Fundora to vacate for the Spence fight. Is it justified?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by JusABoxinFan, May 25, 2024.

  1. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022

    People will give every excuse as to why this is a "better" decision for Sebastian than fighting Crawford. I just think it's pretty ironic that Spence was too "injured" or hurt to face Crawford in the rematch that he himself claimed he was pushing for, but he was perfectly healthy enough to show up at the fight to claim dibs on the winner of the opponents who were slated to face Crawford whom had become the mandatory due to his WIN over Spence a the lower division to become undisputed.

    How is it that Fundora and Spence gets ZERO backlash or claims of "ducking" Crawford, yet Crawford spent 4/5 years trying to get his fight vs Spence and was called everything under the sun during the process. Even was discredited on his dominance after the result of the fight.

    What am I missing.... What has Crawford (personally) done to become so hated by some so-called boxing fans? When did he become the bad guy?
    Jackman65 and Reinhardt like this.
  2. Dorrian_Grey

    Dorrian_Grey It came to me in a dream Full Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    I don't think this thread is as much about asking whether Fundora getting stripped is justified as much as it's about stroking the victim complex everybody loves to attach to Bud. Anyway, this stripping is nonsense, Fundora won his titles and should be given the opportunity to defend them, considering he was also badly injured in his last fight with blood streaming down his face. I think Bohachuck should be fighting instead of Errol but champs should also be allowed tune ups after such tough fights like the one Fundora just had with Tim. Fundora is fighting Spence in October right? And Bud is fighting Madrimov for the WBA in August? So, Fundora will have been stripped of his title before even getting a chance to defend against a man who isn't trying to fight him just because of sanctioning body shenanigans and the WBO loving Crawford enough to throw their belts at him. It's ridiculous.
    vast likes this.
  3. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    This thread is about exactly what I said it is about in the title. If you took it as "stroking the victim......." then that is your comprehension struggles that you would need to deal with. You clearly have a certain opinion regarding the names and situation at hand and had your answer before you even finished reading my post, thus you shot out your opinion while ignoring certain facts.

    Fondora is vacating a belt that everyone knew Crawford was going after. Tszyu was supposed to fight Thurman. How did that fight get put in front of Crawford who was the UNDISPUTED champ at 147lbs and it was clear that Errol was not pushing for the rematch as he claimed he was. Being undisputed, that means, Crawford held the WBO strap along with the others, thus he was elevated as the mandatory at the next division. Something that has been done for multiple fighters with not just the WBO but other sanctioning bodies as well, yet you take this as the "WBO loving Crawford enough to throw their belts at him." Crawford fought for titles. His first title was the WBO at 135lbs....when he moved up, he was able to fight for the WBO at 140lbs.....then unified all of the titles before moving up to 147lbs and fighting the only title holder that was controlled by Top Rank which happened to be the WBO....then unified that division as well. His next move is to move up to 154lbs. He was gunning for Tim Tszyu who HELD THE WBO STRAP. The fight was giving to Thurman out of no where... Thurman gets injured, then they moved Fundora whom was supposed to fight Bohachuck.

    You bring up injuries and Fundora not getting a "chance" to defend his title, showing your agenda. Fundora claimed to be injured and was not going to be available til November. Before that announcement, his camp was already talking about making a fight with Errol Spence Jr., regardless of the fact that Crawford was in the picture. Fondora talked about honoring a rematch clause that wasn't in the contract as well.. So, he had 2 options being placed in front of who was the mandatory for the WBO. Stop that B.S. about him not getting a chance. But I bet you'll change your opinion on Crawford being stripped of the IBF just weeks after become undisputed by dismantling Errol Spence Jr. and was locked into a BINDING CONTRACT for a rematch, thus he couldn't legally negotiate another fight. Yet, Jaron Ennis is sitting there with a title that Crawford won in the ring.

    Back to Fondora...... remember he was supposed to not be available until November.... so what happen was the 2 individuals who were gunning for him being Tim Tszyu and Terence Crawford moved forward to stay active til then, both announced their next fight for the end of the summer...... Ironically, Fundora is no longer too injured to wait til November anymore as he in rumored to have set his next fight for October vs none other than Errol Spence Jr.

    You wanted to take this angle in this discussion so I met you there. But don't ignore the facts to push an agenda.
  4. Reg

    Reg Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 5, 2016
    Spence became the golden child for the Texas camp nuthuggers and anyone who opposed him automatically = bad.
  5. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Fundora KNOWS he got lucky. I don't think he relishes a rematch with TimTsyzu. He wasn't the one blinded by blood that was Tsyzu. He obviously thinks Spence would be an easier opponent & more $$$ . Tim Tsyzu DESERVES that rematch Man Up Inferno prove youre a man
  6. FrankinDallas

    FrankinDallas Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 24, 2004
    You treading on shaky ground, son. Davy Crockett gonna come get you.
  7. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Due to my many years in Texas I also have a soft spot for Texas fighters .I made many friends there haunting Dave Gormans Super Pro gym & BMI gym in Ft Worth. Curtis Cokes Home of Champions in Dallas. The late Dave & Curtis were two of boxings good guys.
    Crockett is shot now he wouldn't be a problem lol
    FrankinDallas likes this.
  8. Braindamage

    Braindamage Baby Face Beast Full Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Tszyu rematch is the fight. But, I don't see many of the Zoo Zoo's crying for this. You know, it's an easy win for Timmy. LOL
  9. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    Yeah, he wants more money. He already lost, Spence wants good name on his last fight, that he can beat
  10. DRUGS

    DRUGS Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 6, 2014
    Spence was the Golden Child for the PBC/Lions Den/ fake 5%er crowd... Crawford was not a PBC guy or a loud and obnoxious dude so they branded him an enemy.
  11. tinman

    tinman VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2015
    Crawford's lifestyle doesn't appeal to a lot of the losers out there. A commitment to hard work and dedication scares people. It makes them reflect on themselves and why aren't working hard like Crawford.
  12. Fogger

    Fogger Father, grandfather and big sports fan. Full Member

    Aug 9, 2021
  13. Dorrian_Grey

    Dorrian_Grey It came to me in a dream Full Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    But this isn't the belt Bud is going after. He's going after the WBA held by Madrimov, rather than pushing for a Fundora fight. He chose the Saudi money and so did Tim yet Fundora is apparently the guy ducking them?
    Regardless of the impact all the blood had on the fight, Tim's corner didn't stop the fight, the ringside doctor never stopped it, and it's not like Fundora was elbowing him like an MMA fighter, Tim grazed his head against Fundora's elbow when he was getting low and got unlucky. Sh*t happens. The blame shouldn't be placed on Fundora for something that wasn't his fault, he still fought to the best of his ability and won a clear decision. He also shouldn't be blamed for Bud and Tim choosing different routes. There was a verbal and contractual agreement to a rematch clause for Tim to use but he didn't use it and now he's rolling in Saudi cash and about to fight one of the hottest prospects/contenders in the sport with Vergil Ortiz. I also don't know why you think Fundora would be faking an injury when he clearly had a broken nose and had blood streaming down his face for nearly the whole fight. I don't think Bud should have been stripped either, I think that was another stupid example of sanctioning body shenanigans. I don't have an agenda I'm pushing, I'm just stating my opinion.
    I do think it's naive to think Bud hasn't received preferential treatment from the WBO for his whole career though. The WBO have always been very pally with Top Rank and Bob did a good job of getting title shots from them whenever he wanted. Sure, that's how the mechanics of the WBO work but they do treat Bud better than any of their other champs.
    As I stated, I'd rather see Fundora fight Bohachuck who's his WBC mando, but we all know the WBC don't enforce mandos and that that fight does horribly on PPV, which is the only way PBC seem able to stream fights anymore. The Spence fight was the only financially sensible fight for Fundora since Tim and Bud both went away to fight different people.
    oldcanvasback and FreddieGibbs like this.
  14. Dorrian_Grey

    Dorrian_Grey It came to me in a dream Full Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    Tim is fighting Vergil because the Saudis are paying him a boatload of cash to do so. He could have triggered a rematch clause if he wanted to do but it seems he didn't. That means the Tim rematch couldn't happen because Tim received a better offer to fight from the Saudis. That was on Tim's end, not Fundora's. Now, I of course think Tim beats up Fundora in a rematch but that's a different topic.
    oldcanvasback, vast and FreddieGibbs like this.
  15. JusABoxinFan

    JusABoxinFan Member Full Member

    Apr 20, 2022
    Yea, truthfully, Tim looked to be handling Fondora pretty well through round 3. I blame the arrogance of his camp for not choosing to throw in the towel and taking the No Contest. You got to think about the future of your fighter's career over proving a point or whatever would cause them to say he can still compete blind. They were given 3 chances in the 4th round alone to make the call. After the fact, you can't use the blood as an excuse.

    That being said, Fondora understands the issues that Tim posed for him and what he would get facing Crawford. Those who actually follow Spence beyond 5/6 years ago know that the first 9 or 10 of his professional bouts were at 154lbs. He was far from elite during that time with 4 of those opponents are at or below .500 in the winners column currently. Emmanuel Lartey exposed what problems a person with footwork and different angles can pose for Spence as he was the first to visibly hurt Spence as a pro. It's crazy how his stock is still considered higher than the more accomplished fighter that beat the brakes off him.
    oldcanvasback and Braindamage like this.