Beginner needs boxing workout advice

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by iStraughan, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. iStraughan

    iStraughan New Member Full Member

    Sep 12, 2017
    Started boxing 2 months ago, and I get some pretty decent workouts when i go, but I feel like im just bouncing around doing random stuff.

    Lately, this has been my workout:
    15mins jump rope
    3R Speed bag
    3R double end bag
    5R heavy bag
    then Ill usually end with pulling this semi tire up and down a hill 2-3 times or do the agility ladder for 10-20 minutes.

    My cardio is pretty crappy and want to compete as soon as possible. I'm 22 and I'd say I'm pretty athletic and catch onto things quickly. Any advice is very appreciated.

    Thank you :)
  2. Toney F*** U

    Toney F*** U Boxing junkie Full Member

    Oct 16, 2019
    Boxing is very repetitive and tiring, so my advise is to just stay committed even if you get bored of it because over time you will see your skills improve.
  3. Texascyclone

    Texascyclone always hustlin' Full Member

    Oct 15, 2013
    Scrap the tire and speed ladder for now. Move your jump rope to the end of your workout instead. Do some dynamic stretches/ shadowboxing at the beginning for 3 rounds. Do 3 x 20 crunches and 3 x 20 push ups after you jump rope. Jog 2 miles M,W, F. Do 10 x 50 yard sprints on T, TH, Sat. Start with this and see if it helps.