Adam Azim vs Josh Taylor at Catch Weight 144lbs??

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by Darni187, Feb 2, 2025.

  1. Darni187

    Darni187 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    Shane talking about Josh being a possible opponent for Azim next or Catterall and Dalton..

    One of these 3 domestic fights he wants for Azim next.
  2. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    So he wants Josh Taylor then!
    Wizbit1013, Darni187 and Beale like this.
  3. LiamInChains

    LiamInChains Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2023
    Shifty eyed Shalom wont risk putting his only potential cash cow in there with anyone with a pulse.
    ipitythefool likes this.
  4. oiky

    oiky Gypsy Boy Full Member

    Jan 17, 2014
    Don't rate Azim at all, I'd back Tayor.
  5. Dragon Punch

    Dragon Punch Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    I like the sound of Azim V Taylor. The Sky marketing machine would go into overdrive for that one. Can you imagine Azim smashing Josh to bits in Scotland or something
    Darni187 likes this.
  6. Darni187

    Darni187 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    Seems so lol .. but don't think Josh can make 140 so maybe catch weight?
  7. Darni187

    Darni187 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    Adam would send him into real retirement with a nice pay day lol
  8. davidmcallister

    davidmcallister Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 15, 2011
    Was chatting with Josh just before christmas and he is adamant he can still make 140 easily, he has learnt from past mistakes during camp. So maybe it could be made at 140, personally after Josh and his achievements so far he can get a bigger fight than Azim but I think that due to the current climate it could be that the Azim fight is the only one on the table or possible Dalton Smith.
    Here's Johnny and im sparticus like this.
  9. boxberry92

    boxberry92 Active Member banned Full Member

    Jun 22, 2008
    It would be a shame if Josh was to end his career losing to someone like Azim, considering the heights his career reached.

    Was never a fan of Josh's antics during fight week, but there is no denying that for a time he was the best 140ibs fighter on the planet.

    Covid and all that came with it along with injuries couldn't have come at worst time for Taylor, as an average of one fight per year post Prograis really hindered his career trajectory.

    It doesn't seem that long ago that they were talking about him moving up and fighting Crawford in a P4P clash; now he's being looked upon as a stepping stone.

    Hope it doesn't happen.
    Here's Johnny, im sparticus and Beale like this.
  10. ash234

    ash234 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 17, 2023
    If Catterall beats Barboza for the interim belt then he’ll probably get elevated to full champion by the end of the year. Wait for Catterall to get that belt then fight him.

    Try and get someone like Prograis next.
  11. Darni187

    Darni187 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 13, 2008
    Barry M saying they definitely want Adam fighting for a world title end of the year .. they believe he is ready ..
  12. Lil Niall

    Lil Niall Active Member Full Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Taylor leaving the McGuigans, much like Frampton leaving, seemed to start the decline of his career. I know there was other issues for both but Shane was ideal for both of them.
    boxberry92 likes this.
  13. @Maley

    @Maley Active Member Full Member

    Aug 30, 2016

    Yet he vacated his European title when live opponent was mandated.
  14. davidmcallister

    davidmcallister Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 15, 2011
    Rightly or wrongly its the job of the coach/manager and promoter if they feel their fighter is ready. You only have one career and it has to be managed in the correct way, has him vacating and having a few more fights before he inevitably fights Dalton Smith really a big issue? Not for me, and it showed that despite what others would say/think ie he's ducking Dalton. They were strong enough to do so and wait until they feel their charge is ready before facing him. Imo it is showing Dalton and his team that they respect him as a legitimate threat and they need to be 100% ready for that challenge
    Darni187 likes this.
  15. boxberry92

    boxberry92 Active Member banned Full Member

    Jun 22, 2008
    Possibly, but you cannot blame them for leaving; had Frampton not left, he'd likely still be fighting now; his purses were keeping the Mcguigan's afloat both privately and professionally.

    No doubt Taylor was been rinsed in a similar fashion.

    But I agree, Shane was a good fit for Taylor and Frampton, and there was probably good chemistry in and around the gym with all the other fighters. Too bad Barry did to others what was originally done to him by Eastwood, and Blaine and Jake were clearly not fit for purpose.

    Boxing is a tough enough sport as it is without promoters and manager's breadcrumbing the people they're supposedly acting in the best interests and working for.
    davidmcallister likes this.