AJ vs Dubois face off

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by African Cobra, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. Mark Anthony

    Mark Anthony Mollywhopper Full Member

    May 17, 2023
    Then why didn`t he repeat that claim when asked in their face off? Warren kept saying it doesn`t matter what happened in sparring because Dubois age, why didn`t he answer AJ who pulled him up on his old claim that he dropped AJ?
    MaccaveliMacc likes this.
  2. miniq

    miniq SOON TO BE UN-RETIRED...TBC Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Because Daniel didn't want to embarress AJ anymore. They had an arm wrestle with the cameras off also with Daniel won both left and right hand.
  3. ForemanJab

    ForemanJab Canadian Fentanyl Dealer Full Member

    May 8, 2014
    I wouldn’t take anything Dubois says seriously. The guy obviously has some significant mental impairments.
  4. elrond_buggard

    elrond_buggard Member Full Member

    Jul 3, 2021
    He's the biggest simpleton in boxing, which is saying something. Much of that interview was so awkward because Dubois seems incapable of saying anything beyond basic sentences and smiling dumbly as Eddie Hearn kept backhand-complimenting him. It's possible AJ created some false drama at the end there because otherwise there'd have been absolutely nothing to talk about from that face off. Probably got frustrated because facing off against Dubois is such a waste of everyone's time.
  5. Lecowas

    Lecowas ... Full Member

    Jan 17, 2024
    Common man, we don't need their intellectual capabilities as they are fighters and not some goddamn rocket scientists. As far as I am concerned, I only give a f about what happens in the ring. War AJ
  6. Serge

    Serge Usyk is The GOAT. Don't Fight It, Feeeel It Staff Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    As I've been saying for years, they should reserve these face offs for fighters who have big personalities and charisma or at least if one of them does. No one is ever going to say that about either of those two. Dubois might be shy, dull and not the brightest spark but he's a nice lad. AJ has no charisma at all and his roadman act just comes across as fake as his Mr super nice guy one only even more cringe.

    There's a reason why they had E-Hearn and Big Frank there as opposed to AJ and Dubois by themselves as there was for them having to try and spice it up with the fake confrontation at the end. I'm sure it was done more for Dubois' benefit than AJ's but the later still needs a Whyte or a Miller to make a face off with him interesting.
    bigboxinghippo420 likes this.
  7. Shazzar23

    Shazzar23 Demetrius Bivol Full Member

    Jan 21, 2024
    for real. He seems dumber than a bag of rocks.
  8. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Huge amounts of cope right here, lol.
  9. chico g

    chico g Let's watch some Sesame Street...lmao Full Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    Eddie's mind games, didn't work. When Hearn gets into the arena fight night, it won't just be Warren and his heavies, it will be Daniel's dad too.
  10. DoctorJones

    DoctorJones Member Full Member

    Mar 9, 2024
    Daniel's dad may even KO AJ if he wanted
    Kiwi Casual and chico g like this.
  11. humbug

    humbug In Vino Veritas Full Member

    May 1, 2006
    I don't think he's a simpleton, I don't think he puts any value on interviews or media attention. That'll have to change if he beats Joshua because he'll be in the spotlight and he'll need some media training.
  12. Mark Anthony

    Mark Anthony Mollywhopper Full Member

    May 17, 2023
    He`s just not cut out for that kind of stuff, he didn`t like the fact that their talking was upstaging the fight, it`s very unusual to have managers present during a face off, it was humiliating, Warren clearly didn`t trust Dubois to do a face off one on one with AJ, he`s a very poor talker.
  13. humbug

    humbug In Vino Veritas Full Member

    May 1, 2006
    Mark Anthony, Cleopatra’s shagger.

    Dubois needs media training without question.
  14. Babality

    Babality KTFO!!!!!!! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    Joe Joyce and Dubois are pretty similar in IQ.
  15. delboy82

    delboy82 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 18, 2014
    He can get all that training whilst waiting to be checked out of hospital after the AJ fight. Dubois will get annihilated imo.