Mike Tyson vs Vitali Klitschko

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by NoChin, Aug 29, 2023.

  1. travolt

    travolt Trolling the trolls Full Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Tyson would have a good shot at a points victory because in his prime, people forget he had a good defense AND once he made you miss, he would make you pay.
    His chin was excellent back then, and coupled with his activity, speed and power, that's a hard combination to beat.

    People say Vitali was a monster KO artist, but that was against average opposition and always from the outside: Tyson would swarm you and not give you the room to punch.

    It would take monster punchers like Lewis or Foreman to prevent Tyson marching forward, and Vitali wasn't that.
  2. like a boss

    like a boss Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Love these 'the more recent guy is bigger so he must be better' threads. The day wouldn't be complete without one.
  3. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    Yeah, I'll give you that. But nor did Tyson if you remove an old Holmes.
  4. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I could see a case for both if I'm honest.

    Vitali is huge and moved really well for a big man, he rarely stood still, always circling, just watch his fights vs Peter and Chisora, they were unable to throw much because they were rarely in a position to throw as he kept circling them and staying of the line. He made the most of his height and had such an awkward looking but damn effective style, often playing with distance to befuddle his opponents.

    But then Tyson was great at cutting off the ring and slipping jabs, even quality jabs from the likes of Holmes, Thomas, Lewis, Bruno etc. He never really had a problem getting inside, it was those that could tie him up and manhandle him once he got inside that gave him problems or beat him.

    Vitali knew how to clinch to prevent fighters wanting to fight up close but he wasn't the type of clincher like Lewis who would man handle opponents to create opening to land shots like a Lewis. Maybe what Vitali did would be enough to prevent Tyson making it a fight at Tyson's range but maybe Tyson is able to get off first often enough when in his range to break him down.

    Too many unknowns for me to pick one over the other with any certainty.
    Entaowed and Salty Dog like this.
  5. Rico Spadafora

    Rico Spadafora Master of Chins Full Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    I don’t think any version of Tyson would ever beat Vitali, Lennox, Bowe, etc. like Don Turner said after the second Holyfield fight Mike Tyson is the most overrated Heavyweight of all time. There’s a blueprint out there on how to fight/beat him. This doesn’t mean Tyson was not exciting or a great fighter but the myth around “Prime Tyson” is just silly.
    Decker likes this.
  6. zadfrak

    zadfrak Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 17, 2008

    All depends on the style guy he fights. And the intimidation factor. Actually, I think it is Tyson that gets intimidated. Vitali was very good at doing this himself. He'd look across the ring and know Vitali is in top shape. A gym rat that has prepared as well as anyone for the fight. And those Klitschko ringsmarts and his natural intelligence advantage. And that Vitali stare during ring instructions and everyone that fought him knew they were going to be in for a very tough night's work. And I can see Tyson right then and there wishing he had trained harder and with better sparring and worked on his footwork more and listened to his trainer weeks before.

    Mike is also fighting a guy with the ability to box going forward. Side to side. Or backing up. Tyson can only go forwards. And he'd be taking 3 or 4 steps to get in range. Then, hoping Vitali is not moving his feet. Then it becomes punching way up to hit the guy with completely different angles than he threw his punches. He had those quick feet early in a bout but once it hits the 5th round he sure didn't. And Klitschko throws every punch in the book and even while moving his feet. Plus that great boxing radar of his. Best I've seen since early Ali. So so tough to land combos on those guys and that sklillset.

    The other thing I do not like with Tyson is he is a straight out on top fighter. When he is not in that on top mode, he looks slightly better than average. And I sure do not like his attrition factor when asked to absorb a lot of punches. Especially if getting hit 25x a round. 7th or 8th round and he's out of there.
  7. SmackDaBum

    SmackDaBum TKO7 banned Full Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Yeah finally it seems like reality has started to catch up for a lot of people.
  8. like a boss

    like a boss Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Hypothetical realities can he highly amusing.

    Here's a non-hypothetical. Why hasn't every era been dominated by the biggest fighter in it?
  9. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    like a boss likes this.
  10. Ted Stickles

    Ted Stickles Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    Vitali is too big and durable, people will bring up the Byrd fight but let’s be honest his shoulder blew out badly.

    But if it’s vintage Tyson that , slips, uses combinations and moves in and out. He could possibly get a points win or even a tko on cuts win.
  11. Glass City Cobra

    Glass City Cobra H2H Burger King Full Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    Ruddock wasn't in any way, shape, or form scared of Tyson, he thought he could win, and tried to win surviving multiple nuclear bomb combinations and knockdowns. He still lost both fights. He was in his prime, a large 6'3 230 pound hard hitting guy, ranked #2. He landed some pretty good shots on Tyson too and was trying to take his head off. Ribalta, Tillis, and Berbick were also determined and tried to win. They all glared Tyson down and did their absolute best.

    I agree Tyson wouldn't scare Vitali and that Tyson doesn't have a lot of fights where he overcame adversity, but he wasn't just a bully who fell apart the minute he struggled. Otherwise, Ruddock, Tillis, etc would easily take over and win when Tyson got frustrated with them.

    As for the thread, Prime Tyson wins a UD over Vitali. He was too fast, powerful, defensively sound and technically polished for Vitali whose used to fighting lumbering sluggers and fat plodders. 90's Tyson and onward loses by TKO within 7-9 rounds due to his poor stamina, decreased speed, and lack of willpower.
  12. Joeywill

    Joeywill Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 2, 2021
    Hit harder? More skilled? I hope this is a troll