Better at covering ground Tyson or Fraizer

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Joeywill, May 25, 2024.

  1. Joeywill

    Joeywill Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 2, 2021
    Who covered ground better. Mike Tyson or Joe Frazier
  2. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Tyson covered it more explosively early but Frazier was relentless and just kept chugging away with metronomic consistency.
  3. Anubis

    Anubis Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Frazier, when not coming forward, moved around Chuvalo and Stander well. He stymied Jumbo Cummings with quick sidesteps. It wasn't simply as easy as standing ground or backing him up. In their rematch, Jerry Quarry tried circling right on him to no avail. And he did move well in getting out of several tight spots over the first four rounds in the Foreman rematch.

    Cummings almost knocked out Bruno in the opening round. (If Frank had hit the deck, it would've been over.) Jumbo never had Frazier in anything resembling that kind of trouble. Cummings kept trying to bull forward, and Joe kept stepping aside to let him by. (Even when rusty, overweight at 230 pounds and arthritic, Frazier also had much faster hands and was a vastly superior boxer to Jumbo. It was a good fight as a self contained event, and the audience in Chicago was pleased at the end. But Joe's hook was no longer the damaging shot it had been in the Foreman rematch

    The peek-a-boo, whether by Patterson, Torres or Tyson, wasn't something which impressed me with regard to ground coverage. (As it happened, the first five bouts of Tyson's I ever watched were actually the five which went to the final bell. Ground coverage wasn't something which attracted my attention.)
  4. Hotep Kemba

    Hotep Kemba Member Full Member

    Apr 19, 2023
    "Jumbo never had Frazier in any kind of trouble" is not a statement I'd say describes this fight. Frazier was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and was wobbled in the 8th and 10th round. He also didn't even win the fight, so I'm not sure how easy it could have been.
    Pat M likes this.
  5. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    This. Tyson was faster. If you didn't have especially good footwork, Tyson was going to use his footspeed to trap you and finish you with quick and powerful combos.

    However, against genuine movers with excellent footwork, Tyson could at times struggle to cut the ring and trap them. Frazier, despite his slower feet, was more patient, better at cutting off the ring and blocking escape routes. Ali at 29 was still faster than any Tyson opponent and he couldn't get away from Frazier.

    So i will give the edge to Frazier, especially vs skilled movers.
  6. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Frazier. There is some gantry footage from FOTC and it is terrifying. There's no way Tyson could do such a thing consistently. Then again, Tyson was a better puncher with more outright speed.

    But in terms of closing the gap and keeping it closed, Joe Frazier isn't just the best heavyweight on film, he's perhaps the best on film. That is incredibly rare for a HW.
    Thirdtonunn24, dmt and Joeywill like this.