Is Janibek Alimkhanuly P4P?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Dorrian_Grey, May 24, 2024.

  1. MismatchHypejob

    MismatchHypejob Active Member Full Member

    Aug 24, 2022
    You only need to compare Fury feet and face against Usyk round 9 with Porters in round 10 to realise it was an extremely early stoppage
  2. Badbot

    Badbot I Am An Actual Pro. Full Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    You are using an extreme example to form your argument. Many said that Fury was lucky that the fight was allowed to continue.
    Many fights have been stopped without the looser even going down. Kenny Porter knew the fight was lost, or at least he thought so and he decided to save his son from further punishment.
    If you believe this proves that Kenny was paid off to save Spence vs Crawford, then so be it. I am done with this nonsense.
  3. MismatchHypejob

    MismatchHypejob Active Member Full Member

    Aug 24, 2022
    I am not using this as the basis of my argument, you're just fobbing it off as if I am. There are plenty of lesser arguments that qualify as an early stoppage, Porter vs Crawford was an extreme example.

    -Porter was arguably winning, with 3 rounds to go.
    -In the preceding round Porter was competitive, was landing shots with Crawford barely landing clean shots bar a somewhat grazing uppercut.
    -First knockdown Porter got up immediately, second knockdown, he hit the floor got up and looked completely fine. They weren't flash knockdowns, nor would I classify either as something close to heavy knockdowns. After each knockdown, upon getting up there was no sign of Porter being dazed, and his feet were absolutely fine. There was about 1 min 40 left in the round.

    Now compare this with the Spence knockdown of Porter:
    -Porter was caught with a huge leveraged hook from Spence that twisted his neck around.
    -Upon getting up, Porter's legs were stiff, and he looked visibly hurt.
    -There was approx 40 seconds left in the round.
    -Spence continued to land big punches.

    Why didn't Kenny Porter stop the fight when Porter got knocked down and more visibly hurt by Spence? Did he only care for Porter's health when it was against Crawford?