It has been near a year since i last trained, i stoped training becouse of injuries, and now i find myself fat and out of shape. I am doing this training log mainly becuse several of my friends asked me too. This is going to be crash course for me to get back in shape phisicly and mentaly. This 60 days will be all work days, i will also try out paleo diet. I am 194cm tall 100kg my goal is 91 kg so i whould compete in heavy like i did before and to regain explosivness and endurance that i once had. After 60 days i will have 15 days of taking it easy and going on a normal diet and after that training camp with my team to get ready for matches. I will post every workout in detail, but i will not post every day here i will post every 5 days but i will post all i did at once.
maybe a little late to uptade but i actualy broke my lag playing basketball on first training day and just didnt have will to update, recovery is good mb when im good ill do this 60 days.