Who really won the fight with a scorecard Poll Fury or Usyk

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by lordlosh, May 25, 2024.

Fury vs Usyk Scorecard

  1. 114-113 - Usyk

    22 vote(s)
  2. 115-112 - Usyk

    30 vote(s)
  3. 116-111 - Usyk

    42 vote(s)
  4. 117-110 - Usyk

    14 vote(s)
  5. 118-109 - Usyk

    0 vote(s)
  6. Fury won

    3 vote(s)
  1. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    Let's have a poll with the result, so we know how people see and score the fight.
    catchwtboxing and Serge like this.
  2. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    1: Usyk
    2: Usyk
    3: Fury (close swing round, could be scored either way)
    4: Fury
    5: Fury
    6: Fury
    7: Usyk (close swing round)
    8: Usyk
    9: Usyk
    10: Usyk
    11: Usyk
    12: Usyk (close swing round)

    Usyk 116 - 111

    Best case scenario for Fury is to give him both round 7 and 12. In that case, it would make it 114-113 Usyk. However, i don't see why one guy should get every close round scored for him.
  3. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    When people look back at this fight in the classic boxing forum section 20 years from now, no one will see it as a controversial decision. Usyk will likely be regarded as the rightful winner.
  4. AdamT

    AdamT Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 18, 2019

    No controversy other than perhaps round 9
    116-111 is also a great score card
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
    catchwtboxing and Mugen38 like this.
  5. Vegan Beast

    Vegan Beast Grandpappy Ortiz Full Member

    Aug 19, 2020
    Usyk was often landing the best shots, but I still think Fury won quite a few rounds with his jab.
  6. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    I had it 9-3 Usyk, quite convincingly.
    Usyk - Rounds: 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12
    Fury - Rounds 4,5,6
    I felt sorry for Fury and gave him the 4th.
    Close Rounds only Round 4 really. Even in this round Usyk outland Fury both in total and impactful punches. 3,7 and 12 was not close at all, and you had to show quite some bias. Every other criteria as Effective Aggression, Pressure, Defense, Ring Generalship, Combination landed, Clean punches, Eye Catching ones, it's all Usyk.

    But in reality should have been stop in the 9th. round, no matter how you see it.
    Either the ref had to enforce the rope KD the first or second time Fury hit the ropes while being hurt, or he should have let it go, and when decide to interfere that was clear stoppage, waving the fight off. Also the 20 seconds count was just next level b.c., once again for Fury.
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  7. Mugen38

    Mugen38 Member Full Member

    May 22, 2011
    I had it exactly the same
    lordlosh and dmt like this.
  8. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Baby steps. You're making progress. You've conceded Round 4 to Fury, and now you have it 9-3 instead of 10-2. This is a big step for you. I'm proud of you. When you show a degree of self-reflection and that you're open minded to others points, that's how we build bridges between gaps in our viewpoints.

    This is all I've asked for those who scored it to Usyk wide, like the 117-110ers. Because even though 9-3 for me is quite wide, I recognize that each of those rounds (1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12) could be argued for Usyk. At the same time, some of those (namely 2,3,7, and perhaps 11 or 12) could be argued for Fury.

    All I'm asking you lordy is to consider our points when we dispute rounds that you've given to Usyk. And we can have a friendly and worthwhile debate about some of these rounds that we disagree on.
    And just as we see some of your Usyk rounds differently, we also see the 9th round situation different. I didn't see anything wrong with the ref giving Fury a standing 8 count and allowing the fight to continue.

    You have every right to make your case that the ref should have done something different, but to some of us, to many of us, that just comes across as trying to create controversy in a situation that the ref handled properly. And it wasn't a 20 second count, that's an exaggeration. The ref has discretion there, Fury responded to the referee's instruction and he rightfully allowed it to continue. And Fury fought well enough in rounds 10-12 to justify the ref's actions.
    shroomlite and AdamT like this.
  9. gneall

    gneall Active Member Full Member

    Jul 22, 2022
    You come off as a condescending middle aged woman. And your boy lost.
  10. lordlosh

    lordlosh Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 4, 2014
    He is such a sore loser, you would think he would have learn by now .... Anyway he is on ignore and he knows it, that's why he is quoting me, as he knows he won't get a response. I told him million times ago, that he will talk to himself in the near future, as no one would take him seriously. He isn't even a troll at this point, as some trolls are funny. He is just delusional.

    The only reason i sometimes see his post and totally skip them, seeing his name, is when i click Show Ignored Content, to see what some poster have Quoted, as they are hidden, and i don't understand the point of a certain posts. ^^
  11. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    I was trying to give lordy credit for conceding the 4th round and making an effort to build a bridge between differeing viewpoints. It seems that some people like yourself would rather find reasons to argue and put others down rather than build them up. Your loss.
    shroomlite likes this.
  12. shadow111

    shadow111 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    I was trying to give you credit for conceding the 4th round and outline a path to understanding others. But it seems that you're not interested in that. It's unfortunate that you fail to recognize my good faith attempts at trying to come to a mutual level of understanding. I was genuinely trying to extend an olive branch with you, but you proceed to throw stones at me for trying to help you. Seeing as your poll here in this topic only reaffirms that no one agrees with you, I was actually trying to befriend you and let bygones be bygones. There's not much more I can do to help you if you are unwilling to receive it. But i still say, at leasy you came around on recognizing what happened in the 4th round. That's something, something to build on.
    shroomlite likes this.
  13. gneall

    gneall Active Member Full Member

    Jul 22, 2022

    It's not that deep..
    lordlosh likes this.
  14. Perkin Warbeck

    Perkin Warbeck Boxing aficionado Full Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    @shadow111 is simple-minded, he even believes the world is flat!

    We should not take anything he says seriously. We don't need to suffer fools.

    1 - Usyk close but clear
    2 - Usyk similar to round 1
    3 - Usyk, Fury just clowning
    4 - Fury
    5 - Fury
    6 - Fury
    7 - 10-10
    8 - Usyk
    9: Usyk, 10-8 round, with an honest referee it would have been TKO/KO for Usyk.
    10: Usyk
    11: Usyk
    12: Close, Usyk nicked it, out-landed Fury

    Usyk 117-111.
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  15. Braindamage

    Braindamage Baby Face Beast Full Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    I voted Fury because I kinda feel sorry for miniq.