Hey guys just found this forum and thought id sign up! Ive been planning on getting into boxing so i might aswell make a training log. So im from Australia, 17 years old, 6'4 and 100kg = 220ish lbs I went to a boxing gym a few times last year but injured my ankle real bad at school and havent been back since but its school holidays now and i figured id start up again. Im planning on going 2-3 times per week and working out at home aswell (i have a heavy bag, speed ball, floor to ceiling and some weights) Well thats about it for now any comments on my progress/where i can improve would be appreciated peace
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Sat/Sun 4th/5th July 2009 Sit-ups 100ish Push-ups 25ish 10kg Dumbbell exercises – bicep curls, shrugs, shoulder press, single arm clean and press, Monday 6th July 45mins skipping 100 sit-ups morning Push-ups Squats no weight – 50 Sawhorse squats, curls, push-ups, dips, clean and press Tuesday 7th July total 45mins 5min skipping warm-up 25mins skipping – 250skips (~2min) then 1 min rest = total 1500 skips 5min floor to ceiling ball 500 consecutive speedball punches – no mishits Heavy bag – 1min muck around 50 bicycles 50 crunches 50 leg raises
Wednesday 8th July 1-1.5hrs 40mins skipping 25 box jumps 50 step-ups 25 squats bodyweight 15 squats holding pine tree log Single 10kg Dumbell exercises 3 sets of 10 reps of each of the following on each arm Clean and press Concentration curls Overhead shoulder press Lying down dumbbell chest press Exercise ball dumbbell chest press Abs 20 sit-ups 20 in and outs 20 leg raises 20 reverse crunches 40 bicycles 20 pushups
Thursday 9th July 1.5hrs 5x rounds skipping 3min work:1min rest 2x20 box jumps onto logs 2x20 front squats with log 2x20 tricep sawhorse dips 2x20 incline pushups on saw horse 2x20 saw horse shrugs 2x shadow boxing 2x heavy bag 2x speedball 2x floor to ceiling ball 15 sit-ups 15 crunches 15 in and outs 15 leg raises 15 bicycle
Friday 10th July 1hr 100 jumping jacks 45mins skipping 2mins small forwards shoulder circles 100 lat raises no weight 100 situps
Monday 13th July 45mins basketball at lunchtime walk home ~2km (35mins) 1hr workout 50 jumping jacks 5min skipping warmup A few mins on slip/maize bag 5 sets 50 skips / 15 situps 5 sets 100 skips / 10 pushups 30mins skipping HIIT didnt do too much strength work cos i was tired (first day back at school gotta get into a routine now) and also i have fitness testing tomorow
Tuesday 14th July Had fitness testing in PE today, did very well compared to what i use to get and have noticed my training has helped alot. Heres my results Pushup test (hands on chair, as many as possible in 60 seconds) - 32 (second highest in class) Situps - there was a tape saying up-hold-down that went for around 3 mins which was 60 reps...this was a breeze i wasnt even feeling it Sit and reach (legs straight on ground reaching forward) - 24cm past my toes (smashed this, was top in class) Standing jump - 2.1m (pretty good..ive never been a big jumper, top in class was around 2.4m i think) 50m sprint - 8.83 seconds (did very ****..screwed up the start cos someone distracted me but im also not a good runner..gotta work on this) i then walked home 2.5km and now im gonna go workout, ill post it up after just did 30mins skipping - hardest thing ever..had absolutely no energy and felt like ****
Wednesday 15th July Fitness testing at school again Vertical jump - 30cm Shoulder elevation - 35cm Illinois agility - 19sec Grip strength - 51 did ok..was feeling sore tho i then played bball for 2 hours and walked home 2.5km gonna rest now and tomorow as my legs r killing and go to boxing gym on friday
Monday 20th July 1hr basketball 2.5km walk home 50 jumping jacks 5x 3min rounds skipping with 20 pushups in between each, no rest 5 sets of 10 tricep dips 5mins speed ball 10mins heavy bag/floor to ceiling 10 eccentric chinups – only just made my chinup bar and I cant even do 1 50 situps 50 in and outs 50 bicycles
Tuesday 21st July 3min rounds/1min rest 4x shadowboxing, 2 with resistance band 4x slip bag 5x skipping 50 pushups 50 tricep dips 50 situps Single 10kg dumbbell exercises 3x12 dumbbell bicep curls 3x10 overhead press 3x10 shrugs 3x10 lying down chest press