Hi mate. I don't think we both should count the lopes KO on our scores as this fight change at the last minute from Ortega to Ige. We both choose our original pick thinking Ortega would be the opponent. I have adjusted my scores to reflect this. Your score will now be - 7 - 5 (4) 160 - 110 (64)
LEADER BOARD Francis75 = 178 - 92 (92) Rakesh = 160 - 110 (64) Fahd Ismail = 133 - 76 (70) outtieDrake = 20 - 17 (8)
Namajunas Cortes Elder UD Petroski UD Santos KO Blackshear UD Jasudavicius UD Van KO Alhassan KO Rodriguez UD Bonfim SUB Silva UD Ponzinibbio KO Namajunas UD
UFC - Namajunas v Cortez Elder - UD Fremd - KO Santos - SUB Blackshear - UD Jasudavicius - UD Van - UD Alhassan - KO Rodriguez - UD Bonfim - SUB Dober - KO Ponzinibbio - KO Namajunas - UD
LEADER BOARD Francis75 = 183 - 98 (95) Rakesh = 167 - 114 (67) Fahd Ismail = 133 - 76 (70) outtieDrake = 20 - 17 (8)
Lemos vs Jandiroba Usman UD Carolina UD Radzhabov UD Barbosa UD Kelleher SUB Lee UD Choi KO Silva SUB Kruschewsky SUB Garcia KO Park UD Jandiroba SUB
UFC - Lemos v Jandiroba Usman - UD Carolina - UD Radzhabov - UD Maverick - UD Gibson - SUB Lee - UD Algeo - UD Durden - UD Kruschewsky - UD Garcia - KO Lemos - UD
LEADER BOARD Francis75 = 187 - 105 (99) Rakesh = 172 - 120 (71) Fahd Ismail = 133 - 76 (70) outtieDrake = 20 - 17 (8)