After Wladimir Klitschko fights 5 more times, where will this leave him in the ATG?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by SmokinJoe10, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. SmokinJoe10

    SmokinJoe10 Guest

    After Wladimir Klitschko fights 5 more times, where will this leave him in the ATG rankings? I mean if he beats Fury, Joshua and Wilder and 2 more good HW's, so 5 more big wins to his current record, where will this leave him in the ATG rankings? And also if he loses 1 or 2 of the 5 will it make or break his legacy or not?

    Here's the link to the article that he's going to fight 5 more times,

    Credit goes to madbalster on this thread for finding the news.
  2. Rock0052

    Rock0052 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 30, 2006
    Top 3.

    Enjoy him while he's here...only those old enough to have seen Joe Louis have seen this kind of sustained dominance at heavyweight in their lifetimes.
  3. yesihavearm2

    yesihavearm2 ESB Chinchecker Full Member

    May 30, 2008


    The only reason Wlad has been successful is because of how weak the division has been since Lewis retired.

    Top 3 ATG's don't lose to Ross Purrity, Brewster and Sanders.

    Wlad doesn't have the chin to stand up to elite level competition, imagine punchers like Foreman landing on that china, talk about Shattered Glass :rofl
  4. SmokinJoe10

    SmokinJoe10 Guest

    Good point lol
  5. chitownfightfan

    chitownfightfan VIP Member Full Member

    May 31, 2010
    Not if he loses 2/5....

    He's top 5 now.
    A lot will depend on what his opponents do post K2.

    He should definitely fight Hughie FURY, and Ruiz Jr.
    With Tyson, wilder, Glaskov Hughie, and Ruiz Jr, little risk, but huge potential for couple of them to win and defend multiple titles in the future.
  6. SmokinJoe10

    SmokinJoe10 Guest

    Hughie Fury and Ruiz Jr? C'mon man get real, this is Wladimir Klitschko, he's not going to fight those bums, after Fury it'll be Wilder and the likes of Anthony Joshua etc and 2 more good HW's.
  7. Mr Butt

    Mr Butt Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 16, 2009
    He has had a long reign as champion but who has he actually beat that you could say was a real top notch fighter nobody really be honest . It's not wlad's fault he has shown himself to be a very good professional athlete but he will always suffer in the history of the sport due his lack of top level opposition . If vitali had not been his brother he would of had that career defining fight all very good world champions need to show greatness . Wlad has unfortunately been unable to prove his greatest through no fault of his own .
  8. theboss

    theboss Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 3, 2011
  9. timeout

    timeout Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Beats tyson and wilder clear atg3
  10. Mr Butt

    Mr Butt Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 16, 2009
    No he's not a clear ATG3
  11. Archie_Moore

    Archie_Moore ALL TIME KO KING Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    Not sure where I stand yet on Wlad, but your argument can be used for Joe Louis as well... Remember context please.
  12. SmokinJoe10

    SmokinJoe10 Guest

    How high do you rate Archie on the ATG list compared to Wlad? He had one of the longest careers, 185-23-10 record.
  13. Rock0052

    Rock0052 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 30, 2006
    Wlad's really wrecked you, hasn't he? Must've been a rough 10 years.
  14. timeout

    timeout Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Long ten years of crying in his mums basement.

  15. yesihavearm2

    yesihavearm2 ESB Chinchecker Full Member

    May 30, 2008
    You must be completely delusional to think Wlad is TOP 3 ATG :patsch:patsch

    His chin and stamina are absolutely garbage for christ sake, he would have been a trinket belt holder possibly in the previous stronger eras of the Heavyweight division if he cherry picked his way there, but to say he's the 3rd best HW of all time is absolutely ABSURD :rofl:rofl