Does Dubois have a realistic chance of beating Hrgovic?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Unique Way, May 25, 2024.

  1. Unique Way

    Unique Way Active Member Full Member

    Sep 6, 2023
    First of all, I want to say I don't consider Filip Hrgovic as an unbeatable monster. He is good, all-around good, but not special in anything. But thing is he doesn't have big weaknesses - good size, strength, speed (for his size) and power, very solid chin, good work rate and stamina. Plus he seems to be very strong mentally.

    Dubois, on the other hand, is very talented guy, but he has a lot of vulnerabilities. Great power but questionable chin. Good work rate but questionable stamina. Good offensive skills but poor defense. Solid fundamentals but questionable IQ. And, moreover, questionable mental strength. I don't question his heart because he has shown he can overcome adversity against Lerena and Miller, but when it's prolonged adversity, he gets discouraged badly and tries to find the way to quit.

    I think Hrgovic is terrible matchup for Dubois because he will bring exactly that to him - prolonged adversity. And considering Filip has a very solid chin and his fitness isn't as terrible as Miller's one, I don't think Dubois will be able to turn the fight in his favour with one punch like against Lerena or due to far superior fitness like against Miller.

    I think it's the fight where Dubois should step up in mental strength and ring IQ dramatically to win it. Otherwise he will get battered and stopped
    MrPook and Usyk is the best like this.
  2. DoubleG95Fanatic

    DoubleG95Fanatic Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 25, 2021
    Course he does. Hrgovic is one of the most overrated heavyweights ever.
  3. Boxing2019

    Boxing2019 If you want peace, prepare war. Full Member

    Jul 22, 2019
  4. Zakman

    Zakman ESB's Chinchecker Full Member

    Apr 16, 2005
    Everybody has a chance, but Dubois doesn't have the greatest chin, so odds are he ends up taking a canvas nap.
  5. gneall

    gneall Active Member Full Member

    Jul 22, 2022
    I'm taking Hrgovic but he's still unproven and wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped
  6. Perkin Warbeck

    Perkin Warbeck Boxing aficionado Full Member

    Nov 4, 2017

    Six or seven years ago, Hrgovic was a very talented young boxer, on his way to being a top heavyweight.

    But his management has been poor, and he was avoided by all the IBF-rated heavyweights except Zhang, even those like Bakole without good management. So he probably has declined due to inactivity and meaningless opposition, and is no longer a top-notch heavyweight.

    Dubois is a mediocre talent (although a hard puncher), but has enjoyed meaningful fights, even an unearned title shot. He's had excellent promotion from old Fish Eyes, even help from his dodgy referees as we saw in the Lerena fight. He has been given every opportunity to improve.

    So right now, it's a 50-50 fight - a declined heavyweight vs a mediocre heavyweight.
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  7. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    Everyone at HW has a chance, but When Hrgovic punshes him, he will go down.