Once and for good...Usyk-Fury was a good fight but not "close," even with subjectivity.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by catchwtboxing, May 24, 2024.

  1. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    The categories by which fights are scored I think vary a bit from federation to federation, but the classic categories are as follows:

    Effective Aggression
    Clean/Hard Punching
    Ring Generalship
    Knockdowns and point modifications


    Uysk outlanded Fury in 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

    HOWEVER, he also outlanded Fury in Powerpunches (vs jabs) in 1,2,7,8,9,10,11,12. 3 and 4 were even in powerpunches, and Fury won 5-6. Thus, Usyk could have potentially stolen round 1, whereas it is much harder to make the argument that Fury stole any round with clean/hard punching.

    That is at least 7 rounds to 5 on effective aggression and clean/hard punching. Possibly 8-4.

    Usyk scored the knockdown for one extra point in the ninth for a 10-8 round.

    So, with the most objective categories and metrics, Usyk was up by at least 3, maybe 5 points.

    Now, defense and ring generalship are harder to measure...I don't think any case can be made that Fury dictated the pace of the fight, as he was running away and being outlanded.

    Is anyone making a defense argument here? Usyk outlanded Fury 170 to 157 overall, and outlanded Fury in power punches by a whopping 122 to 95.

    So, based on the metrics of boxing, it was good fight, and Fury had his moments, but no, not the razor thin fight some are talking about, and there is no argument at all that Fury won or even drew.
  2. AlwaysFirst

    AlwaysFirst Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    A fight can both be close and have a clear winner. To me it was a great close fight that Usyk clearly won.
  3. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    I mean, I have just painstakingly derived that it was not. What metric, according to the rules of a governing body, did Fury make it close on?
    lordlosh likes this.
  4. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Have to agree

    I have Usyk the first 2 rounds. I am perplexed when i see people score these for Fury.

    3 was a swing round there i thought you could make a case for Fury narrowly winning it.

    4-6 i gave to Fury though 4 was close.

    7 was a close round that i thought Usyk edged it.

    8,9 and 10 were easy Usyk rounds including 10-8 in the 9th.

    11 was also Usyk.

    12 was close that i gave to Usyk though it was close.

    I had it 8-4 for Usyk and you can make a case for 9-3 Usyk or 7-5 Usyk. Is 7-5 close? Not in this context. Usyk landed harder punches in majority rounds.
    catchwtboxing likes this.
  5. AlwaysFirst

    AlwaysFirst Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 28, 2015
    Haha, I didn’t say I thought Fury won but except the 9th every round was fairly even, even though I thought Usyk clearly won most of them. I don’t think you understand what I’m saying, I’m in no way saying Fury could have won, I’m agreeing with you that Usyk rightfully won but it was definitely not a schooling.
    catchwtboxing likes this.
  6. MrPook

    MrPook Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    I think you guys analyzing the fight to death don’t really get a better picture of how the fight played out. You take away all the emotion and entertainment value and are only left with cold dry facts. That’s not why people watch sports.
    KO KIDD and AlwaysFirst like this.
  7. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Stop using Compubox, is garbage. We have AI now, which is 99,99% correct.
    Usyk outlanded Fury in Round 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in both category landed and power/impactful punches.
    Other stats as defense, effective aggression, Ring Generalship are clearly Usyk's one as well.
    This content is protected

    DeepStrike is the best thing for stats in any given Combat Sports.
    Turki paid for it for that fight to have Live Stats, and people need to start using it, and Compubox needs to go away, as it's highly inaccurate

    Everyone who wants to read more about it, here it is:
    h8me and catchwtboxing like this.
  8. Mordechai

    Mordechai Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 18, 2008
    I don't see all these problems. It was clear to score:
    1,2,7,8,9,10,11,12 usyk
    3,4,5,6 fury.

    Why the fight seemed so close is because usyk had to dig deep and really change his gamelan after the sixth round because fury found his range and rhythm and looked completely in charge for 4 straight rounds. But usyk as the great fighter he is could of course adapt and change his gameplan, took risks and turned the fight around. Fury was not taking risks the whole fight and the great usyk was the whole fight in his face pressing fury and not giving him time to relax and forcing mistakes by fury.
    lordlosh likes this.
  9. KO KIDD

    KO KIDD Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Had 115-112 can't really see it closer

    Usyk definitely won
    AdamT and catchwtboxing like this.
  10. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member Full Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Fury was certainly competitive. There was a spot where it looked like he might be on course to win. At the end Usyk pulled away but I'd say that this was one of his hardest fights.
    Rumsfeld and KO KIDD like this.
  11. lufcrazy

    lufcrazy requiescat in pace Full Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    I had it 7-5 to Usyk but it was very clearly a close fight.
  12. gollumsluvslave

    gollumsluvslave Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    There are semantics at play here depending on how folks interpret 'close'.

    • A close score like an SD with 114/113 rounds
    • Close, competetitive swing rounds that are hard to score and could be ' swing rounds' for either fighter
    • Competetive rounds that are close, but clear to one fighter.
    Given the following:-
    • There were arguably 2-4 close 'swing rounds' - I only had 2 but others seemed to think 2 and 12 were also 'swing' rounds
    • Some other rounds were competetive with their own ebb and flow, depending on what you like to see
    • The overall fight stats whilst clearly to one fighter were not a landslide and close enough to display the competetive well-matched nature of the encounter
    As a 12 round fight it was a very competetive fight with ebbs, flows and adjustments with both fighters showing 'levels' in different areas.

    Under a 10 point must system, it was NOT a close fight in terms of the outcome:-

    Most possibly favourable result to Usyk, giving him the nod in all generally accepted swing rounds:-

    • 117-110 , 10 rounds to 2 with 10-8 9th
    • Usyk : 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12
    • Fury : 4,5,6

    This gives Fury only rounds 4/5/6 only, which is a bit harsh on Fury and not how I scored it - I saw a couple of folks give Usyk the 4th but I can't see that even after multiple viewings.

    How I scored it, or what I would call an objective 'middle ground' take, with 'swing rounds' alternated between both fighters to try and eliminate bias, which I always strive for

    • 116-111, 8 rounds to 4, with 10-8 9th
    • Usyk : 1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12
    • Fury: 4,5,6,7
    My swing rounds were 3 and 7, and they also were rounds with shifts in the fight IMO - Fury started finding his rythtym, timing Usyk midway through the 3rd, and reducing Usyks great bodywork in the 1st 2 rounds, but felt Usyk still nicked it. The 7th round was the inversion of this, where Fury started off with the momentum and better work, but Usyk made his adjustments, Fury started to tire and Usyk arguably nicked it - but I gave it to Fury as I'd given Usyk the 3rd. IMO this also tells the story of the fight in many ways - Usyks starts really well taking centre ring, pushing Fury back with excellent bodywork (that was pivotal later IMO), and the most eyecatching backhands in the rounds. Then Fury takes over, and actually starts to boss Usyk with a big round 6 - but visibly starting to blow and look uncomfortable with the pace. Usyk capitializes, makes his adjustments and peaks in that awesome round 9. And whilst Fury recovered REALLY well, major props, he didn't win any other round - sure 11th and 12th were more competetive than 9 & 10, but Usyk still clearly took those rounds.

    Most possibly favourable result to Fury, giving him the nod in all generally accepted swing rounds (3,7,12):-

    • 113-114, 6 rounds each, with 10-8 9th
    • Usyk : 1,2,8,9,10,11
    • Fury : 3,4,5,6,7,12
    I personally find this really hard to swallow - more so than the 117-110 score, it means giving all swing rounds to the Fury, and if I had to really say honestly, Usyk has more of a case for 3/7 & 12 than Fury does.

    Now I know some folks will say they scored rounds 1 or 2 or even 11 to Fury, but I jsut can't see that, they are not reasonable to me - my 'range' of scoring has to be grounded in what I observe, and I can 'stretch' to close swing rounds changing at a push, but clear rounds I've scored to one fighter stay that way.

    So to see it as a close 'score' IMO you'd have to really favour Fury in some way and be missing on the judging criteria for what Usyk was doing in those swing rounds