so I can't lift a car for strength if I want because cars are only for driving. and this is for this, and this is for that. don't be so naive.
I was doing pullips at my park when a little kid came up and said those ****** bars are for playing, and you are clearly working out do you have to stop. so I started to run in the volley ball sand. then some one yelled hey! that's volleyball sand you can't run like that. eventually I was escorted out of the park by the right way people.
yethat's we what your saying that if weights were available it would be a better choice, I was just giving an alternative if weights were unavailable. now more shoulders!
Bench Press, Push ups......simple. What's the point in doing a military press, or any over head lifts..? I tell you what guys, keep on doing these exercisers and in afew years time. You're shoulders will be ****ed.
thats true but ever exersize has there risks. My elbows would really kill from doing bench presses unless i iced them. Deadlifts etc.
For those who prefer a more simplified approach to deltoid training, a combination of overhead press, horizontal press, and narrow grip row can provide good deltoid development for the majority of people. Advanced lifters may choose to add the lateral raise for a slightly increased focus on the middle deltoid, but for most individuals, these exercises should suffice.
If you just want purely stronger shoulders do seated shoulder presses from a rack it takes the lower back and stability out of it.