adam azim is a hypejob

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by Daggerz, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. iamthegreatest

    iamthegreatest Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 4, 2020
    It's literally the first time he's not entertained the crowd and won by a convincing margin/KO. He's young and still growing, every boxer has the odd fight early in their careers when they're not at their best.
    Darni187 and im sparticus like this.
  2. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    Ive never heard him to be a 135er tbh.
  3. Darni187

    Darni187 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    The op clearly has limited knowledge of boxing and how young fighters are matched..

    We saw a 21yr old kid with 8 fights vs a 26yr old man with 24 fights with only 1 loss ..

    Find me any recent British or American prospect with that age and number of fights fighting someone with 3x the number of fights than him? And that guy only had 1 loss..

    You won't, Boxxer and Shane doing what many said put him in with someone with ambition and winning record , and a proud Ukrainian same size as Adam if not bigger ..

    Sure Adam looked a bit confused at times but made some adjustments and got a wide UD win .. that was another good learning fight and another full 10rds under his belt.

    Adam showed patience, worked off the jab kept probing.. he needs to master his range better and not waste too many jabs which missed and a few other things too which Shane also mentioned after the fight. He seemed a bit nervous last night , first signs of pressure fighting on a PPV card as Co main event after a bit of a layoff .. can happen he is still only 21yrs old ..

    Adam last fought in Feb vs another unbeaten South American and before that he was very active.. some hand injuries has kept him out the ring longer .. he will be back out again later this year .. he still has to work on a few things but I'm sure this kid will be a world champion near future ..
    ryanm8655 and im sparticus like this.
  4. tdf1974

    tdf1974 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    I felt sorry for crowd
    Daggerz likes this.
  5. BVA

    BVA member banned Full Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    He was getting tagged a lot with wild left hook counters

    He is miles away from the top operators in this division.

    Also, I sense glass.
    Koli55 and Daggerz like this.
  6. Boris Wang

    Boris Wang New Member banned Full Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    he definitelyg doesnt have a glass jaw based off what we saw last night. He got hit cleanly by a few left hooks and ate them.
  7. BigDoofus

    BigDoofus Active Member Full Member

    Apr 4, 2016
    Fanian slowed down in the second half of the fight. Anyone know how much notice he had for this fight?
  8. Boris Wang

    Boris Wang New Member banned Full Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    He had half a year to prepare for Adam. The fight was originally announced in April-May and was meant to happen on June 16th. Adam got hurt a week before the fight so it got rescheduled for September 2nd. Shane said that Aram would remain as the opponent Adam would face while Adam was healing from his hand injuries. I want to see how far Aram will go in his career. Certainly better than anyone Dalton has fought so far.
    ryanm8655 and BigDoofus like this.
  9. Daggerz

    Daggerz Member banned Full Member

    Dec 28, 2022
    against a guy with 5 KO's. get real!

    It was a good job Fanian was no puncher!
  10. Daggerz

    Daggerz Member banned Full Member

    Dec 28, 2022
    @Darni187 your fanboy biased opinion is meanlingless. Your post history is cringe af like you're in Azims family or something!

    And also stupid, the way you're making the young age excuse for absolutely everything.

    You're the exact type of person I was referring to who have been hyping him up to be something he's not, with your cringe ''future of boxing'' posts and all this :lol::loel: He's just not that guy clearly, I'm sorry to say.
  11. Daggerz

    Daggerz Member banned Full Member

    Dec 28, 2022
    I'd describe Azim as a faster version of Anthony Fowler

    or like Josh Kelly, but with less skills :D
  12. Furey

    Furey EST & REG 2009 Full Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    Adam Azim is 21 years old and didn't have any senior amateur fights.

    Ricky Hatton had 70-80 amateur fights including winning the senior ABA's and in his 9th fight was fighting someone with a 1-2 record.

    Josh Taylor turned pro at 24 / 25 years old after winning the Commonwealth games and going to the Olympics.

    You dipstick.
    ryanm8655 and DramaShow like this.
  13. lefthook82

    lefthook82 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 1, 2009
    I don't rate him purely do his homeless Nas impression. Keep your hands up!
  14. BVA

    BVA member banned Full Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    @Furey Josh Taylor only started boxing aged 15, azim was boxing since being a toddler and had at least 40 amateur fights. And hatton barely had any senior bouts, he turned pro aged 18.

    @Boris Wang you sound like a teenage casual who's just started watching boxing and Azim is the only boxer you know.
  15. teddybaldock

    teddybaldock Active Member Full Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    He’s got the tools but needs to ditch that god awful style he’s got and sit down on some punches
    ALN93 likes this.