As much as I love Joe I can't see him beating Tyson, maybe if he gets in the later rounds but this one doesn't go past 6 for sure Tyson by TKO.
I am not mad at all, I just pointed out a few that clearly beat him. There are many more. I'd even favor someone like Moorer to beat him.
It's not speed that beats Joe. It's intensity, power, and viciousness. Tyson is the man in all of those departments. If Big George can do it, I have no doubt a prime Tyson could.
I had some sympathy for you because we share the same favorite boxer (Liston) but this is just so absurd it's difficult for me to take you seriously at this point.
If Mike wins the first 3 rounds, he aint losing the fight even if it goes 12, which probably won't, but even if it does, he just isn't losing.
You're right. That is Joe's best chance to win. I've never seen anyone come back from a 3 round Tyson ass kicking to turn the tables and win. It's not in the cards even for Smokin Joe. If Mike is beating you in the first 3 rounds, he'll continue to beat you from the 4th on out. The only fighter to even make a tiny, itty bitty comeback was Ruddock in the 6th, but that's a different type of fight. Not to mention Mike immediately took back the 7th with Steele's questionable stoppage. There's also the Ruddock Rematch but both fighters took the fight on short notice. Made for a far more compelling brawl though. If anyone could do it, then yes, Joe Frazier is the pick. If he could get past the first 3 rounds, which he won't.
Oh sheeez, this is an hard one to pick. Frazier better over the long haul, Tyson more deadly in the first few round s. Think I'll go with Tyson early. He attacks fast and furious and has Joe hurt straight out. Frazier, obviously, attempts to make it back up but Tyson is a lot faster and more precise than Foreman here. Joe possibly makes it to the 2nd, but that's unfortunately has far has he makes it. Tyson wrsf 2.
Please put up a reasonable argument for Moorer beating Frazier. Tbh I'm not convinced he gets past Cleveland Williams, or Lyle, let alone an ATG in Frazier.
I can put an argument, I see him as more skilled. And I see Lyle beating Frazier and maybe even Williams.
Moorer just didn't have the chin or endurance for Frazier. Fat old Foreman knocked him dead out, and past-it Holyfield kicked the crap out of him. We're talking prime, peak Frazier here.