Im back to boxing tomorrow after 5 months or long injury. I got the clear from my physiotherapist that I can go back cant wait. I will take it easy and focus on conditioning then back to sparring
I had really bad tendonitis and tennis elbow on one and golfer elbow I think. I went through physio and basically stretched and rested it is 90% better I have the go ahead from physio but im still going through physio it is not finished yet
I went boxing today it went good. I did 4-5 rounds skipping and lots of shaddow boxing. My technique is poor to say the least but im trying to improve my form before I attempt power shots it would be silly get the basics and also improve endurance My forearms tendons felt good no pain just slight shoulder pain not used shoulders in long time maybe thats why
I went training today my god I did bodywork sparring today. I got winded by a punch rather embarrassing lol. I give credit to the boxer. My arm is killing me lol I am in so much pain my chest hurts from the punches and my left arm I can barely lift it it is so painful lol. I need to up cardio it is much better than before although my technique and conditioning needs lots of work
good session today trained at the gym did chest + triceps and then boxing at 6 for 2 hours tired tomorrow cardio session
went to the gym trained back and traps. Going to boxing today 6 pm 2 hours might do sparring today see how it goes
ramadan is 17 or 18 I will not be boxing but I will still be hitting the gym and doing some cardio to maintain fitness levels diet will be kept clean also Monday - Legs + 30 minute LISS cardio Tuesday - Chest + triceps+side deltoids + 30 minute LISS cardio Wednesday - Back + traps + biceps Thursday - Rest Friday - Skipping and shaddow boxing 10 rounds 3 minutes 1 minute rest shaddow boxing 5 rounds 3 minutes Saturday - Rear Deltoids + traps+ side deltoids + triceps+ biceps + 30 minute LISS cardio Sunday - Rest Cardio is just to maintain fitness