Josh Taylor vs. Jack Catterall II & Paddy Donovan vs. Lewis Ritson + Cully vs. Patera RBR.

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by CST80, May 25, 2024.

  1. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    Don’t get me wrong I thought Taylor was better than I thought he’d be and had left. Carerall was better too. As you say hit and not get hit and when you are a heavy handed **** on top of it I love it. He was brilliant. As he was in the first fight, which I wanted and thought Taylor would win in.

    I don’t understand this reaction at all

    I don’t think Taylor is finished at all. That fight on another night he may have nicked. Just wonder how much desire he has to come back if not for a mega money rematch and only natural that.
    Oreet Cha! and Beale like this.
  2. Beale

    Beale Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 13, 2023
    I thought Scotty Harrison had a hair transplant when Taylor was on the way to the ring.

    Looked awful and always sad to see great fighters defeated in fights they would have won easily 3-5 years ago.
    ash234 likes this.
  3. Beale

    Beale Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 13, 2023
    He is only 40% of the fighter he was 3-5 years ago at best.

    Looks more like Scott Harrison by the day.
  4. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    The first fight was over 2 years ago and he had his head boxed off. Last night was a far closer fight despite what the judges say.

    I thought the exact same on the way to the ring haha. Looked ok on scales. He asked for the lower weight though didn’t he?
    Beale likes this.
  5. Bob Flaps

    Bob Flaps Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 30, 2019
    Taylor could turn into a Ricky Burns if the promoters wanted it. Home fights where the crowd is almost guaranteed and a UK broadcaster will always cover it, against a certain level of opponent. Depends how much he needs the money of course.
    Beale and Here's Johnny like this.
  6. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    What I mean is I still think he can be in and around top level ish. I can’t comment on this too much any more because as I say I don’t follow the world scene even a 10th as much as I used to.
    Bob Flaps likes this.
  7. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    I know he was prob my fave British fighter to watch then. I was shocked at how the fight started as I had been sleeping on Caterall for a couple of years because of boring match making. Caterall schooled him only a few months after the time frame you say though. No way is that down to purely Taylor’s decline.
    Oreet Cha! likes this.
  8. Beale

    Beale Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 13, 2023
    That is the point, he left the ring after the Ramirez fight 3 years ago, enjoyed his success too much and we are left with a man in his thirties no longer able to perform anywhere near the level he did.

    The lower weight class was his choice but is a sign he knows he is done and would be brutally exposed at the higher weight.

    Should have retired after the Ramirez fight but we know they all love the loot and he probably got sold well short in that dept. given his outstanding achievements in the ring.
  9. Here's Johnny

    Here's Johnny Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    Prob right. You know more about him than me but he was far better last night than in first fight so that is good sign.
  10. Beale

    Beale Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 13, 2023
    He did better than I expected digging deep.
  11. ash234

    ash234 Active Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2023
    Has a fighter as good as Taylor ever been promoted as bad?

    Spent his early days flying through the rankings on Cyclone shows, then had to go and box in lockdown in Vegas with no UK broadcaster for his career defining moment and his last 2 have technically been as the away fighter.

    He really needed a consistent UK promoter throughout his career.

    Really wish he stayed with Shane McGuigan.
    VanBasten, Bob Flaps and Beale like this.
  12. smoking mirrors

    smoking mirrors Active Member Full Member

    Jan 14, 2023
    he earned the respect of hardcore boxing fans doing it that way, for what little that’s worth

    there’s a very short list of Brits who have gone to Vegas and taken the belt from an American champ
    VanBasten, im sparticus and ash234 like this.
  13. Bob Flaps

    Bob Flaps Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 30, 2019
    Yeah and although I’m sure staying with Shane would have kept his boxing up to the right level for longer, not sure it would have helped with his promotion. Might have taken Catterall 1 more seriously though.

    Taylor was made to fight for Matchroom - he’s happy to self promote, get in the media, fight anywhere, etc. I’d be surprised if Eddie didn’t offer something (whilst holding the card of a third Catterall fight if things don’t work out there). It’d be like keeping Warrington on the books just in case Wood fancies giving him another go.
    VanBasten likes this.
  14. ash234

    ash234 Active Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2023
    Taylor was about to sign a co-promotional deal with Matchroom and Barry McGuigan straight after the Prograis fight but was then poached by MTK.
    Beale and Bob Flaps like this.
  15. Murderers' Row

    Murderers' Row Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 23, 2020
    Will give it a watch later tonight.
    VanBasten likes this.