movement, AJ couldn't set his feet to throw right hands consistently.

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    gollumsluvslave and Arch Stanton like this.
  4. Arch Stanton

    Arch Stanton When you have to shoot, shoot!, don't talk...... Full Member

    Dec 24, 2022
    Sniping and timing a David Haye-esque straight right against Francis Ngannou is one thing, doing that against Usyk is very much another.
    MetalLicker and gollumsluvslave like this.
  5. bandeedo

    bandeedo VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    aj ko him with the most basic of boxing moves. nothing ngannou hasnt seen before, even in mma. difference being that he is seeing it at boxing champ set up, speed and power.
    first knock down came when aj feinted a jab to the body, which brought down ngannous lead hand to parry, leaving a wide open lane right down the line. the ko was a gimme. ngannou would have got hit by anything at that point, his nervous system was still offline.
    for those that might not know what turning a punch over means, just look at the last punch aj threw.
  6. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    I've never seen another fighter where so many fans and people involved within the game (mostly British ones) choose to focus on not what the fighter did right and what they allowed their opponent to do but rather what their opponent didn't do or didn't do right. No one did this when Floyd outboxed his opponents and they weren't able to land with their shots or like they usually did against other fighters. It was because of his skills and defence.

    Usyk is just an amazing fighter and he has a great defence and even if you penetrate it he has an iron chin and the shots will just bounce off of it. AJ threw loads of right hands and he landed a number of them. Dubois threw many and some off them landed, same with Chisora and Belly and they just bounced off of him.

    Dubois was badly hurt, dropped x 2 and stopped. Belly was badly hurt, dropped and was saved from being stopped by the ref. AJ was hurt a number of times and in desperate trouble at the final bell of the first fight. And even Chisora was hurt a bit at the end of round 7 or 8. But Usyk can't punch according to many even though all of them are way bigger and heavier than him.

    Narratives again. Narratives which grow wings despite them having no basis in reality
  7. Mister Pugilist

    Mister Pugilist Active Member Full Member

    Apr 24, 2022
    is Usyk that much better technically than Ngannou?
  8. The Professor

    The Professor Socialist Ring Leader Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    Probably because he might have to worry about what might be coming his way. Levels, people.
    Salty Dog likes this.
  9. Mister Pugilist

    Mister Pugilist Active Member Full Member

    Apr 24, 2022
    and he didn't have to worry about that against Ngannou?
  10. The Professor

    The Professor Socialist Ring Leader Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    Against some clown who basically had never boxed? Of course not, that precisely why he blew whatshisname away.
  11. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    I don't dispute anything you said. However, Usyk DID get hit a lot vs both AJ and Fury. His face looked like chopped meat after AJ II and he had two black eyes and various cuts vs Fury.

    He can take those shots because he has a thick, Slavic skull capable of absorbing most anyone's punch with little to no injury.
    Jackomano and Serge like this.
  12. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Don't think it was a case of him getting hit ''a lot.'' He took his fair share of hits but I think it was more a case of him marking up quite easily and getting hit by much bigger and heavier men and even when you block punches with a high guard you're going to get marked up when you're facing big punchers and much bigger and heavier fighters.

    Also IIRC one of those cuts (against AJ) was caused by a head clash

    And AJ worse puncher's gloves too

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    Jackomano likes this.
  13. Jackomano

    Jackomano Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    A guy with Usyk's experience would never square up right in front of his opponent like Ngannou did, which made him a very easy target for Joshua's right. Joshua also learned from the first Ruiz fight what can happen when you try to force a knockout against another top fighter.