Apparently, Marciano and Louis used to hang out sometimes.

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by catchwtboxing, May 25, 2024.

  1. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    I just read this in UNBEATEN, and I thought it was cool:

    In the winter of 1964, Rocky was riding in a car in Miami with Joe Louis and his friend Lou Duva, the boxing manager and trainer. The men were in town to see the heavyweight champion, Sonny Liston defend his title against a brash young challenger named Cassius Clay.

    Duva was driving and the car radio was on. The announcer mentioned that Clay was getting $315,000 while Liston's share was more than $1 million. Rocky and Joe looked at each other in amazement and, then ordered that Duva stop the car.

    "They jumped out of the car, Rocky first, and started jogging," recalled Duva. "They joked that they were going back into training and wanted to do some roadwork."
  2. SolomonDeedes

    SolomonDeedes Active Member Full Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    There was a period in 1966 when some people genuinely, sincerely believed that Marciano was on the point of launching a comeback to fight Muhammad Ali. He was supposed to have won three secret fights in the gym with "well-known heavyweights", including breaking the jaw of a "tough veteran negro" who, reading between the lines, was clearly Wayne Bethea.
  3. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    I would imagine this is a mix up for when Mariciano trained hard to meet clay in the fake computer fight. He really did train hard for that so he would lose some weight (think he weighed 240 or 260 and dropped to like 215) he also wanted to be ready in case it turned into a real fight in the ring. I highly doubt it was a thought to really come back
  4. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I know that Joe Louis and Sonny Liston hung out at the second Beatles appearance on Feb 16 1964, The Ed Sullivan Show in Miami Beach, Florida, while Liston was training to fight Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) I heard that Liston made a crack about Ringo Starr, Liston said that his Dog could play the drums better than Ringo. Both were introduced to the audience, I have all three appearances on DVD, including the then Television commercials.
  5. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    Joe Louis kissed Marciano's coffin.
  6. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Mutual respect.
    Pugguy, Anubis, swagdelfadeel and 4 others like this.
  7. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Good stuff. I am glad they maintained a relationship.

    I read on esb once that a young Marciano had gotten an autograph from the then champion Louis. No idea if this is true. But it would have been cool if it was.
  8. SolomonDeedes

    SolomonDeedes Active Member Full Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    It's a bit early for that. This is 1966, the Superfight was in 69. It's possible the seed of it was a misunderstanding of Marciano's acknowledgement a few months earlier that he briefly trained for a comeback in 1959.
  9. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    The article is three years prior to any computer fight.
  10. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    52-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Floyd Mayweather eat your heart out.
  11. Boxed Ears

    Boxed Ears this my daddy's account (RIP daddy) Full Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    That's funny. I thought I knew this anecdote from another book but that it was when Ingo won the title. I seem to remember Louis hung with Conn as well and was with him when Ali came into a diner and started yelling about how he'd beat Louis and Louis dropped his wake up and apologize line and Ali just laughed and said he was crazy and walked away. :lol: I've read so many of these I'm not even sure where my imagined memories begin and the real stories end, man.
  12. SolomonDeedes

    SolomonDeedes Active Member Full Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    That one you didn't imagine. I remember hearing Conn tell that story in an interview.
  13. Barrf

    Barrf Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 19, 2021
    would have been 49-1 then.
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  14. catchwtboxing

    catchwtboxing Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    It's in unbeaten. Him and his buddy snuck into the bathroom and watched Louis taking a wizz. Louis cave them autographs and a quarter each.

    I think they met again when Marciano just started boxing, but I can't remember.
    Richard M Murrieta, dmt and he grant like this.
  15. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    Yeah didn’t double check that. I’d find it odd if the story were true as I’ve never read it in any biography. I only read that he had trained for Ingo when he knocked out Patterson but found he didn’t have the fire anymore. So I’d be shocked if years later he tried again and was knocking out all his sparing partners. Awesome story if true