After Wladimir Klitschko fights 5 more times, where will this leave him in the ATG?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by SmokinJoe10, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Rico Spadafora

    Rico Spadafora Master of Chins Full Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    one spot ahead of Larry Holmes.
  2. Stallion

    Stallion Son of Rome Full Member

    May 6, 2013
    Too much hate here.

    If you're a ghetto hoodrat, Wlad is probably outside top 100. :cool:
  3. Mr Butt

    Mr Butt Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 16, 2009
    You're a funny , funny man
  4. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member Full Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Top 5 without question, if he wins all five bouts. Quite probably top 3. If, however, some of the guys that he beats down go on to have stellar careers, we may be looking at decades of arguments of Ali vs Wlad for #1. We will only really know ten years after he retires where he fits in.
  5. Rock0052

    Rock0052 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 30, 2006
    You think he does a number on heavyweights today? It'd be even worse if 75 - 90% of his opponents were the size of Cruiserweights like it was up through the 70's.

    It's probably for the best for you that that's not the case.
  6. markclow

    markclow Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 23, 2005
    I think it depends on what type of ATG list.

    Head to Head

    Personally I have him around 10-15 in heavyweights at the moment.

    He has done very well but has lacked serious competition.
  7. Archie_Moore

    Archie_Moore ALL TIME KO KING Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    In terms of LHW I have him #1, but I'd have no problem with people who have Tunney or Charles right there or number 1 ahead of Archie.
  8. Unforgiven

    Unforgiven VIP Member banned Full Member

    Nov 24, 2005
    If he wins 5 more title fights over the next 2-3 years, he's got to be ranked very high on longevity, consistency and title defences.

    No Hw fighter has reigned as the #1 fighter in the world longer than Wlad already has, apart from Joe Louis.

    I'd say Wlad's been quite a clear cut #1 since 2007 or 2008, that#s 7-8 years already.
    And he's averaged between 2 and 3 fights per year in that period.

    His ATG ranking ? It depends. If people weigh longevity and title defences highly then he'd end up top 5 or top 6 at least. Perhaps higher, in the top 3 or 4 even.

    But if it's "head to head ability" or "quality of opponents beaten" and other criteria weighing more heavily - for example, "excitement" :lol: - he might be relegated to outside the top 10.
  9. yesihavearm2

    yesihavearm2 ESB Chinchecker Full Member

    May 30, 2008
    Wlad the number 1 HW of all time?

    I thought I had seen everything :rofl:rofl:rofl

    Just proves how delusional his fans are.

    Man, I'm laughing pretty hard right now. :rofl:rofl:rofl
  10. mirkofilipovic

    mirkofilipovic ESB Management Full Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Dennis Lebedev could probably be the number one heavyweight of the 30's-50's.
  11. SmokinJoe10

    SmokinJoe10 Guest

  12. UnleashtheFURY

    UnleashtheFURY D'oh! Full Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Wlad could fight for 10 more years, not lose a single fight and the detractors would still not give him any credit. Let's be honest.... Wlad won't be rated in the top 10 for a long time, but eventually annalists and historians will wise up and rate him accordingly.... It won't happen over night though.
  13. UnleashtheFURY

    UnleashtheFURY D'oh! Full Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    Just proves how delusional you are.... By claiming that all Klitschko fans are like that.
  14. mirkofilipovic

    mirkofilipovic ESB Management Full Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    What is it with Americans and ATG rankings? They are absolutely atrocious and subjective to the core. How is one supposed to know how talented one is in comparison to some ancient dinosaurs 80 years ago :huh Boxing is becoming more global now, thus many boxing fanatics from around the world will rate him accordingly, but it might be against what Americans think...I do not think Americans and SOME western detractors from Britain will ever rate Wlad up there, NEVER, not happening.
  15. yesihavearm2

    yesihavearm2 ESB Chinchecker Full Member

    May 30, 2008
    There are MANY delusional Klitschko fans on this site, fact.