I rate USYK in the top 10 ATG in Hws history

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by monaim, May 26, 2024.

  1. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    He's had more accounts on here than Usyk has had fights, both amateur and pro
    Reinhardt, Dynamicpuncher and ellerbe like this.
  2. ellerbe

    ellerbe VIP Member Full Member

    Jul 25, 2014
    Who was his og acc lol
    Serge likes this.
  3. Serge

    Serge Ginger Dracula Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    I can't remember the original one. He mainly posts in the classic but he ventures over here sometimes too lol
    ellerbe likes this.
  4. pugilista

    pugilista Member Full Member

    Feb 18, 2024
    Coming from a Fury fan, though, you have to see the irony in that. Let me change a few words in your post and see how it fares.

    'Fury did not even have 7 title fights at HW and he is ATG?

    His resume is not that good. He beat Wilder and he was number 1? How?

    Before Wilder, he was finished as a "PED cheat."'

    And in before: I don't consider Usyk a HW ATG because he indeed has too short a resume for that. But for Usyk to get criticised by Fury fans for anything – that is, to put it mildly, both amusing and shows a worrying level of lack of objectivity.
    gneall likes this.
  5. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    I was never a Fury fan, I said that Fury was a fraud before. Check you facts
  6. senpai

    senpai Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2021
    Not only short resume, but average names and average performances.

    If he had beaten 4 champions, for 4 belts, he would be much closer to that.

    beating AJ and he is number 1. why ? how ? why do you guys have such low stardards ?

    Even if you beat the champion, you have to beat other guys, you have to be active, you have to stay at your level.
    Reinhardt likes this.
  7. gneall

    gneall Active Member Full Member

    Jul 22, 2022
    Bro doesn't know they changed the HW limit from 175 to 190 to 200?
  8. pugilista

    pugilista Member Full Member

    Feb 18, 2024
    Way to move the goalposts. In 2021, before fighting Joshua, Usyk was supposed to be exposed because Joshua was too big, too strong for him. "This is the heavyweight division, Joshua is no Witherspoon or Chisora, Usyk is done."

    Before fighting Fury, we heard for two years how Fury was too big, too strong for him. "A good big 'un will always beat a good lil' 'un, this is the big league, Fury is no stiff robot, useless bodybuilder Joshua. The little cruiserweight will be exposed."

    And now suddenly, after Usyk schooled both of them, they are both 'average names'. I always knew you didn't like Usyk; it was always obvious how you tried to find an angle to belittle him. But hating on him this much, to throw Fury and Joshua under the bus just for the sake of dumping on Usyk, wow. That's something else.
  9. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    You're saying I'm ignoring the age but I literally just said "Yes Holmes was older"

    So how exactly am I ignoring the age ? Did you even read my post or did you want just claim I'm a fan boy of Tyson for the sake of it ? I'm actually a fan of Holmes much more so than Tyson for your information.

    I'll say it again because obviously you didn't read my post properly.....

    Yes Holmes was older but after the Tyson loss he schooled a prime Ray Mercer and run a prime Evander Holyfield close and was never stopped again. Hence it's still an impressive stoppage win for Tyson considering no one else stopped ATG Holmes before or after.
    Joy_Rones likes this.
  10. Rico Spadafora

    Rico Spadafora Master of Chins Full Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    He certainly is above Johnson who other than the color of his skin really doesn’t belong with that group based on actual accomplishments. He’s historically significant but not a top 10 Heavyweight of all time.
    Jackstraw and Joy_Rones like this.
  11. Finkel

    Finkel Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 10, 2020
    Good post.

    Here's a hypothetical, if Joshua beats Fury, and goes on to dominate the next generation of heavyweights.
    How high should that really lift Usyk? And would there ever be a route for Joshua to be above him?

    It doesn't quite seem right that should you lose to your stylistic nightmare, then it is all over for you in terms of aspirations of greatness, as your conquerer can happily retire and continue to reap the rewards of your hard work, always being one step ahead of you.

    What do others think?
  12. Noel857

    Noel857 I Am Duran Full Member

    Mar 24, 2019
    Not in my top ten
  13. rb94boxing

    rb94boxing New Member banned Full Member

    May 27, 2024
    I think it's a bit silly to include Usyk into the top 10 heavyweights discussion. The real discussion is whether Usyk cracks the top 20 fighters of all time

    That being said, Usyk has forever blocked Fury (and AJ, I guess) from getting a top 10 heavyweight spot
    Reinhardt and Noel857 like this.
  14. Arch Stanton

    Arch Stanton When you have to shoot, shoot!, don't talk...... Full Member

    Dec 24, 2022
    He truly is a remarkable human being, squire.

    Both as a man and a fighter.

    I mean, what MORE in pretty much anything you choose could you ask or expect of him?.


    The boxes are all ticked.
    Serge and catchwtboxing like this.
  15. Goran_

    Goran_ Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 27, 2018
    Arguing the toss over these lists won't really get anyone anywhere... I just look at him as a great fighter who would have success in any era. There's a lot of copage going on with regards to Usyks career at the minute.. relax folks, your 70s & 80s heroes are still going to have their names etched in history.. & arguing whether Usyk could whoop them or not wont resign u to hell :lol: