Jack Johnson (1909) vs Joe Louis (1938)

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by ETM, Nov 6, 2019.

  1. Mendoza

    Mendoza Hrgovic = Next Heavyweight champion of the world. banned Full Member

    Jun 29, 2007
    oh I think I would. Make a public poll.
  2. KasimirKid

    KasimirKid Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 1, 2018
    What good is a poll? It inevitably includes the opinion of a bunch of know-nothings. I much prefer the individual discussions of forum members. Then, a person can evaluate the posters' reasoning and knowledge of history and maybe learn something. What can you learn that is worthwhile from a poll of anonymous participants?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
    louis54 likes this.
  3. louis54

    louis54 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 20, 2013
    Slightest of edge to johnson...perhaps
  4. Seamus

    Seamus Proud Kulak Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    Johnson doesn't have the tools to deal with the offensive machine that was Louis.

    He was really somewhat of a limited fighter by later standards. Not overly big, not overly dynamic, not a great outside game, but found the means to deal with the crude sorts of his day. Louis beat them big and small, powerful and fast, negative and positive...

    I don't think this thing is even very close.
    Bukkake, Mendoza and Golden_Feather99 like this.
  5. KasimirKid

    KasimirKid Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 1, 2018
    I basically agree with your reasoning, but I think you may underestimate Johnson's intellect and resourcefulness. He did have enough ring knowledge to foresee the outcome of the first Louis-Schmeling fight. Maybe it was luck and the product of his own prejudices, but there were virtually no other "experts" who predicted the result. As far as size and strength goes, Johnson was about on a par with Louis. I think Joe would have overpowered Jack, but I am not certain about that outcome. I guess what I am saying is that I favor Louis, but I would not be surprise to be surprised. It sure would go a long way to answer questions about how good the 1910-era fighters were as compared to later era fighters.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
  6. Seamus

    Seamus Proud Kulak Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    Johnson was famous in his day for winning squeakers while trying to look good...."whipping out just enough to win" as Uncle Milty would say. That sort of cavalier attitude would have him on the canvas in a hurry against Louis. And once that hole was dug just a spadeful, I'm not sure he could fill the dirt back in fast enough. Louis is one of the greatest finishers who ever put on the gloves. Not Johnson, not Ken Burns, not all the apologists and publicists of Lil Arthur could fix that fact.
    Mendoza likes this.
  7. Mendoza

    Mendoza Hrgovic = Next Heavyweight champion of the world. banned Full Member

    Jun 29, 2007
    oh they still to this day try to fix things, make excuses and avoid objective reasoning.
  8. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    I'm sure all the forum appreciate your objective reasoning on the subject of Jack Johnson!lol
    Bukkake and PhillyPhan69 like this.
  9. Longcountlarry

    Longcountlarry New Member banned Full Member

    Nov 21, 2019
    Jack johnson by KO in any round after 10.
    Not before 10 rounds of some of the most awkward, stop start, action ever seen in history, in which Jack Johnson stays out of fighting distance, paws away Louis' jab, and bear hugs him like he's an autistic kid having a breakdown every time Louis so much as twitches his shoulder to throw a right hand.
    After 10 rounds of rough and tumble, on an exit from the clinch, Johnson lands a big uppercut and never lets Louis recover.
  10. Mendoza

    Mendoza Hrgovic = Next Heavyweight champion of the world. banned Full Member

    Jun 29, 2007
    Well I only quote books, news articles and go from there. Reject the facts if you must.

    Even you called his title run weak. You one wrote his style makes your **** boil. Sounds rather negative.
  11. Gazelle Punch

    Gazelle Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 15, 2018
    Johnson and Dempsey imo suffer from not enough knowledge at the time. today they could compete with adjustments to style. Both were ahead of their times but both had glaring holes that would make their states useless today. Louis on the other hand to this day was one of the fastest best combo throwing HWs ever. His timing and speed and power make him a threat to anyone. Jacks foot work may annoy Louis for a minute but jack would be knocked into a coma the moment he attempts one of those terrible lunge jabs.
  12. Steve Fero

    Steve Fero New Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2019
    Everyone is greatly overlooking how different the rules were in their eras. I’m pretty sure using 1910 rules Johnson wins 1938 rules Louis wins. All the talk about Johnson ducking black fighters as champion but before he was champ he was the Colored Heavyweight champ and beat all the top black fighters. Joe Louis didn’t fight top black fighters until after WW ll and what happened when he finally did he got beat by the first 2 he fought. Won a robbery against Walcott and got whipped by Charles. Yes he was older but those were probably the 2 best boxers he ever fought which probably had as much to do with the results as his age.
    I think Frazier Louis and Johnson are interesting matchups. Given some kind of compromise of era rules I like Frazier over Johnson but Louis (esp heavier version see Simon 2nd fight at 207) doing a Foreman against Frazier. However Johnson has the craftiness and quickness to win a decision over Louis and dont forget he was a stud in his prime look at the photos the guy was jacked very strong powerful guy so Louis wouldn’t have an advantage there either.
  13. mcvey

    mcvey VIP Member Full Member

    Jun 2, 2006
    At this stage of their relative careers I'd pick Johnson to win a dec.
  14. Melankomas

    Melankomas Prime Jeffries would demolish a grizzly in 2 Full Member

    Dec 18, 2022
    Johnson under the old ruleset, Louis under the modern ruleset
  15. KasimirKid

    KasimirKid Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 1, 2018
    I think Jack Johnson was an incredible athlete. Great reflexes, strength, speed, imagination, and quick-witted intelligence. He liked to fight at a slow pace when he had his opponent under control, but when aroused, as we saw in the films of the Burns and Ketchel bouts, he could return the fire ferociously. I think he would be a formidable adversary for Joe Louis. Also, there is the Ring article before the first Louis-Schmeling fight, as referenced by Mendoza, wherein Johnson demonstrates his ability to analyze Joe's style and find flaws. I'm not sure who would win a fight between the Johnson and Louis, but I don't think Johnson's seemingly laid-back style would be that much in evidence against Joe. Johnson was adaptable and could be aggressive when the opponent and the situation demanded. Even though he was an older man when fighting Willard, he adapted to Jess' size by taking the fight to him and outpointing him for the first 15 to 20 rounds until his age, lack of condition, and the hot sun tired him out. One thing we know about Johnson is that he wasn't a dancer. Against Louis' steady but relentless pressure, Jack would be forced to engage, and as the fight progressed I think sparks would fly.
    Last edited: May 27, 2024