Benn fails drug test

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by themaster999, Oct 5, 2022.

What excuse will be used for the failed test??

Poll closed Oct 13, 2022.
  1. Kid Galahads brother spiked his protein shake

    5 vote(s)
  2. Conor benn 'accidentally' took his sisters fertility pill, he thought it was a paracetamol

    31 vote(s)
  3. No case to answer. Completely reasonable to be seeing a testosterone specialist 4 hours away

    22 vote(s)
  1. A.Casual

    A.Casual Member Full Member

    Oct 31, 2020
    It wouldn't have been 6 months though would it? That's just Hearn spin that's put 6 months in people minds. 2 years if he could prove he took it unintentionally, 4 years if not. That's why he's going through all this charade, to avoid that length of ban.
    Holler likes this.
  2. red boy

    red boy Active Member Full Member

    May 16, 2011
    I wouldn't be surprised if he retires.

    I just don't see how he gets licensed by any reputable body. All of them will want a proper antidoping investigation and benns case doesn't stand up.
    A.Casual and Punchdrunk1 like this.
  3. ElPantera

    ElPantera Member Full Member

    Mar 27, 2021
    I can see Benn and Hearn coming to a fork in the road very soon if they're not already there.

    They've got two completely ideas about what the best way to deal with this is, Hearn wants a head down, plough on regardless, pay no more attention to it type of approach.

    Benn wants to sue the board, shame VADA, do interviews, trend on Twiitter and argue with anyone and everyone about his innocence.

    That interview with Piers Morgan was 0 steps forward and 20 back for Hearn's plan. He can't be happy.
  4. lefthook82

    lefthook82 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 1, 2009
    This is my feeling as well. I think he would have already cut him loose if he had a good stable of potential PPV stars. Its only AJ
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
    ElPantera likes this.
  5. teddybaldock

    teddybaldock Active Member Full Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    A brown envelope will ensure he gets licensed somewhere
    Astro and BXNG101 like this.
  6. Astro

    Astro Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 29, 2021
    The brown envelope is a very useful tool in the business world :)
  7. DoubleJab666

    DoubleJab666 Dot, dot, dot... Full Member

    Nov 9, 2015
    This content is protected
    Wizbit1013 and SeanB1 like this.
  8. uppakut

    uppakut Active Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    I'd love nothing more than for Conor Hen to carry on fighting and to get his jaw cracked by the very next fighter he faces.
    LeavemealoneKoooogs and BXNG101 like this.
  9. lefthook82

    lefthook82 Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 1, 2009
    I know Benn. He not that kind of guy. He wouldn't do that - Bellew.

    He hasn't said this yet but only a matter of time
    Punchdrunk1 likes this.
  10. carlingeight

    carlingeight Active Member Full Member

    May 15, 2016
    Yep, Hearn had the blueprint with Whyte. Get the 'innocence' statement out there (with no proof), then batten down the hatches, the fighter goes silent and waits for it all to blow over.

    Difference being Whyte must have had some self-awareness, Benn has none and clearly think he's above the whole process. Probably reflects the difference in upbringing, they couldn't be too far apart in that respect.
  11. Punchdrunk1

    Punchdrunk1 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Mar 2, 2019
    I was expecting this to brushed under the carpet and quickly forgotten about by most.

    But the whole situation couldn't have played out any worse. It has been a complete PR disaster from the start.

    I just can't believe Eddie hasn't gone into damage limitation by know and washed his hands of Benn.

    Benn comes across as the guy who gets caught doing something and brings the whole house down with him. Such an unlikeable character.

    Eddie is many things but he's not completely stupid and must have read the room by now. No one likes Benn, he is no world beater, and no one wants to see a drugs cheat beat up a 44 year old legend and get a massive payday for it
  12. A.Casual

    A.Casual Member Full Member

    Oct 31, 2020
    I suppose he could get licenced by a body that doesn't give a ****, it would then be up to whether "financially viable" countries would sanction him in a bout on their soil. I hope enough barriers keep getting put in his way and he does retire as you suggest, it's definitely possible.

    I know doping is endemic in boxing, but there has to be a limit on it, as in "how much can I risk without getting caught and banned". Benn has stepped over that limit, but if he successfully swerves the charge and his boxing income remains unaffected, then it's a free-for-all .... certainly for those who can afford to follow his example and possibly trickle down the levels of boxing if cases stop getting prosecuted.

    After writing that I think I understand Benn's attitude a bit more, he's see others who have got away with doping and he thinks it's unfair he got caught and should be punished. It's the selfish understanding of a child throwing his toys out of the pram, without understanding any the wider context. Or just a narcissistic sociopath.
    Punchdrunk1 likes this.
  13. GDM74

    GDM74 Member Full Member

    Apr 19, 2021
    He really has made this much worse than it was supposed to be....
    He's provided no evidence that Clomid wasn't in his system and the test was contaminated. All he's tried to do is muddy the waters around that. In 2023 everyone sees through that, largely due to social media.
    Therefore he's taken something, either on purpose (likely!) or inadvertently.
    So he defence really should have been:

    I've taken egg white supplements, these appear to contact trace amount of Clomid.
    I trusted my dietician, etc. They have been sacked!
    I will take whatever punishment comes my way as while I don't believe this is my fault, ultimately I am reponsible for what goes in my body.
    Im sorry to my fans.
    I will learn from this and be back!

    He'll then be able to negotiated a 1 year ban (stay silent throughout that ban) and then all will be forgotten.

    Punchdrunk1 and BXNG101 like this.
  14. teddybaldock

    teddybaldock Active Member Full Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    The stumbling block on the Pac fight for me is that it’s on dazn. Which means he’d have to rely on other sports networks to give it publicity for it to sell.. It they all ignore it it will flop
  15. sniffmybadger

    sniffmybadger Relationships are not my forte Full Member

    Jan 20, 2010
    Does an inactive Benn with all the pressure on him have enough to take out Pacquiao? Presumably he'd be clean after everything that has gone on, but the again, he's ripped up his British licence, so God knows what he's been up to in the gym recently. Or does Pacquiao, the wily old fox still have a few tricks up his sleave to give conor a beating. Out of principle I'd never watch such a spectacle, but I really hope Pacman has something left. Even if he's half the fighter he was, he'd take him to town. I think he's just a bit to old now.